Does anyone know what happened what's his name Blackface?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Does anyone know what ever happened to governor Black Face of Vermont? Oh sorry he's a Democrat, he gets a pass on racism, Coumo gets a pass on sexual harassment, and Hunter and Joe Biden get a pass on corruption, racketeering, money laundering, sexual assault, etc., Hillary gets away with obstruction of justice, Obama gets away with spying on Americans and using institutions like the IRS, FBI and CIA to persecute, oppress and lying in court to frame political opponents (Biden is doing it again, after all it's the Obama crowd that's running the country now).

Isn't being a Democrat great? Sell your soul to the devil and you can get away with anything, including looting, murder and arson, as they did all summer long.
Does anyone know what ever happened to governor Black Face of Vermont? Oh sorry he's a Democrat, he gets a pass on racism, Coumo gets a pass on sexual harassment, and Hunter and Joe Biden get a pass on corruption, racketeering, money laundering, sexual assault, etc., Hillary gets away with obstruction of justice, Obama gets away with spying on Americans and using institutions like the IRS, FBI and CIA to persecute, oppress and lying in court to frame political opponents (Biden is doing it again, after all it's the Obama crowd that's running the country now).

Isn't being a Democrat great? Sell your soul to the devil and you can get away with anything, including looting, murder and arson, as they did all summer long.

In the "woke world" only anyone a degree right of center faces cancel culture

It's called hypocrisy and why I laugh at leftist loons
The only Governor BlackFAce I know is Virginia's tyrant governor Northam....the advocate of baby killing. Coonman Nawthom.
The list is long obviously.

Being a Democrat is great, all you have to do is join the club and repeat Marxist, racist, anti American, antisemtic, anti capitalistic ideology as much as you can. Once in a while you get to loot people's businesses and homes and set them on fire as a yearly bonus, while blaming "racism" and "priveledged White people" for your criminal behavior, lack of education and ambition, and your own racism and hatred.

Can you name another club with these kinds of benefits and such low requirements, standards and expectations as the Democrat club of America? Or should I say cult.
You rightist are insufferable whine bags, the left is overzealous crank bait...I do enjoy laughing at both sectors playing footsie.
Does anyone know what ever happened to governor Black Face of Vermont? Oh sorry he's a Democrat, he gets a pass on racism, Coumo gets a pass on sexual harassment, and Hunter and Joe Biden get a pass on corruption, racketeering, money laundering, sexual assault, etc., Hillary gets away with obstruction of justice, Obama gets away with spying on Americans and using institutions like the IRS, FBI and CIA to persecute, oppress and lying in court to frame political opponents (Biden is doing it again, after all it's the Obama crowd that's running the country now).

Isn't being a Democrat great? Sell your soul to the devil and you can get away with anything, including looting, murder and arson, as they did all summer long.
Did you need to get ahold of him to book an act?
Ralph Coonman Nawthom cannot run for gov again this instead of throwing his support behind his black woman abusing Lt. gov, he throws him under the back of the bus and endorses that carpetbagging snaggle toothed McAuliffe...the white savior of black virginia elites. LOLOLOL
Does anyone know what ever happened to governor Black Face of Vermont? Oh sorry he's a Democrat, he gets a pass on racism, Coumo gets a pass on sexual harassment, and Hunter and Joe Biden get a pass on corruption, racketeering, money laundering, sexual assault, etc., Hillary gets away with obstruction of justice, Obama gets away with spying on Americans and using institutions like the IRS, FBI and CIA to persecute, oppress and lying in court to frame political opponents (Biden is doing it again, after all it's the Obama crowd that's running the country now).

Isn't being a Democrat great? Sell your soul to the devil and you can get away with anything, including looting, murder and arson, as they did all summer long.
I think you are thinking of the Gov of VA...also the AG of VA...both Dems, both big fans of blackface.
{quote]Roudy, as I said, NO lefties will EVER criticize Northam despite his overt racism. They LOVE him. See above for yet another piece of proof.[/quote]

In addition to that, they love him for his support of killing the NEWBORN. It's not enough for the left to kill the UNborn, now they want to move it to the newly that Peter Singer a'hole of a few years ago.
Ralph Coonman Nawthom cannot run for gov again this instead of throwing his support behind his black woman abusing Lt. gov, he throws him under the back of the bus and endorses that carpetbagging snaggle toothed McAuliffe...the white savior of black virginia elites. LOLOLOL
Did you expect a man that dresses in blackface and hangs around with people in full Klan gear to really endorse an African-American?

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