Do you favor smaller government?

Do you favor smaller government?

  • Yes I do, and I accept all challenges to the contrary

    Votes: 33 94.3%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
Funny how some want the peoples power smaller and smaller.

You have to wonder what their aims are.

Some come right out and state their aims.

to shrink it to a size they can drown in the bath tub.

The bigger the government, the smaller the power/liberty of each individual.

Why do you want people turned into Big Government Serfs?

In Somolia, there is basically no government to speak of. Are the people super-empowered over there? They are if they have more ammunition than their neighbor.

Boehner had nothing but buzzwords yesterday. it isn't.

We take "big government" for granted.

The fact that you can open your tap, drink the water, and not get dysentery or worse represents years and years of struggle through this VERY DEBATE.

And why anyone would want to roll that back is beyond me.

Again, THAT isn't big government so quit being obtuse. Government exists for things like protection and infrastructure. It does not exist to provide welfare and entitlement programs. That is what is meant by big government. It is going beyond the constitutional boundaries to do things it was not intended to do......but you already know that.

Sure it is.

And find those darn constitutional clauses that restrict government from those darn "welfare and entitlement programs."

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The constitution says what the government is empowered to do. Anything not specifically mentioned is left to the states. The onus is for you to provide the clauses that "DO" empower the government to run welfare and entitlement programs.
Apparently there is one big government program the righties don't like: the water system.

That is very amusing.

You do realize that the big government being discussed is the federal government and that water is provided at the local government level don't you? Nice try, but no cigar.
No, I don't realize that at all. One, the OP made no such distinction. And, two, I've known the Op long enough to understand what he means even when he isn't spelling out the nuts and bolts to idiots such as yourself.

Well, there's your problem right there. :cuckoo:
Very true, and that's why it is impossible to trust them.

Nope. Not only NOT "very" true, but not true at all.

And it is impossible to trust libbies.

I heard our bumbling lying rodent of a President lying again in prime time and he turned my stomach. It's sad, but some imbeciles actually believe a lot of the absolutely rancid lies he told.

Not that Speaker Boehner was such an articulate spokesman for the opposition, but at least HE (unlike the scumbag President) didn't deliberately lie to the American people.
Ommisions are lies.

No they aren't, necessarily. But even if they were that doesn't excuse the intentional lies of commission told by the dishonest President.
I always find it amusing, but at times also annoying, that so many posters here claim to favor small government ideals and then turn around and support authoritarian legislation and policies. So, for those of you who claim to favor smaller government, and have the courage to have that claim scrutinized, please vote yes in the poll for all to see. As for the rest of you, if you would be so kind, please dig up as many examples of posts by these yes voters (starting with me) that stand in contradiction to their alleged claim of favoring smaller government.

I had always thought too much of what is supposed to be common sense has become a law eventually because so many seem to either lack common sense or take advantage of systems that are only supposed to be a temporary relief. The conditions we has today with our laws and such are the consequence of what perhaps have been negligence in reenforcing the earlier laws or the rebellion in obeying them.

It may seem necessary to question authority to some, admittedly, however, the consequence of doing so has provoked more laws and greater levels of control.
Sad but true.

Stupid, but not true - as most of the bullshit the fascist left puts out.

WHO is it that is attempting to mandate that all Americans buy products from favored corporations? Who is it that has demanded the IRS, most feared of all the American secret police forces, enforce the demand to buy products from favored corporations?

Is it the conservatives? Or is it that fucking Obama with his Fascist Care plan?

You dims can bitch about corporations just about the time you stop using the federal government to empower and promote them!
Politicians thinking they can petition voters against certain lifestyle choices, as if the majority rules, when it is really an issue of freedom and equality, IS indeed government overreach...

That government doesn't recognize gay marriage is "big government" is just more intellectual masturbation. Though now that you joined Ravi I guess it's lesbian sex. That's kinda hot...

As a capitalist who is discriminated against in the land of the free, I'd love the gay deal of government going away and leaving me the fuck alone. I don't need their validation, I just wish they'd not spend all day thinking of new ways to fuck me.

Not unless we shrink the population and the size of the country.

whats the size of the country go to do with anything?
Why is it you think for every person the govt should be a certain size?
whats the size of the country go to do with anything?
Why is it you think for every person the govt should be a certain size?

I'm thinking the Shallow wants a government big enough to rule each person. More people means there needs to be more rulers to keep them in line.

Authoritarianism requires resources!

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