Does this man look black to you?

This man passed away in 2019. Today (10/22/23) I learned of his death. (RIP Lt. Col Ricard)
The photo I post was him when he was a Lt, before I met him. When I worked for Felix Ricard, he was a Captain in the Army and the Commanding officer of the unit I was in. I was his company clerk so I was around him daily. Felix was an enlisted man in the Korean War and put in to go to OCS. So he knew both sides of an EM and Officer. Question for any of you.

Can you tell he is a Black man? He was Creole from Louisiana . I post this in his memory. He was great to me and I never forgot him. I worked for him from October 1962 until the fall of 1963.

Why does it matter about his race?
Some of the best officers I knew were mustangs.

My condolences.
I called him prior to him dying. Frankly he did not recall I was his company clerk. He told me when I was in Germany he served as a company clerk when he was enlisted in Korea. General Tommy Franks is also a Mustang. On him not recalling me, he did recall the first Sgt pretty well. I had planned to get my photo of the first sgt reprinted and sent to him. This I failed to get done. I would say I called him over 10 years prior to him passing away.
Yes, I can tell he's black. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.

I'm sure you could tell he was black by the way he talked.
To be candid, as he was my commanding officer, he and I did not get to the stage of him calling me his friend. Still as i said earlier to me, he was one very fine commanding officer.

I did not ask him about his time in Korea as a black company clerk. I did not ask him why he became an officer. We were not sharing an office. I was in the office with the First Sgt.
When I last talked to him probably 10+ years prior to him dying, his accent was not particularly identifiable to him being black. I think he has blue eyes as well.
Most creoles don't talk like most blacks. The closest thing they sound like is cajuns.

Creoles and Cajuns have a way of speaking all their own. It's influenced by French.

I can understand them pretty good. It's similar to like here, but different..

Idk..'round here..crackers and blacks pretty much speak the same language. It's the outsiders that don't.

And yeah, we know who each other are, and who ain't us real quick.
Ricard was the only black officer in the HQ & HQ company. He was the first Creole I encountered and to this day don't recall others who were creoles that I got to know.
This man passed away in 2019. Today (10/22/23) I learned of his death. (RIP Lt. Col Ricard)
The photo I post was him when he was a Lt, before I met him. When I worked for Felix Ricard, he was a Captain in the Army and the Commanding officer of the unit I was in. I was his company clerk so I was around him daily. Felix was an enlisted man in the Korean War and put in to go to OCS. So he knew both sides of an EM and Officer. Question for any of you.

Can you tell he is a Black man? He was Creole from Louisiana . I post this in his memory. He was great to me and I never forgot him. I worked for him from October 1962 until the fall of 1963.


Black is an ethnicity, black people can look like anything.
Maybe his parents were military. I can tell where somebody's from by listening to them about 90% of the time.
I never met his children nor his wife when I was serving him in the Army. But on the phone call we talked a bit about his time in the Army and also he talked about being a college teacher when he retired from the Army. On the phone call, He mentioned a son of his who he said served in the Air Force, I believe it was.
So to you even whites look like black people???

Obama is a black man. He has one black father and a white mother. He's ethnically black and ethnically white.


This is Paris, her father was a black man, Michael Jackson, so she's the same as Obama, she's ethnically black and ethnically white.
I don't read everything placed on this forum. You may of course do so and continue to whine about who doesn't want to read your crap.
miketx, you may be shocked to learn many posters think your posts are crap. What whining are you bringing up?
Obama is a black man. He has one black father and a white mother. He's ethnically black and ethnically white.

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This is Paris, her father was a black man, Michael Jackson, so she's the same as Obama, she's ethnically black and ethnically white.
So you want to persuade me you can't tell a white person from a black person due to Obama?
To those who have lived in Acadia, yes, he "looks" black.

What is your point? My service time taught me that color has nothing to do with the context of a man's character.

A friend of color told me that people like you, Robert W, are sick with the disease of mistaking color for character.
So you want to persuade me you can't tell a white person from a black person due to Obama?

I'm saying that "black" is about ethnicity, not about skin color.

I'm saying it's not as simple as you might be making out.

Does this guy look black? Maybe, but he also might look Arab, might also look American, European, Australian... might look a lot of thing.

Ethnicity sometimes has defining features, but clearly people are going to have different features within an ethnicity and some won't look what you might think they look like.
This man passed away in 2019. Today (10/22/23) I learned of his death. (RIP Lt. Col Ricard)
The photo I post was him when he was a Lt, before I met him. When I worked for Felix Ricard, he was a Captain in the Army and the Commanding officer of the unit I was in. I was his company clerk so I was around him daily. Felix was an enlisted man in the Korean War and put in to go to OCS. So he knew both sides of an EM and Officer. Question for any of you.

Can you tell he is a Black man? He was Creole from Louisiana . I post this in his memory. He was great to me and I never forgot him. I worked for him from October 1962 until the fall of 1963.

He looks like if Obama and Ho Chi Minh has a baby...

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