Do you believe White Supremacy is a threat to our nation?

Is it the threat the left & propagandists portray?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

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No more a threat to the nation than someone's toaster exploding in their face and killing them when making breakfast.

I'd guess the death toll numbers for both that and any acts carried out by "white supremacists" each year would be about the same.

Besides, the FBI, CIA, the mainstream media, social media seem to be right on top of these folks right away - whilst Antifa, BLM, the hard left get away with murder - as usual.
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You mean like the right made up the Antifa bogeyman?

In all seriousness - I think they are a threat, like any other extremist group that is willing to utilize violence. What could make them more of a theat is if their views become "normalized" in the mainstream right.
No, not by itself. The Left makes a huge mistake when it refers to "white supremacy". There are very few people who would officially call themselves a white supremacist, and even fewer who bother to belong to a real white supremacist group.

This gives the actual racists who do exist (and worse, those who enable them) plenty of cover to dismiss and mock the whole topic.

It's this type of simplistic hyperbole that helps both ends of this issue feed into the worst behaviors of the other.
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Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

Absolutely not. White supremacists as a group are not a threat. They are disjointed and can be easily neutralized and contained. Liberals like to play them up as a threat to deflect from the terrorists they back here in this Country. All throughout 2020 they denied ANTIFA existed. Now, they acknowledge their existence but always say ANTIFA is non violent and peaceful.
The Left makes a huge mistake when it refers to "white supremacy". There are very few people who would officially call themselves a white supremacist, and even fewer who bother to belong to a real white supremacist group.

This gives the actual racists who do exist (and worse, those who enable them) plenty of cover to dismiss and mock the whole topic.

It's this type of simplistic hyperbole that helps both ends of this issue feed into the worst behaviors of the other.
Here's a news flash for you ....

It's not a mistake if it's done with intention everytime.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

Cite some actual evidence not some political bullshit. Crime stats tied to them etc.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.


I trust the FBI when they say that home grown domestic terrorists are a threat.

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