Does Michael Bloomberg Know He's Elderly?

Bloomberg is a vindictive little shit.

The old joke goes that a dude found a geni bottle and when he asked his first wish, to have a million dollars, his worst enemy called him and told him he just won a 2 million dollar lottery.
This distressed the man some, then h e wished for a beautiful wife and to have a strong smart son and a beautiful daughter. The geni advanced time and the man had his wish, along with aa beautiful house to call home with them, Then his enemy called him and said he just got married to a beautiful woman and adopted her four kids, pluys he had an even more beautiful mistress that clinged to him like ivey.

The little man who found the bottle screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK! Every time you give me my wish my hated enemy gets twice what I got! Why?"

The geni said, "Well that is the bargain, whatever you wish for, your enemy gets twice as much."

The little man hated to hear that. What good is all this wealth and beauty if you cant show it off in front of your enemies?

Then a revelation came to him, and he turned to his geni and said, "I know what I want now, without a doubt!"

"And what is that?", asked the geni.

The little man said proudly, "I want to be blind in ONE EYE!"

That is Mike Bloomberg.
We've had the equivalent of a lawn jockey with a well hung 'wife', but I just don't think we're ready for a runt yet. Mini me is the size of a 4th grader... and that's not going to cut it where I come from.
This guy's got you Trumpists worried, doesn't he?

His being the butt of constant jokes and memes hardly indicates worry on the part of Americans. Tomorrow's debate should be interesting, for a few minutes.

There's something of a cross-eye lizard about him. Have you noticed?
So was Trump before he got the nomination....

I can only hope the Democrat base is not as easily conned as Trumpers are....

But....nobody is more easy to con than Trumpers….maybe if this campaign doesn't work out for Bloomberg, he will switch back to being a Republican and run for 2024...and you will be the first to support him because that is what you folks do
If Bloomberg gets the nomination, I can absolutely promise that "Republican" will get your vote because that's what you people do
We just need to get rid of Trump before he finishes destroying our Nation and all that made us great over the centuries, and then we will deal with whomever we newly elect as president.... :p
We just need to get rid of Trump before he finishes destroying our Nation and all that made us great over the centuries, and then we will deal with whomever we newly elect as president.... :p
OMG, run for the hills!

We just need to get rid of Trump before he finishes destroying our Nation and all that made us great over the centuries, and then we will deal with whomever we newly elect as president.... :p
OMG, run for the hills!

he is bad Jim, he's very bad for this once great Nation, if we wish to stay a great nation and not a divided Nation.... you ain't gonna change my mind on that.... Trump could, if he wished to.... but he doesn't give a shit about me and more than half the country.... so, it is, what it is....
he is bad Jim, he's very bad for this once great Nation, if we wish to stay a great nation and not a divided Nation.... you ain't gonna change my mind on that.... Trump could, if he wished to.... but he doesn't give a shit about me and more than half the country.... so, it is, what it is....
You poor baby.

Trump did call you personally and write you a check?

Except for those trapped in Republican-free zones, the economy is working for everyone that's willing to get off their knees, take the tit out of their mouth, and work.

You're a miserable victim because of you and those you follow, not because of Trump.

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