Dodd to announce retirement tomorrow

You know, in the scheme of things, that's probably not a bad thing. Reid is horribly ineffective as majority leader. He seems more intent on making the Democratic caucus seem like a cool party than actually governing.

Reid sucks.

Reid does suck but I can't see Nevadans voting out a majority leader and putting in someone who has no experience. It doesn't seem good for their state.

Voters putting someone in office that has no experience... Now where have I seen that before? :eusa_whistle:
Oh, c'mon now. If some of you had watched Morning Joe today you'd have heard some lefty opine his decision has to do with the fact that leading up to the Iowa caucuses he moved his family out there and as a result the anguish among CT voters still lingers.

So, it has absolutely nothing to do with his sweatheart loan deal from Countrywide, lying about putting language in that bill for the AIG bonus payouts, the sudden and dramatic increase last year in the value of his property in Ireland, etc., etc., etc...

See ya around, Chris. Oh, and thanks a bunch for all your 'public service.'

Uhh... he was a governor... you know, an ACTUAL executive.... you may want to try and answer again

:lol: He was also very stupid. Kinda like you.

This coming from the one that tried to use the election of 2000 as a zinger against experience of an elected official? Not realizing that your assertion was wrong and you proclaiming someone as stupid is rather laughable.

Sarah... we knew you were mentally challenged before... you're really trying to ice the cake
You know, in the scheme of things, that's probably not a bad thing. Reid is horribly ineffective as majority leader. He seems more intent on making the Democratic caucus seem like a cool party than actually governing.

Reid sucks.

Reid does suck but I can't see Nevadans voting out a majority leader and putting in someone who has no experience. It doesn't seem good for their state.

At the moment at least Reid is not doing so well in Nv. Sarah, and a lot depends on how well he gets out the vote in Las Vegas.

Reid trails former Nevada Republican party chairman Sue Lowden, 49 to 43 percent. He trails Danny Tarkanian, the son of former UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian, by an identical six-point margin, 49 to 43 percent.

Reid continues to struggle in polls - The Scorecard -

Nothing would please me more than to see Harry Reid defeated in Nevada, because Nevada has had terrible economic issues with the collapse of the housing market , and the Speaker has shown little interest in Nevada and spent more time on National issues. I will give him this though, he is slick campaigner in Nevada and anyone of the Candidates that are running against him if they hope to win better bring their A game. If this healthcare bill passes and is signed its not going to be a good thing for him to campaign on at least at the moment Sarah because it does not have a very high approval rating. One other thing to consider too, that many may not remember, but was covered widely here in Arizona and Nevada, is that Las Vegas itself business is way way down and they felt like the Harry Reid and the Administration went out of their way to hurt their economy. So in the end Sarah if he does win, it's going to be very very close.
Reid sucks.

Reid does suck but I can't see Nevadans voting out a majority leader and putting in someone who has no experience. It doesn't seem good for their state.

At the moment at least Reid is not doing so well in Nv. Sarah, and a lot depends on how well he gets out the vote in Las Vegas.

Reid trails former Nevada Republican party chairman Sue Lowden, 49 to 43 percent. He trails Danny Tarkanian, the son of former UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian, by an identical six-point margin, 49 to 43 percent.

Reid continues to struggle in polls - The Scorecard -

Nothing would please me more than to see Harry Reid defeated in Nevada, because Nevada has had terrible economic issues with the collapse of the housing market , and the Speaker has shown little interest in Nevada and spent more time on National issues. I will give him this though, he is slick campaigner in Nevada and anyone of the Candidates that are running against him if they hope to win better bring their A game. If this healthcare bill passes and is signed its not going to be a good thing for him to campaign on at least at the moment Sarah because it does not have a very high approval rating. One other thing to consider too, that many may not remember, but was covered widely here in Arizona and Nevada, is that Las Vegas itself business is way way down and they felt like the Harry Reid and the Administration went out of their way to hurt their economy. So in the end Sarah if he does win, it's going to be very very close.

Thanks for all that info, Navy. I didn't know how he was doing there but had heard not very well. Maybe he will squeak by but as a majority leader, I would wonder why if they didn't want to have him stay.

You've shed some light on that race. Much better than the bluster that shows up in threads like this one usually.
reid does suck but i can't see nevadans voting out a majority leader and putting in someone who has no experience. It doesn't seem good for their state.

voters putting someone in office that has no experience... Now where have i seen that before? :eusa_whistle:


I'm not talking about Al Gore, silly. Besides, that's ancient history. Just listen to what these guys had to say:

Reid does suck but I can't see Nevadans voting out a majority leader and putting in someone who has no experience. It doesn't seem good for their state.

At the moment at least Reid is not doing so well in Nv. Sarah, and a lot depends on how well he gets out the vote in Las Vegas.

Reid trails former Nevada Republican party chairman Sue Lowden, 49 to 43 percent. He trails Danny Tarkanian, the son of former UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian, by an identical six-point margin, 49 to 43 percent.

Reid continues to struggle in polls - The Scorecard -

Nothing would please me more than to see Harry Reid defeated in Nevada, because Nevada has had terrible economic issues with the collapse of the housing market , and the Speaker has shown little interest in Nevada and spent more time on National issues. I will give him this though, he is slick campaigner in Nevada and anyone of the Candidates that are running against him if they hope to win better bring their A game. If this healthcare bill passes and is signed its not going to be a good thing for him to campaign on at least at the moment Sarah because it does not have a very high approval rating. One other thing to consider too, that many may not remember, but was covered widely here in Arizona and Nevada, is that Las Vegas itself business is way way down and they felt like the Harry Reid and the Administration went out of their way to hurt their economy. So in the end Sarah if he does win, it's going to be very very close.

Thanks for all that info, Navy. I didn't know how he was doing there but had heard not very well. Maybe he will squeak by but as a majority leader, I would wonder why if they didn't want to have him stay.

You've shed some light on that race. Much better than the bluster that shows up in threads like this one usually.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reportedly didn't hold back during a recent engagement with The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.

According to The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Reid (D-NV) told that newspaper's advertising director that, "I hope you go out of business."

Review-Journal publisher Sherman Frederick responded yesterday, calling the senator's words "bully threats," and promised that the Journal-Review, Nevada's largest newspaper, can "damn sure outlast" Sen. Reid.

Frederick points out that Reid's comment was directed to an ad director, with no influence over the newspaper's editorial content.
Harry Reid To Las Vegas Review-Journal Ad Director: "I Hope You Go Out Of Business"

Here's an interesting article Sarah about Sen. Reid's little war with the Journal-Review, whats sort of interesting is that recently in Las Vegas, they opened the City Center, and there are campaign ads running by Sen. Reid claiming because of his help City Center was saved. The help he was talking about is " when he called bankers on behalf of MGM as did Sen. Ensign , but when Las Vegas Channel 1 asked if it was about direct loans, the answer was, no, it was just suggesting to the bankers it would be a good investment. In the campaign ads though the Sen. uses this as a claim that he himself saved the 14,000 jobs the City Center will create. As I said he is a slick campaigner and most of his votes will come from the Las Vegas Area. It should prove an interesting race to watch. As for his opponents here are a couple of links to them...

About Sue | Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate from Nevada

Danny Tarkanian for U.S. Senate » Home

Sue Lowden has a lot more experience with public office than Danny Tarkanian does, but these days I'm sort of the opinion that the experienced political figures is not what we need, but people that have more experience with real life.
Like a rat fleeing a sinking ship....Good riddance.
At the moment at least Reid is not doing so well in Nv. Sarah, and a lot depends on how well he gets out the vote in Las Vegas.

Reid trails former Nevada Republican party chairman Sue Lowden, 49 to 43 percent. He trails Danny Tarkanian, the son of former UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian, by an identical six-point margin, 49 to 43 percent.

Reid continues to struggle in polls - The Scorecard -

Nothing would please me more than to see Harry Reid defeated in Nevada, because Nevada has had terrible economic issues with the collapse of the housing market , and the Speaker has shown little interest in Nevada and spent more time on National issues. I will give him this though, he is slick campaigner in Nevada and anyone of the Candidates that are running against him if they hope to win better bring their A game. If this healthcare bill passes and is signed its not going to be a good thing for him to campaign on at least at the moment Sarah because it does not have a very high approval rating. One other thing to consider too, that many may not remember, but was covered widely here in Arizona and Nevada, is that Las Vegas itself business is way way down and they felt like the Harry Reid and the Administration went out of their way to hurt their economy. So in the end Sarah if he does win, it's going to be very very close.

Thanks for all that info, Navy. I didn't know how he was doing there but had heard not very well. Maybe he will squeak by but as a majority leader, I would wonder why if they didn't want to have him stay.

You've shed some light on that race. Much better than the bluster that shows up in threads like this one usually.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reportedly didn't hold back during a recent engagement with The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.

According to The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Reid (D-NV) told that newspaper's advertising director that, "I hope you go out of business."

Review-Journal publisher Sherman Frederick responded yesterday, calling the senator's words "bully threats," and promised that the Journal-Review, Nevada's largest newspaper, can "damn sure outlast" Sen. Reid.

Frederick points out that Reid's comment was directed to an ad director, with no influence over the newspaper's editorial content.
Harry Reid To Las Vegas Review-Journal Ad Director: "I Hope You Go Out Of Business"

Here's an interesting article Sarah about Sen. Reid's little war with the Journal-Review, whats sort of interesting is that recently in Las Vegas, they opened the City Center, and there are campaign ads running by Sen. Reid claiming because of his help City Center was saved. The help he was talking about is " when he called bankers on behalf of MGM as did Sen. Ensign , but when Las Vegas Channel 1 asked if it was about direct loans, the answer was, no, it was just suggesting to the bankers it would be a good investment. In the campaign ads though the Sen. uses this as a claim that he himself saved the 14,000 jobs the City Center will create. As I said he is a slick campaigner and most of his votes will come from the Las Vegas Area. It should prove an interesting race to watch. As for his opponents here are a couple of links to them...

About Sue | Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate from Nevada

Danny Tarkanian for U.S. Senate » Home

Sue Lowden has a lot more experience with public office than Danny Tarkanian does, but these days I'm sort of the opinion that the experienced political figures is not what we need, but people that have more experience with real life.

That's a little different than I anticipated. It seems Democrats are upset with him because he is so non-confrontational, they want him to be more assertive and effective and yet his state calls him a bully..

It will be interesting to watch. The entire landscape will be interesting.

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