Does the left want a race war? (ginning up animosity is beginning to wear thin)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Obuma doing his best to collapse America..Anti-Semitism, race riots, anti- police, Little drug enforcement, Illegal invaders taking BILLIONS of our money.... yes folks, he's doing from the INSIDE what the Communists, and Socialists couldn't do from the outside!

Many of us who did not vote for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election found some solace in the notion that Obama’s presidency, if nothing else, would ease racial tensions. The poll numbers suggested the same. In the month of Obama’s inauguration, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks held a favorable view of race relations in America, something of a high water mark in recent history. Those paying close attention, however, saw reason to worry. There were forces on the left, the White House included, that were prepared to use Obama’s presidency to drive the races...
We already have the equivalent of a RELIGIOUS war going on.
Just because beliefs and agenda are SECULAR and aren't policed equally as "organized religions"
doesn't meant they aren't abused the same way. This has been an ongoing problem. And it needs to be outted.
ultimately there is no left or right they are all the same people working toward the same agenda people like Zbigniew Brzezinski are the ones pulling the puppet strings and at some point they may well want to cause a race war
ultimately there is no left or right they are all the same people working toward the same agenda people like Zbigniew Brzezinski are the ones pulling the puppet strings and at some point they may well want to cause a race war

More than race, I find the political class divisions are more engrained and exploited
to pit groups against each other to keep them both down.

When you see how divided the Black leaders are along political lines (where their common race or faith is NOT enough to heal that divide) or how Christians are divided by party accusing each other of "not being Christian" where they don't even recognize each other, that is more destructive and wastes more energy and resources fighting.

The division over Islam is also politicized. Look how out of hand that has gotten. That's POLITICAL factioning.
At the heart of the leftist is VIOLENCE. They want CONTROL....of EVERYTHING!!!

Basically, they want anyone that they can't control dead. We should never be off guard as they were in other countries.

"Does the left want a race war? (ginning up animosity is beginning to wear thin)"

What wore thin long ago is this and similar lies propagated by the right.

^ SEE more examples of how this is a battle to keep left and right divided by political beliefs ^

Thanks Vigilante and C_Clayton_Jones
Your two posts show this very clearly where the divide is going on.
VigilanteSpam is... one coooked demographic suppressing (nazi) mofo ! Sincerely, Spatula Cat
22 Statistics That Prove The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America - Business Insider
They are working at it real hard

that's why Obama is in total agreement with what's going down in Ferguson Missouri

When you put a person as President who went to a church that preached, Black Liberation. It' sure as hell wasn't teaching peace and love. This is what you get

Holder was a radical protester back in the 60's and everyone in this administration is for stirring up this race war on you. so get prepared

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