Doctors in Florida and Texas are turning to COVID-19 antibody treatments as cases surge due to the Indian 'Delta' variant


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

Monoclonal antibody therapy has been successful when administered before serious symptoms set in. If the symptoms are mild, most people won't seek treatment at all. Once they progress to a certain point, monoclonal antibody therapy does not help.
The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

It will be like pulling teeth without Novocaine to force the idiots to reverse course exchanged and gone...big money gone with excess product to market. Forced customers as we know is on the table somewhere...possibly in the same dank, dark, meeting room where they made the first deal in secret fashion. Any thing done is secret is done to prevent knowledge has been my experience.
The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

All the whining when we have a 99% survival rate. My goodness
The antibody cocktail causes a fever...and if you already have a high one they aren't going to give it to you.
The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

You do realize that every person that gets admitted to any hospital that has Kung Flu related illness, gets extra dollars from Uncle Sugar(Gubermint). So we are all seeing a spike in cases, but not hearing anything about "DEATHS" compared to the murders of black on black in the inner cities. Do those count and Kung Flu deaths when they arrive at the morgue, we dont know that either...
JohnDB Really? That's the reason? OK so are they treating Covid patients without a high fever with these proven drugs?
Usually when someone knows they have been exposed AND they have comorbidities they get themselves to the doctor who agrees that the diabetes and whatever else they have as an issue (usually the scenario) is going to give them a severe case...that's how they qualify.

My Mother-in-law qualified and she got them and was all better in a few days.
My Father-in-law actually qualified but the doctor made a mistake overlooking his history...and currently he is at about a half litre of O² trying to wean himself off.
It's not going to be over for him for a while yet...

But mother-in-law said she got a high fever after getting the antibodies...she had to wait until they could see that it wasn't going to get too high before they let her leave.

Antibodies are actually poison. Your body may make them but they are not exactly good for you in some ways. They do destroy infecting viruses and bacteria. (The good part) But when you have them freshly added to your system you ain't gonna feel good for a while. You are going to feel sick.
JohnDB Thanks. It's rare that someone actually offers good information I appreciate it!
You are welcome...I try. I'm A-political...I have no political agenda whatsoever.

But my In-laws aren't exactly the same as me....they were avid and rabid antivaxxers. (Not even a flu shot) They were sure that Bill Gates was trying to microchip them with the Vaccines...or rewrite their DNA.

They have since decided that they need to get vaccinated sometime this Fall/Winter. Probably about the same time as the new variant vaccines will be ready. (Moderna has been working hard on them)
Monoclonal antibody therapy has been successful when administered before serious symptoms set in. If the symptoms are mild, most people won't seek treatment at all. Once they progress to a certain point, monoclonal antibody therapy does not help.
You don't know that, because most have been treated (prior to the vaccines, and after becoming seriously
ill), with the various anti-bodies treatment's via through blood transfusions etc (the only thing out there at the time), and it saved their lives.

Here's how a leftist thinks - Say we are having a softball game, and yet a leftist has broken his or her arm and can't play for a while. It is that in the case of a leftist, they wouldn't want anyone to play that day, because they would have to sit it out, and therefore they would feel inferior because of their broken arm, and worse if they were to have to sit a few games out.

As for me I would encourage everyone to go on and play without me, and I would sit on the bench cheering them on, and better yet getting great enjoyment out of knowing that my suffering isn't their suffering. Am I right ??

Leftist and their inferior complexes, and fears in general want everyone to conform and make them feel better by doing so, but that's not the way life is going to be, but they keep fighting to make it that way. So my advice is to sit there with your cast (I mean mask on), and wave at people as they go about living their lives as normal as can be.

I put a mask on when going into an establishment that requires it (even if they aren't enforcing it), and if I see people in the establishment with no mask on, I don't give them a second thought because I see them as living life as normal as they can, and I always speak to them with a wave or nod of approval that says to them that I am glad to see that they are ok in life.

Never do I get angry at them for going maskless, because I can only do my thing in life, and that thing is to protect me or to respect others in life, not to control them or their lives.
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The question is why has it taken so long to use this therapy?

Dr. Rand Paul advises that if diagnosed with COVID you should demand monoclonal antibody therapy.

  • Doctors are increasingly turning to antibody drugs in a bid to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by a surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Some states, including Texas and Florida, have seen a sudden increase of hospitalizations related to the virus
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, the primary provider of the treatments, delivered 135,023 drug doses to U.S. health care providers last week
  • Fewer than 5% of high-risk patients were receiving treatment, before increasing recently to as much as 30%, according to Regeneron
  • The drugs, which have been shown to prevent hospitalizations, are paid for by the federal government, and distributed to patients free of charge.

Yeah, I always get my heart surgery from a dentist.
You are welcome...I try. I'm A-political...I have no political agenda whatsoever.

But my In-laws aren't exactly the same as me....they were avid and rabid antivaxxers. (Not even a flu shot) They were sure that Bill Gates was trying to microchip them with the Vaccines...or rewrite their DNA.

They have since decided that they need to get vaccinated sometime this Fall/Winter. Probably about the same time as the new variant vaccines will be ready. (Moderna has been working hard on them)

Have they've rejected the cult?
Just as an update on the FIL...
Still seeing pulmonary doctor and trying to work his lungs on a daily basis trying to float a ball in a Gizmo....
Still isn't back to work...won't be until he can catch his breath.
Just as an update on the FIL...
Still seeing pulmonary doctor and trying to work his lungs on a daily basis trying to float a ball in a Gizmo....
Still isn't back to work...won't be until he can catch his breath.
Hmmm, I had COVID-19, and yep I had all the bad symptoms, and yep my body/immune system won the battle, and yep I had breathing issues for about 2 to 3 weeks afterwards, and yep it all cleared up, and nope no lasting bad effects, and yep I have the immunity/antibodies, and yep I work everyday, and yep I'm over 65.

Your FIL will hopefully have the same recovery, so if he's under a doctor's care, then he should be ok soon.

I have co-workers that got it recently, oh and everybody was vaxed, but they almost checked out is what they said. One co-worker is like your FIL, and still has trouble breathing, but that's just the residual effects of it attempting to hold on a little longer, just like it did with me. I told him that he'll be ok, it just takes time to clear up completely is all.

One co-worker actually passed out on the job with it. Yep he was vaxed, but he got the transfusion anyway once tested positive. He got real dehydrated, and was super congested but no cough developed. Said he couldn't hold anything down, so not much eating went on. He lost alot of strength he said.

Called to check on him, and he sounded very weak, and super congested. After weeks he has begun to make a full recovery. Not sure if the vaccination was what helped or the transfusion he got with the anti-bodies that saved his life.

Just glad he wasn't another statistic or number.

The nation is healing, and getting better, but we can't be fighting each other instead of this virus. Natural immunity is a thing just like the vaccines with other affective treatments is a thing also, so let's stop this insanity of trying to target for political reason's our citizen's over this virus. Follow the science, and it's never a one side fits all solution.

The Democrat's are divider's, and they are using every means or excuse available to target their political enemies in everyway they can. Most see it and know it, so 2022 could be a political bloodbath.
Hmmm, I had COVID-19, and yep I had all the bad symptoms, and yep my body/immune system won the battle, and yep I had breathing issues for about 2 to 3 weeks afterwards, and yep it all cleared up, and nope no lasting bad effects, and yep I have the immunity/antibodies, and yep I work everyday, and yep I'm over 65.

Your FIL will hopefully have the same recovery, so if he's under a doctor's care, then he should be ok soon.

I have co-workers that got it recently, oh and everybody was vaxed, but they almost checked out is what they said. One co-worker is like your FIL, and still has trouble breathing, but that's just the residual effects of it attempting to hold on a little longer, just like it did with me. I told him that he'll be ok, it just takes time to clear up completely is all.

One co-worker actually passed out on the job with it. Yep he was vaxed, but he got the transfusion anyway once tested positive. He got real dehydrated, and was super congested but no cough developed. Said he couldn't hold anything down, so not much eating went on. He lost alot of strength he said.

Called to check on him, and he sounded very weak, and super congested. After weeks he has begun to make a full recovery. Not sure if the vaccination was what helped or the transfusion he got with the anti-bodies that saved his life.

Just glad he wasn't another statistic or number.

The nation is healing, and getting better, but we can't be fighting each other instead of this virus. Natural immunity is a thing just like the vaccines with other affective treatments is a thing also, so let's stop this insanity of trying to target for political reason's our citizen's over this virus. Follow the science, and it's never a one side fits all solution.

The Democrat's are divider's, and they are using every means or excuse available to target their political enemies in everyway they can. Most see it and know it, so 2022 could be a political bloodbath.
He got Covid in early's now the end of October...
His Son's girlfriend accidentally was exposed at work and then gave it to all of them.

So now I get to be the favored child in law.

But it is going to be a long while before my FIL is going to be better...he listened to too much antivaxxers propaganda but doesn't understand the difference between real science and propaganda science. (Both sides have's not exclusive to just the right or left)


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