Do you think Democrats will take the House in 2018?

Who will have a majority in the House after the 2018 midterms?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 41 69.5%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 18 30.5%

  • Total voters
California has already had a public health breakdown (Hep A), cut other basic services and raised taxes for 2018.
IL is still in its perennial crisis.
The also runs of MA, NJ and NY may also trigger a multi-state fiscal crisis.

The blue state out-migration race starts with publishing of the new W-2s in Feb. When either the first warrants under the takings clause are issued or special legislation for the states in trouble to use Chapter 3 bankruptcy to get out of their self-created mess passes that will be golden for the 2018 election. The Ds will have nothing to prevent one or both of those solutions taking them down. The Manhattan tax bill real estate crash began early in the 4th qtr of last year and that in turn means that the Blue state tax base started disappearing before the tax bill really began moving in committee. A lot of Ds will be plea bargaining their way out of jail prior to the election.
we recently legalized marijuana and expect an increase in revenue to help solve our problems.

It will reduce the size of California's problems for a while. But with what looks like a nearly trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities and nearly as much in unfunded infrastructure maintenance 50 billion in revenues will be a drop in the bucket. Also the percentage of middle-class former home owners who will not rebuild and run like hell for some other stateline with their insurance money in hand will climb. Eastern California seems to be getting serious about becoming another state as well. Even East and South Asians are starting to bypass CA. And it will get progressively worse.
working on improving infrastructure will solve many problems.
Not these problems. with the mortgage deduction cap at 750,000 and 20% down a national $937.5K middle income cap on house prices now exists. The 10K SALT cap means high SALT (Blue) states will lose tax base at a compound interest rate. Right to Work low SALT states will do particularly well prior to the election. The Dems are in a death spiral now and it will get worse quick.
bear513, post: 19074475
It's impossible, the damn UE is at full employment,

Trump correctly is NOT getting credit for Obama's long term trend in the economy.

Avg workers pay checks not going up.

It's stupid to not consider the damage Trumpo can do by October.

You are not dealing with all the facts when you disregard ten more months of Islamophobic, racist, pussy grabber, pornstar dating Putin admirer, white nationalist Trumpo in office.

You could get lucky and Trumpo resigns, but who knows.
I seem to see a lot of companies raising minimum starting wages the economy is going great and it is all because of Trump, obama had 8yrs to fix the economy and failed miserably. The main complaint you seem to have is a hate for Trumps personality. Do you really put your hate above what is good for our country? Obamas goal of making this country a 3rd world shithole was working fine until Trump stepped in to save us. Some people are so offended by Trumps private conversations yet listen to the most foul music or watch the most discusting comics or movies. Progressives are the most two faced hacks I have ever seen. Go Donald MAGA.
Wages are going up in February if you like it or not, Walmart workers see a wage increase and all the rest we have been reading about and will thank Trump :)

Ha, nearly half of Walmart's employees are black. Not likely to run out and vote Republucan for getting a long overdue raise in a tighter labor market.

@Walmart is a Job Killer in Our Communities

Walmart store openings destroy almost three local jobs for every two they create by reducing retail employment by an average of 2.7 percent in every county they enter."

African Americans | Making Change at Walmart

If you count on Walmart employees to save Republicans from Trumpomania, that's a treacherous path to follow.

Walmart and the Waltons once supported the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has supported the notorious “Stand Your Ground” law

Thanks. That link was good for a chuckle.
This is going to be popcorn eating fun. Democrats continue to hedge their bets on I hate Trump rather than on what the Congress does, in order to, skirt responsibility for their own offices.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
Not these problems. with the mortgage deduction cap at 750,000 and 20% down a national $937.5K middle income cap on house prices now exists. The 10K SALT cap means high SALT (Blue) states will lose tax base at a compound interest rate. Right to Work low SALT states will do particularly well prior to the election. The Dems are in a death spiral now and it will get worse quick.
spend and finance is all the right wing has.
This is going to be popcorn eating fun. Democrats continue to hedge their bets on I hate Trump rather than on what the Congress does, in order to, skirt responsibility for their own offices.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?
Catastrophic loss of tax base. Basically Trump, Ryan and McConnel have inverted the Chinese ghost cities construction model. This along with the cline created by tax deduction caps recreates the mass migration of Deng's economic liberalization. And that in turn creates Double-digit GDP Growth. Trump is also willing to let the government be shut down for the vetted merit based immigration only policy. This too is an inversion of the Chinese emigration policy. He has been following the Chinese/Asia/Celtic tiger recipe but inverted since being sworn in and has never been called on it yet.
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This is going to be popcorn eating fun. Democrats continue to hedge their bets on I hate Trump rather than on what the Congress does, in order to, skirt responsibility for their own offices.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
What do the dimocrats have to run on? Russia...Russia...Russia? Good luck with that.

How about that horrible Armageddon predicted by botox Nancy that would result from the president's tax reform? Starting next month millions and millions and millions of dimocrats and others with have extra green foldable Armageddon in their paychecks to be spent/saved/invested as they see fit. Yeah, that's sure to piss off voters, no?

Let's see, what else? Lowest black unemployment rate ever? A robust economy pushing GDP to levels Barry couldn't even dream about? The Dow and other markets on fire, with the Dow briefly at 26K yesterday only days after crossing the 25K mark?

No, dims have a real problem on the election horizon. Their low info idiots will buy whatever they hell they're selling come the elections, but smart Democrats, independents, and others will be paying attention to what's happening in the real world and realize the countrty's far better off than under eight years of the magic Nego's idiocy, aided and abetted of course by Pelosi and the rest of the dim scum in the House and Senate.

November can't get here soon enough.
So when Obama lost the House in 2010 was it due to his unpopularity? According to Liberals Obama was and is still very popular. It could have been the unpopular Obamacare law or it could be because politics moves in cycles. Probably a little of both. I have no idea what will happen in 2018, but I wouldn't be shocked either way.
Catastrophic loss of tax base. Basically Trump, Ryan and McConnel have inverted the Chinese ghost cities construction model. This along with the cline created by tax deduction caps recreates the mass migration of Deng's economic liberalization. And that in turn creates Double-digit GDP Growth. Trump is also willing to let the government be shut down for the vetted merit based immigration only policy. This too is an inversion of the Chinese emigration policy. He has been following the Chinese/Asia/Celtic tiger recipe but inverted since being sworn in and has never been called on it yet.
Why do the rich need a tax break instead of the People, upgrading their Cities?
This is going to be popcorn eating fun. Democrats continue to hedge their bets on I hate Trump rather than on what the Congress does, in order to, skirt responsibility for their own offices.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?
This is going to be popcorn eating fun. Democrats continue to hedge their bets on I hate Trump rather than on what the Congress does, in order to, skirt responsibility for their own offices.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?

A platform is meaningless. It's nonbinding. The Democratic Party cares more about the package....what they are selling it as rather than the product itself. It's running out of steam.
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Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing has nothing but repeal, and tax cuts for the rich.

They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?

A platform is meaningless. It's nonbinding. The Democratic Party cares more about the package....what they are selling rather than the product itself. It's running out of steam.
the right wing has even less. tax cuts don't work to create enough growth, or we would not have massive deficits or massive debt. The right wing doesn't care about economics.
They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?

A platform is meaningless. It's nonbinding. The Democratic Party cares more about the package....what they are selling rather than the product itself. It's running out of steam.
the right wing has even less. tax cuts don't work to create enough growth, or we would not have massive deficits or massive debt. The right wing doesn't care about economics.

Economics is the softest science there is. It's all theory. Do you remember the Dem troll that got ticked off a year and a half ago and basically said undocumented workers were great for the economy and we would all be really unhappy when a new roof cost some $4000 more? That was some awesome crap there.

So, why would anyone put back into power the same group of people that failed to take care of business before? The Democratic Party did a major shift to Wall Street. They are neoliberals. There are those that might put thread after thread after thread up bitching about how the Republicans don't give a damn about working people or the middle class; but the Democratic Party was all about privatizing the post office, telling the unions to get bent, and faux privatization of the education system, interference in other countries to enact neoliberal policies, H1b visas, etc. and so on. The revolving door. They ignored the states.

Here we are 1 year after an election and they have nothing. They still don't get it. But, they are 100% sure that the masses aren't interested in policy.
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They won't get to actual health care. You know this, right? At this point, we are all standing with our pocket books open while they take an exorbitant amount of cash and don't deliver squat. But, they laughed long and hard over that.

They have decided the people are too emotional and cannot grasp policy which is why we need them.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?

A platform is meaningless. It's nonbinding. The Democratic Party cares more about the package....what they are selling rather than the product itself. It's running out of steam.
the right wing has even less. tax cuts don't work to create enough growth, or we would not have massive deficits or massive debt. The right wing doesn't care about economics.

That is why Trump is using the Chinese economic models both the mainland version and the Singapore model. Migration and deregulation are both needed to get to double digit growth. The deduction caps created migration incentives to low SALT/low cost of living regions from high SALT/high cost of living regions. That in turn means lots of investment in plant and equipment. That is also why he ran as an R instead of remaining a D and why Pelosi called the tax bill Armageddon. The high SALT/high cost of living regions are solidly blue. The mostly underground utility infrastructure in urban areas is insanely expensive to repair and maintain but without them a city collapses.

The Blue Wall has run up far more funded and unfunded debt than the national government. Using their more rapid collapse from shrinking their tax base to fund the double digit export driven recipe developed in East Asia also means that reconstructing the economy of the Blue Wall will be much cheaper after default ruins the real estate market of the left coast and northeast.
The right wing should be taking the heat for that; why do right wingers believe the left will be losing seats in this coming election?

I'm a liberal. I will not vote for anyone in the Democratic Party and the above is why. Perhaps it is easier to digest if the right wing tells you?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage has been their platform. The right wing cut taxes for the rich.

who is conforming most to rational choice theory?

A platform is meaningless. It's nonbinding. The Democratic Party cares more about the package....what they are selling rather than the product itself. It's running out of steam.
the right wing has even less. tax cuts don't work to create enough growth, or we would not have massive deficits or massive debt. The right wing doesn't care about economics.

Economics is the softest science there is. It's all theory. Do you remember the Dem troll that got ticked off a year and a half ago and basically said undocumented workers were great for the economy and we would all be really unhappy when a new roof cost some $4000 more? That was some awesome crap there.

So, why would anyone put back into power the same group of people that failed to take care of business before? The Democratic Party did a major shift to Wall Street. They are neoliberals. There are those that might put thread after thread after thread up bitching about how the Republicans don't give a damn about working people or the middle class; but the Democratic Party was all about privatizing the post office, telling the unions to get bent, and faux privatization of the education system, interference in other countries to enact neoliberal policies, H1b visas, etc. and so on. The revolving door. They ignored the states.

Here we are 1 year after an election and they have nothing. They still don't get it. But, they are 100% sure that the masses aren't interested in policy.

"Privatizing the Post Office"

darrell issa privatizing the post office - Google Search

Darrell Issa, the secret Democrat?

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