DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud

Oh, so he's going for an insanity defense?
Maybe. That would explain his behavior and why he refused the transfer of power and fled DC for Florida taking all those top secret documents with him.
Lolol. Smith said Trump knowingly lied. Bullshit. Trump thinks he won. He is not LYING.


Are we going to charge Hillary for trying to overturn 2016 with the Russia hoax?
Hillary also called Trump an illegitimate president and that the election was stolen from her as well. Why isn’t Smith arresting her for lying?
Lolol conspiracy theories as a defense? I told you all Trump is stupid.
You people are terribly uninformed. Trump doesnt need to prove the conspiracy. YOU guys need to prove that he lied. How the fuck are you going to do tgat? Furthermore, since when is lying illegal? Can you name a single politician who DIDNT lie to get elected?
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

that's awesome that his attorney announced two weeks ago that he supports an open trial where he can show evidence for the defense!
And 30% of Americans think he won as well. Is Smith going to arrest them all for “lying” as well?
Again, it doesn't matter what Trump (or the 30%) "thinks", or "believes". It matters in a court of law what can be PROVEN.
Trump isn't just being prosecuted for lying about losing the election. He's being prosecuted for actually trying to undermine the basic underpinnings of our republic and trying to straight up steal the election..after he lost fair and square.
You people are terribly uninformed. Trump doesnt need to prove the conspiracy. YOU guys need to prove that he lied. How the fuck are you going to do tgat? Furthermore, since when is lying illegal? Can you name a single politician who DIDNT lie to get elected?
It’s impossible to prove someone is lying, and Smith knows it. This is all about the perception that Trump is some horrible criminal and to keep him from running from re-election.

And most Americans realize that.
Hillary conceded the election. She didn't agitate the mob to suspend the Constitution and overturn the election.
Either did Trump. He did say to be peaceful.

But did Hillary tell HER supporters to be peaceful? The Dems did damage all through DC when Trump was inaugurated.

And nobody tries to suspend the Constitution - other than Biden, who is bought and paid for by America’s enemies.
that's awesome that his attorney announced two weeks ago that he supports an open trial where he can show evidence for the defense!
That’s great. Now that Elon owns Twitter, people will be able to hear the truth.
Hillary also called Trump an illegitimate president and that the election was stolen from her as well. Why isn’t Smith arresting her for lying?
Five months AFTER Trump was inaugurated. She conceded the election the next morning, went hiking and didn't file ONE request for an audit or recount (you can thank Jill Stein for that). Obama gives Trump an invitation to the White House THREE days after he's declared the winner. And gives him a nice, smooth transition. Trump did NONE of that for Biden.

It's high time you people let Hillary go. She isn't going to be your whipping post this time around. Trump has a record (soon to have a legal one as well. :)) and he'll have to run on it...alone.
Trump knew he'd lost when he set out to overturn the election.

Let the people see what a lying gasbag he is. Let them see his intentions.

Bullshit. How do you KNOW Trump KNEW he lost.

Biden is a corrupt piece of shit taking bribes from Ukraine, Romania, and China.

You are a piece of shit if you support him.
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

Et tu, aye? I'm not not putting much stock in that line of reasoning.

If I'm wrong, that's fantastic, but I'm way too cynical to go for something like that without very solid proof.
Did the 30% ACT on their belief, with criminal ACTIONS?
It ain't over til the fat lady sings. I don't consider killing traitors trying to subvert the United States and enslave its citizens criminal at all.

You think 1/6 was something? Pwahahahah!

They weren't even armed. When the government goes rogue, it's time to act.
Either did Trump. He did say to be peaceful.

But did Hillary tell HER supporters to be peaceful? The Dems did damage all through DC when Trump was inaugurated.

And nobody tries to suspend the Constitution - other than Biden, who is bought and paid for by America’s enemies.
Four hours after the riot had begun. For the previous time, he watching like a giddy schoolboy thinking that his little coup was going to succeed.
I recall several Senators during the verification process standing up on the floor after the carnage was cleared and asking for a two week hold on declaring the results for an "investigation" into non-existent voter fraud claims.

That's about as close to suspending the Constitution as you can get. The blocking of the peaceful transition of power.

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