Does Donald Trump have a problem with people staying loyal to him?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember Michael Cohen said he would lay down his life for Donald Trump. Now heā€™s in prison. And heā€™s angry because Donald Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in his multiple felonies and Trump sits in the White House while Michael Cohen sits in the big house.


Two of these three little piggies have turned on Donald Trump and you know the third one will as soon as heā€™s indicted.

remember Amorasa?

remember Anthony (the mooch) Scaramucci?

Then you have all those former campaign staff members that are in prison.

and you have Sondland who paid $1 million to trumps inauguration just to become an ambassador and to testify in Congress over trumps criminal behavior.

by all accounts, Trump values loyalty above everything else. So why are they so disloyal? And who does trump show loyalty to? Is it a one-way road? You can be loyal to trump but Trump is only loyal to trump?

there are 14 ongoing criminal trials left over from the Mueller investigation. I wonder how many of those will turn on Trump? We donā€™t even know what they are because theyā€™re kept secret.

so does trump have a loyalty problem? And how many of you guys would be loyal to trump no matter what, and why?
Eventually, Trump supporters will realize just how wrong they are, just like they did with Bush Jr. I just worry about the damage they will do until then.
Denard where did you go brotha! Have a break down ? A little tds?

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