DOJ Swamp Creature Quits Rather Than Follow Barr's Order To Pursue “Substantial Allegations” of Election Fraud Before Election is Certified


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Richard Pilger is a Deep State swamp creature who worked closely with Lois Lerner at the IRS in the Obama days to target the American Citizens who legally opposed President Obama's re-election.

After being presented with evidence of Election Fraud - consisting of videos, sworn affidavits / testimony from Poll Workers, etc..., US AG Barr authorized Federal Prosecutors to pursue “Substantial Allegations” of 'Voting Irregularities' (Election / Voter Fraud) before the 2020 election is Certified.

Faced with having to investigate and prosecute those involved in proven election fraud, Dirty Dick Pilger, who helped target and victimize American s who legally opposed Obama's re-election, chose to QUIT instead.

Pilger is considered by many as 'A GATEKEEPER / PROTECTOR OF ELECTION FRAUD'. When subpoenaed to Capitol Hill by House Oversight Darrell Issa, in 2014, Dirty Dick refused to answer over three dozen questions under oath on the advice of DOJ attorneys. Despite refusing to answer questions under oath and instead continuing to earn his reputation as the 'Gatekeeper', Pilger was STILL in charge of his Department at the DOJ....until he QUIT when asked to find and prosecute those engaged in Election Fraud to steal the 2020 election from President Trump.

"PAY ATTENTION: Richard Pilger quitting his job as head of voter fraud at the DOJ and actually a sign that something is there."

Pilger would not have QUIT his position at the DOJ for being asked to investigate, find, and prosecute those involved in significant Election Fraud IF HE DID NOT KNOW / DID NOT FULLY EXPECT TO FIND ANY!

Pilger quitting his job for being asked to protect the integrity of the democratic process of voting, the process of the American people Constitutionally, legally, and democratically choosing this nation's leaders rather than having them forced upon us is both a sign that Dirty Dick is a Deep State Swamp Creature who wants no part in exposing that massive voter fraud was perpetrated to steal this election for Biden and any part in prosecuting those involved!

Thank you, US AG Barr for identifying and driving yet another criminal Deep State Swamp Creature from the federal Govt!

There are no substantial allegations. Barr is just a bagman for trump and the sooner this nonsense is put to bed the better.

These anti americans need to be flushed out of public life so that the nation can renew itself.
After being presented with evidence of Election Fraud - consisting of videos, sworn affidavits / testimony from Poll Workers, etc..., US AG Barr authorized Federal Prosecutors to pursue “Substantial Allegations” of 'Voting Irregularities' (Election / Voter Fraud) before the 2020 election is Certified.

And yet, despite all this supposed evidence, lawsuits keep getting thrown out over and over again. The only substantial part of these is how many empty allegations there are. But hell, maybe one will stick man, you keep that Hope of a Change burning in your heart.
You guys sure like to convict without a trial.

Thank you for proving you are an ignorant M*er f*er who has no idea what "Pursue “Substantial Allegations” of Election Fraud" means, snowflake.

'PURSUING ALLEGATIONS' is NOT the same thing as 'immediate conviction without a trial', dumbass.
You have already convicted the guy who quit on there being actual fraud.
There are no substantial allegations.


Yes, video evidence of election fraud, eye-witness testimony / sworn statements from election workers who were ordered to commit election fraud and / or personally witnessed it is not considered - by snowflakes - to be 'substantial allegation'.

I LOVE when Democrat Traitor ass-kissing/defending snowflakes make such MORONIC statements! It makes them look like what they are: lying - or extremely deranged TDS-suffering - idiots.
There are no substantial allegations. Barr is just a bagman for trump and the sooner this nonsense is put to bed the better.

These anti americans need to be flushed out of public life so that the nation can renew itself.
Says the douchewater drinker and Joe Biden's Colostomy bag carrier who has an avatar of a douche with a Hitler mustache.
There are no substantial allegations.
Richard Pilger is a Deep State swamp creature who worked closely with Lois Lerner at the IRS in the Obama days to target the American Citizens who legally opposed President Obama's re-election.

After being presented with evidence of Election Fraud - consisting of videos, sworn affidavits / testimony from Poll Workers, etc..., US AG Barr authorized Federal Prosecutors to pursue “Substantial Allegations” of 'Voting Irregularities' (Election / Voter Fraud) before the 2020 election is Certified.

Faced with having to investigate and prosecute those involved in proven election fraud, Dirty Dick Pilger, who helped target and victimize American s who legally opposed Obama's re-election, chose to QUIT instead.

Pilger is considered by many as 'A GATEKEEPER / PROTECTOR OF ELECTION FRAUD'. When subpoenaed to Capitol Hill by House Oversight Darrell Issa, in 2014, Dirty Dick refused to answer over three dozen questions under oath on the advice of DOJ attorneys. Despite refusing to answer questions under oath and instead continuing to earn his reputation as the 'Gatekeeper', Pilger was STILL in charge of his Department at the DOJ....until he QUIT when asked to find and prosecute those engaged in Election Fraud to steal the 2020 election from President Trump.

"PAY ATTENTION: Richard Pilger quitting his job as head of voter fraud at the DOJ and actually a sign that something is there."

Pilger would not have QUIT his position at the DOJ for being asked to investigate, find, and prosecute those involved in significant Election Fraud IF HE DID NOT KNOW / DID NOT FULLY EXPECT TO FIND ANY!

Pilger quitting his job for being asked to protect the integrity of the democratic process of voting, the process of the American people Constitutionally, legally, and democratically choosing this nation's leaders rather than having them forced upon us is both a sign that Dirty Dick is a Deep State Swamp Creature who wants no part in exposing that massive voter fraud was perpetrated to steal this election for Biden and any part in prosecuting those involved!

Thank you, US AG Barr for identifying and driving yet another criminal Deep State Swamp Creature from the federal Govt!


Pilger is a man of integrity. Sometghing Trump and his supporters don't understand. There is no deep state and has never been, What we are seeing is Barr's attempt to turn this into a two bit dictatorship. Americans will not stand for this. This is not about protecting the integrity of the election. This is about harassing innocent people who work hard at their job counting votes. Trump is the one who is trying to force his choice on us. Trump is a wanna be dictator who has lost the chance to do it legally and now is trying to do it the crooked way.

There was no massive voter fraud.
There are no substantial allegations. Barr is just a bagman for trump and the sooner this nonsense is put to bed the better.

These anti americans need to be flushed out of public life so that the nation can renew itself.

And who are you a bag man for?

. :1peleas:
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There are no substantial allegations. Barr is just a bagman for trump and the sooner this nonsense is put to bed the better.

These anti americans need to be flushed out of public life so that the nation can renew itself.

And who are you a bag man for?

Your site join date was Jan 20th, 2016. Coincidence, I'm sure. :1peleas:
why. what happened then?

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