'DOJ Just Struck a Deal to Turn Over Documents'

I know I don't like that America-hating and silly Obama-ish stuff. You know, like more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years. Yes, that got my attention, he's a turd. That was right after he traded 5 terrorist leaders for a traitor. Tell me in what way the US won from that, and why Obama shouldn't hang from a gallows.

I don’t like Russians pretending to be Americans and posting treasonous bullshit like suggesting a black president should be lynched.

Americans aren’t in the habit of murdering political opponents, unlike Putin and his buddies.

Are you even fucking serious? Do you you even comprehend what I posted?

Bitch! I am a motherfucking Spanish farmer Cracker. My family has been in the US since more than 100 years before there was a US. GO FUCK YOURSELF, SHILL. Russians don't know shit 'bout dis heanh.

Furthermore, why do you think it's "ok" for a guy to trade 5 terrorist leaders (enemies of the state) in exchange for a traitor,and think that's all good and proper, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm not in any way suggesting Obama should hang because he's half-African Muslim or whatever. I'm saying it should happen because he's a traitor.
Try and remain calm that is ridiculous. You people are scary.
Sorry. Your brand of 'wisdom' doesn't work with rational human beings.
My brand of wisdom is imparting facts that snowflakes will never accept, like the fact that Hillary simply lost the 2016 election...because she was the worst candidate in US history. She was / is literally a FELON who - according to the FBI - violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times. not only did Hillary not win her party's nomination, she should have been forced out of the election at the least and should have been sent to prison at the most.

Had any GOP candidate been in the same situation as Hillary Liberals, Liberal Media, etc would have demanded and gotten them forced out of the race. In Hillary's case, the US witnessed the greatest criminal cover-up / protection of a criminal in US history.
You support Trump who sold out your entire country to the Russians.
I am still trying to figure out if you are simply a brainwashed liberal extremist LIAR or do you actually believe the fecal matter you have been fed....

There is absolutely ZERO evidence to support your claim.

Going on 2 years now, multiple investigations, and a stacked Lynch Mob Liberals still can not even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation let alone an investigation of Trump.

Mueller himself recently admitted it, declaring Trump was not a target and that he is about ready to WRITE HIS REPORT....not indict Trump, etc....

Going on 2 years and all the Liberals have are a couple Scooter Libby indictments to try to justify their Witch Hunt.

The only existing evidence of crimes committed is evidence proving crimes committed by Hillary, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...and even Obama himself.

In the end I don't care if you are bat-sh!t crazy or just a snowflake who is stuck in 2016 and determined to keep posting lies because you can't accept the outcome of the election. What you post, like your quote above, is completely devoid of reality and not worth wasting time on.
You support Trump who sold out your entire country to the Russians.

1 POS took millions from Putin's beloved KGB Bank. It was Hillary, not Trump.

1 POS's husband met directly with Putin. It was Bill Clinton who met with him, not trump.

1 POS paid a foreign spy who worked with Russians for a debunked document she illegally used in a US election. That would be Hillary, not Trump.

1 POS could not outright win their party's nomination, had to rig primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud to steal the nomination. That was Hillary, not Trump.

1 POS illegally had classified information so secret on their server that, according to Obama, was so classified that it could not be released in any format without causing grave damage to the US / our national security...that was Hillary, not Trump.

Thank you, though, for proving my point that the garbage you spew is completely BS and not worth spending time on....
You seem to act on pure emotion, just like most partisan snowflakes. You, like a three-year-old, don't really add anything to the conversation. You're a bore, just like your Orange Virus. But you're supposed to entertain me. Bad monkey. DO YOUR JOB! :1peleas:

TT, thank you for that EMOTIONAL MELTDOWN. Talk about entertaining... :p

I have posted facts, evidence, and links...as opposed to clowns like you who become triggered and rant like you just did. Snowflakes are notorious for calling people who THEY actually are and accuse others of doing what THEY actually do / have done.

For example, snowflakes accused others of sexual misconduct only to have it exposed that Liberals in Congress engaged in sexual misconduct so often for decades that they formed a committee whose whole job was to use tax dollars to pay for their victims' silence.... Bwuhahaha.......
When are you going to accept that Hillary isn’t going to be locked up?
Well before you ever accept the results of the 2016 election. :p

Already done, dearie. The fact that these criminals will never face the prison time they deserve does not change the fact that they are guilty / criminals.

Reality is Hillary broke numerous laws...period. Because she is protected from indictment does not change that fact. When are YOU going to accept that?

You haven’t accepted anything. You’re still pushing the lie that Clinton is s criminal, despite a total lack of evidence. You’re still pushing for her indictment. As long as you continue to lie about the Clintons, I’ll be telling the truth about Putin’s puppet.

I accepted the results of the election on November 8, 2016. I’m not real happy that Mike Pence will be President if/when Trump resigns or is impeached but he’s seems honest, which would be a vast improvement.

But you’re still pushing for Hillary’s arrest. Reciting your lies about crimes which never happened and citing evidence that doesn’t exist.

As long as you do, I’ll continue to call you a lying Russian. The only people on this board who believe orvsupport you any more are other lying Russians.

Hillary is done, she’s not coming back and she’s not going to jail. All you’re doing is trying to deflect attention away from Trump’s deepening legal troubles.

Truth and democracy aren’t that easy to destroy. There are far too many people who care about both.
5th post
They’re all Republicans - Rosenstein, Sessions, Gowdy.

You keep talking about them like they’re Democrats. Nope.

Who's corrupt and who's not? That's the $20,000 dollar question. Party lines be damned.

If corruption were a sport, the Republican party would be a world series/super bowl dynasty.

And what about all the other politicians that do exactly the same thing? You just turn a blind eye for partisan reasons?

Boy! I say boy! You ain't quite got got a full bag o'marbles, do ya?

(Really I get it, you're just some midterm shill, doing your job.) Well, I'm not gonna make it very easy for ya. No sir. Left or right, I want the corruption gone, and hangings brought back.

Whatabout... whatabout... whatabout! Look, I'm not saying both parties don't have their share of corruption. However, the stench of corruption from the Republican party over the past 40 or so years out stinks the Dems by a country mile. It's not partisan, it's fact.

Do you have any proof to back up that rhetoric?

Post some examples if so, please.

Let's call it like it is. You don't care about that, you're just here to shill for Democrats, amirite?

What month is this? Yeah, I'll get to that later.

No idea what you're blabbing about. Great, yet another partisan dip shit. Oh joy. Well, top of the evening to ya, dip shit.

Examples? Sure, you lazy fuck. I guess I'll be your huckleberry.

LBJ (Democrat) - 0 convictions (Tho I will even count Boykin as 1, even though he was pardoned.)

Nixon (Republican) - 55 convictions (perhaps only 50, I'd give it to you)

Ford (Republican) - 1 conviction (PSST! It was Nixon!)

Carter (Democrat) - 0 convictions

Reagan (Republican) 16 convictions

Bush Sr. (Republican) - 1 conviction

Clinton (Democrat) - 1 conviction

Bush Jr. (Republican) - 16 convictions (closer to 12)

I'm going to stop there, because that's a sample that's better than most. I have even more examples. But the tally, even giving you the benefit of the doubt? Republicans: 85 Democrats: 2

You're not too bright about this whole politics thing, are you?
You seem to act on pure emotion, just like most partisan snowflakes. You, like a three-year-old, don't really add anything to the conversation. You're a bore, just like your Orange Virus. But you're supposed to entertain me. Bad monkey. DO YOUR JOB! :1peleas:

TT, thank you for that EMOTIONAL MELTDOWN. Talk about entertaining... :p

I have posted facts, evidence, and links...as opposed to clowns like you who become triggered and rant like you just did. Snowflakes are notorious for calling people who THEY actually are and accuse others of doing what THEY actually do / have done.

For example, snowflakes accused others of sexual misconduct only to have it exposed that Liberals in Congress engaged in sexual misconduct so often for decades that they formed a committee whose whole job was to use tax dollars to pay for their victims' silence.... Bwuhahaha.......

Oh, I see now. You're a fucking idiot. Fair enough. Play through...
'STRUCK A DEAL'?! :wtf:

$CREW THAT! How about, "Hand over the documents you have refused to release, as per order of a F*ING SUBPOENA right NOW, and we will reduce the charges of 'Obstruction' and 'Illegal Non-Compliance With A Federal / Congressional Subpoena that are going to be filed against you?"

It truly AMAZES me how the Rule of Law is not enforced, how criminals are allowed to set the tone and pace of how things are done, and they are never held accountable.

Instead of holding a meeting to 'beg' for the files the DOJ was ORDERED to turn over already, I would have sent Federal Marshalls / the FBI to their homes / offices and perp-walked out in handcuffs for refusing to comply with the Subpoena. One in a jail cell / interrogation room, THEN ask them, "Ready to hand over the documents NOW?"

Everyone in Washington is so afraid of 'accountability' / holding each other accountable, as if D.C. is a magic place that exists in a different dimension, one where laws, rules, regs, etc.. don't apply to them.

The criminal Libs and the Secret Society Members are attempting to slow-walk everything and not hand over anything unless it is specifically asked for...and even then refuse to hand it over.

Katie Pavlich - DOJ Just Struck a Deal to Turn Over Documents

They are trying to stall until the elections in November. It couldn't be more obvious. That also makes it obvious they have plenty to hide.
Who's corrupt and who's not? That's the $20,000 dollar question. Party lines be damned.

If corruption were a sport, the Republican party would be a world series/super bowl dynasty.

And what about all the other politicians that do exactly the same thing? You just turn a blind eye for partisan reasons?

Boy! I say boy! You ain't quite got got a full bag o'marbles, do ya?

(Really I get it, you're just some midterm shill, doing your job.) Well, I'm not gonna make it very easy for ya. No sir. Left or right, I want the corruption gone, and hangings brought back.

Whatabout... whatabout... whatabout! Look, I'm not saying both parties don't have their share of corruption. However, the stench of corruption from the Republican party over the past 40 or so years out stinks the Dems by a country mile. It's not partisan, it's fact.

Do you have any proof to back up that rhetoric?

Post some examples if so, please.

Let's call it like it is. You don't care about that, you're just here to shill for Democrats, amirite?

What month is this? Yeah, I'll get to that later.

No idea what you're blabbing about. Great, yet another partisan dip shit. Oh joy. Well, top of the evening to ya, dip shit.

Examples? Sure, you lazy fuck. I guess I'll be your huckleberry.

LBJ (Democrat) - 0 convictions (Tho I will even count Boykin as 1, even though he was pardoned.)

Nixon (Republican) - 55 convictions (perhaps only 50, I'd give it to you)

Ford (Republican) - 1 conviction (PSST! It was Nixon!)

Carter (Democrat) - 0 convictions

Reagan (Republican) 16 convictions

Bush Sr. (Republican) - 1 conviction

Clinton (Democrat) - 1 conviction

Bush Jr. (Republican) - 16 convictions (closer to 12)

I'm going to stop there, because that's a sample that's better than most. I have even more examples. But the tally, even giving you the benefit of the doubt? Republicans: 85 Democrats: 2

You're not too bright about this whole politics thing, are you?

What total fucking bullshit:

Here is a list of all the convictions for the Clinton administration.


1) Roger Clinton: Bill Clinton brother; drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

2) Dan Lasater: governor Bill Clinton contributor and state contractor: drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

3) Dan Harmon: Arkansas Seventh Judicial District prosecuting attorney and Bill Clinton friend and political ally: five federal racketeering, extortion, and drug distribution convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Justice" June 13, 1997)

4) Bill McCuen: Bill Clinton political ally: former Arkansas Secretary of State; bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks convictions (Wall Street Journal: Whitewater: "The Prosecution Rests" May 7, 1996)


5) Webster Hubbell: Bill Clinton friend and political ally; Hillary Clinton Rose Law Firm partner: embezzlement; fraud; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Whither Whitewater?" October 18, 1995)

6) Jim Guy Tucker: fraud; three felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Second-Term Stall" February 11, 1997; Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

7) William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner; one conspiracy conviction (Associated Press "Whitewater Defendant Pleads Guilty" August 28, 1997)

8) Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: eighteen felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

9) Susan McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend; former wife of Jim McDougal: four felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

10) David Hale: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: two felony convictions of conspiracy and mail fraud (Wall Street Journal "The Arkansas Machine Strikes Back" March 19, 1996)

11) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

12) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide; one conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

13) Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent; fraudulent loans (Wall Steet Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

14) Robert Palmer: Madison appraiser; one conspiracy felony conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hale Predicts Hillary Conviction" October 21, 1996)

15) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president; embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign; two misdemeanor convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Bank Shot" May 4, 1995)

16) John Latham: Madison Bank CEO; bank fraud conviction (Wall Street Journal "Smoke Without Fire" January 12, 1996)

17) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker; misdemeanor guilty plea; tax fraud (Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

18) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of trying to bribe David Hale; is appealing a ten month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)

19) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of bribery, served fourteen months of a sixteen month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)


20) Tyson Foods: guilty plea; $6 million federal court fines and investigative costs (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

21) Sun-Diamond Growers: $1.5 million fine for illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

22) Richard Douglas: former Sun-Diamond Growers official; several bribery convictions and guilty pleas(Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Lobbyist Pleads guilty in Espy Case" March 17, 1998)

23) James H. Lake: Sun-Diamond Growers lobbyist; three convictions regarding illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

24) Ron Blackley: Espy's chief of staff: financial fraud conviction; twenty-seven month prison sentence (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Judge Sentences Espy Aide to Jail" March 18, 1998)

25) Smith Barney: improper payments to Espy; $1 million-plus fine (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

26) Crop Growers Corporation: $2 million fine for money laundering to Henry Espy's campaign (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

27) Brook Keith Mitchell Sr. (with his company Five M Farming Enterprises: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

28) Five M Farming Enterprises (with owner Brook Keith Mitchell: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

29) John J. Hemmingson, former head of Crop Growers Corporation: three counts relating to illegal campaign contributions to Henry Espy (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

30) Alvarez T. Ferrouillet, Jr., Louisiana lawyer and Henry Espy campaign finance head: ten count conviction (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

31) Municipal Healthcare Cooperative: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

32) Ferrouillet & Ferrouillet: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)


33) Michael Brown (Ron Brown's son): money laundering; misdemeanor conviction (Los Angeles Times, "Ron Brown's Son Pleads Guilty to Illegal Donation" August 29, 1997)

34) Eugene Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

35) Nora Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

36) Johnny Chung: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office with mainland Chinese associates; several illegal campaign contributions, money laundering, tax fraud, and bank fraud guilty pleas (Associated Press: "Democrat Fund-Raiser Pleads Guilty" March 17, 1998)

37) Roger Tamraz: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office; fugitive from Lebanon embezzlement convictions; target of French government financial investigation; BCCI connections (The Wall Street Journal: "Integrity of the Institutions" March 20, 1997, et. al.) CISNEROS:

38) Linda Jones: Henry Cisneros mistress; conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice federal felony guilty pleas; sentenced to three and one-half years in prison (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

39) Patsy Jo Wooten: Linda Jones sister; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

40) Allen Wooten: Linda Jones brother-in-law; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)
Apparently the "DOJ" is a criminal organization and needs to be treated as such.

PS: Bring back hangings for that crap.
10th post
But Dont forget, Cohen was proven to be in Prague, just like the dossier said.
Be careful what you wish for Ruskie.

STFU already - your schtick, this whole 'Russian Criminal Collusion' BS regarding Trump is old and debunked.

The only evidence regarding illegal collusion with foreign spies and Russians involves Hillary, a Brit Spy and the Russians he was working with.

The only one to have taken millions directly from Putin's beloved KGB BANK was HILLARY.

The ONLY ONE who met directly with Putin was Bill Clinton.

Comey was fired, his crimes exposed, he's being probed, and is lawyering up.

McCabe was fired, his crimes exposed, he's about to be indicted and convicted - the 1st of the 'Secret Society' traitors.

Lynch has been 'fingered' for Obstruction...BY COMEY. Bwuhahaha

Strzok has been re-assigned...to a holding cell in the basement of the FBI, his crimes exposed, waiting to be indicted himself.

The Conspiracy - the Secret Society, much like the fictional 'Fellowship of the Ring', is falling apart.

Despite all the facts and evidence snowflakes like yourself, like a bunch of old hippies who refuse to move on, refuse to accept the 2016 election results, refuse to accept Hillary was a scandal-plagued, treasonous felon who could not win her own party's nomination....but find it easier to swallow her loss by blaming someone else...as Hillary has done non-stop. Hillary was the WORST candidate in US history and ran the WORST campaign in US history.

Now she is a 2-Time criminal LOSER you continue to defend....

So spare us the continued worn-out use of the word 'Ruskie' in an attempt to hold on to a debunked, DNC-abandoned strategy of blaming non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians for Hillary's loss.

To take a page from Obama's past....

DL, 2018 is calling, and it wants you to finally accept the results of the 2016 election and come just the rest of us in the real world / present.


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