Do you Favor Increasing the Topical Content of Threads? (Read OP 1st)

Would You Support a Requirement for MORE Topical Content in Every Post ?

  • Yes -- Sign Me Up --- I Hate Trolls

  • No Way -- It Would Stunt My Trolling Style

  • I Plead the 5th -- Not gonna get me to incriminate myself

  • It's Fine the Way It Is.

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There must first be consensus as to what constitutes ‘trolling.’

Good-faith disagreement with the topic premise, submitting objective, documented evidence in support of the fact the thread premise is wrong, and correctly indicating that the thread premise fails as a fallacy is not ‘trolling.’

Well of course all that is NOT trolling. In fact, it's easy to define. It's disrespecting the topic entirely in preference to BAITING folks with personal and off-topic diversions. And usually, you don't "reel one in" in one post. It's a process.

So in Zone2 --- EVERY post has to contain topical content. In Zone3 --- we look for a continued pattern of ignoring the topic and getting trollish. Point is -- we currently have a very LOW bar for what constitutes "specific topical content".. All that "good stuff" that you pointed is NOT trolling.

Most posters "get this". That you can't be trolling if you're contributing to topic. But too many think trolling is just content THEY "don't like"...

One sure way to lower a troll infestation is to raise the bar for contributing to the convo. So I'm just polling to see if all these TFS (Troll Frustration Syndrome) posters would ABIDE by higher standards of "specific topic content" in THEIR posts.
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
As it is, I think the current rules just need to be enforced. I don't think additional rules would change that some members already aren't following them.
It could also depend on who's doing the in the member's purpose and what content is used in their OP when creating a thread......not just those who respond & how.
I think I disagree with that....?

As example: in the press, the headline is actually created by a different person than the author of the article....and their one job is to come up with a sensationalized and catchy Header to capture the attention of all..... and it may have hardly anything to do with the actual article! :eek:

So the more crazy the op is in their header/title, does what it is suppose to do....same with the op's opinion of the linked article.... it's to get the blood flowing of others, so to get more readership or more participants....

yes, it is maddening!

But it works every time!
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
There should be at least some hint of rebuttal or support for the topic of the thread in each post.
Rebuttal can take many forms. Some call it trolling........
I'm not sure about the definition oif a troll. But if it is someone not adding to the discourse but ony demeaning the poster, I say give them a warning and then ban their ass.
I think you're setting yourself up to make "good the enemy of great" if you're going to try to differentiate between the words of a troll and the words of someone who is legitimately trying to debate. One of the reasons I had the self imposed hiatus was because the memes. That seems to have dissipated so kudos on that. I understand that it is much easier to recognize than trolling. My advice is to just leave it as it is. If you want to go nuclear though; you're going to have some collateral damage. Is it worth alienating people to extinguish the nuisances? I can't answer that. But if you want to go there, I would put in a 3 strikes policy. First a week ban. Then a month ban. IF it keeps up; then the ban. It's the only "currency" that exists in this environment.
I think you're setting yourself up to make "good the enemy of great" if you're going to try to differentiate between the words of a troll and the words of someone who is legitimately trying to debate. One of the reasons I had the self imposed hiatus was because the memes. That seems to have dissipated so kudos on that. I understand that it is much easier to recognize than trolling. My advice is to just leave it as it is. If you want to go nuclear though; you're going to have some collateral damage. Is it worth alienating people to extinguish the nuisances? I can't answer that. But if you want to go there, I would put in a 3 strikes policy. First a week ban. Then a month ban. IF it keeps up; then the ban. It's the only "currency" that exists in this environment.

I totally agree with the memes. If someone in a thread in Zone 2 only posts a meme or a gif, that should be considered trolling and be deleted.
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
As it is, I think the current rules just need to be enforced. I don't think additional rules would change that some members already aren't following them.

Yeah, sorta like gun control, you can "make rules" all day and it won't solve anything. Too many "rules" as it is. They tried a crackdown a couple of months ago and it was like walking on eggs on here.

The entire thing was handled poorly.
More rules? No thanks. The only reason why I still post here is because we aren't inundated with rules. I've been a member of several forums that were heavily moderated, and it always sucks. It's more work for you moderators, and you would have even MORE complaining, I'm sure. Think about the consequences. ;)
More rules? No thanks. The only reason why I still post here is because we aren't inundated with rules. I've been a member of several forums that were heavily moderated, and it always sucks. It's more work for you moderators, and you would have even MORE complaining, I'm sure. Think about the consequences. ;)

Let it be
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...

Many of the topics are all about some nonsense to begin with. If the topic is Why do liberals or All conservatives are, then it needs a good meme. Most of the time I can stay out of it. However, there are some mornings that I just can't resist checking into a thread to hear about something I did or think as a liberal.

Too, some of these topics have been argued to death and you already know what the response is going to be from whomever is posting. I am over every thread is going to be turned into a Trump thread and we are going to discuss Trump in every section of the forum.
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