Does Islam promote violence?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.
Because Islam ripped off Judaism and to a lesser extent Christianity, any pro-violence inherrent to Islam is in fact from the religions it's based upon. Makes it awkward then fro Jews and Christians to condemn Islam for supposedly being violent when it's only a ripoff of their faiths.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.


A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Revisionist bullshit
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence.
Muslims have been doing this shit since it started. Especially to themselves.
BTW, concerning Buddhists : "kings of righteousness".

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.


Gee...if terrorists all dress like the guy in the picture, dressed in black, carrying an automatic rifle and wearing a suicide belt..

How are they able to walk the streets without getting shot on sight?
Gee...if terrorists all dress like the guy in the picture, dressed in black, carrying an automatic rifle and wearing a suicide belt..

How are they able to walk the streets without getting shot on sight?

Dude seriously try to understand its a political cartoon using exaggeration to make a point...stop alcohol binging...
PEW research did a poll. 40% of ME sunnis think Shiites are an abomination. We all know what that means...
That's ALOT of people. That's ALOT of people think people should die for ancient political beliefs about a successor to the pervert.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Revisionist bullshit
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence.
Muslims have been doing this shit since it started. Especially to themselves.
BTW, concerning Buddhists : "kings of righteousness".

So has Christianity. So what?

Violence is a HUMAN trait. Just because there has been violence among people who are Muslims since their first day, doesn't mean Islam is inherently violent.

Christians invaded Iraq and fucked up the post war period. Did Christians go and condemn this en masse?
Gee...if terrorists all dress like the guy in the picture, dressed in black, carrying an automatic rifle and wearing a suicide belt..

How are they able to walk the streets without getting shot on sight?

Dude seriously try to understand its a political cartoon using exaggeration to make a point...stop alcohol binging...

and useless in determining how to identify a terrorist.

Useless for anything, but a laugh.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

Violent people practice Christianity, ergo . . .

Quit being moronic.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

Did Christians prevent the invasion of Iraq?

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Revisionist bullshit
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence.
Muslims have been doing this shit since it started. Especially to themselves.
BTW, concerning Buddhists : "kings of righteousness".

So has Christianity. So what?

Violence is a HUMAN trait. Just because there has been violence among people who are Muslims since their first day, doesn't mean Islam is inherently violent.

Christians invaded Iraq and fucked up the post war period. Did Christians go and condemn this en masse?

You are a goddamn fool if you try and compare any religion to Islam, present day. Christianity "grew up". The barbaric ME'ers haven't.
Islam is violent, period. You are also a goddamn fool if you deny the OBVIOUS. Violence is ALL OVER their "holy" book. Those people that are violent are just following their book. Maybe one day they will start cherry picking like Christianity did.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

Did Christians prevent the invasion of Iraq?


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