Do we want the Ukraine in NATO? POLL

Do you support admitting the Ukraine into NATO?

  • Yes, to protect against Russian expansion

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • No, not looking to start another war

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
You want ....
You can always tell when a snowflake is lying - it's when they start off or ever say 'YOU want' or 'YOU think' or 'YOU believe' - when they are making up shit and trying to speak FOR you in an attempt to create a false opposition narrative make their own stupid opinion / rant seem rational / acceptable.

Hey, snowflake - stick to speaking for yourself because you completely SUCK when trying to speak for me or others.

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry helped Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - murder a nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight Al Qaeda...and take over their own nation.....

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry allowed mile-long ISIS convoys to flow into Iraq through barren deserts to take over parts of Iraq already liberated at great expense by US troops.....

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry chose to commit an International crime by sending US troops on an Invasion mission into Syria...

...but please, snowflake, enlighten the rest of the board in regards to what YOU SAY I think / believe...

1st post
You want ....
You can always tell when a snowflake is lying - it's when they start off or ever say 'YOU want' or 'YOU think' or 'YOU believe' - when they are making up shit and trying to speak FOR you in an attempt to create a false opposition narrative make their own stupid opinion / rant seem rational / acceptable.

Hey, snowflake - stick to speaking for yourself because you completely SUCK when trying to speak for me or others.

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry helped Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - murder a nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight Al Qaeda...and take over their own nation.....

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry allowed mile-long ISIS convoys to flow into Iraq through barren deserts to take over parts of Iraq already liberated at great expense by US troops.....

Funny how you never complained or seem to care about the lives of US troops when Hillary and Barry chose to commit an International crime by sending US troops on an Invasion mission into Syria...

...but please, snowflake, enlighten the rest of the board in regards to what YOU SAY I think / believe...


Actually you moronic party sheep I did complain about all those things when they were happening, and complained about Bush invading the wrong country.

I don’t give a fuck who is sitting in the White House, I care about the troops because I was one for 20 years...something you can never understand.

I still cannot wait for a couple weeks from now when you are on here telling us how great Trump is for backing down and giving into Putin.

Sent from my iPhone using

Keyboard warriors, because other people's children need to die for their bullshit visions.
Keyboard warrior... and Democratic Party Nobel Peace Prize 'Winners'...order American Boys to commit an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation that is in the midst of a civil war, seeking to opportunistically help terrorists overthrow the rightful leader of that nation...then leaves office with those troops still there and his mission having failed.

Me? I spent 30years serving my country, all over the world, fighting not only for this nation but for others who could not fight for themselves, wherever my Commander and Chief told me to go, fighting in some of the worse places on the face of this planet under conditions you have only seen sitting on your couch watching Netflix. What's in your resume, sport? You ever serve...ever seen combat...or are you just another one of those 'Keyboard Warriors'?

Keyboard warriors, because other people's children need to die for their bullshit visions.
Keyboard warrior... and Democratic Party Nobel Peace Prize 'Winners'...order American Boys to commit an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation that is in the midst of a civil war, seeking to opportunistically help terrorists overthrow the rightful leader of that nation...then leaves office with those troops still there and his mission having failed.

Me? I spent 30years serving my country, all over the world, fighting not only for this nation but for others who could not fight for themselves, wherever my Commander and Chief told me to go, fighting in some of the worse places on the face of this planet under conditions you have only seen sitting on your couch watching Netflix. What's in your resume, sport? You ever serve...ever seen combat...or are you just another one of those 'Keyboard Warriors'?
your new hat is ready!
5th post
your new hat is ready!
I share with you that I served my country 30 years in the military, serving in combat, and ask you if you have ever served....and THIS is your childish, punk-ass, liberal snowflake response?


Thank you for answering my question: 'Keyboard Socialist Democrat Warrior' who has never served and has no idea what it means to serve or to fight for this nation's freedom!

Reminds me of a great scene in a movie and a quote by an awesome actor to someone who really doesn't know what it really takes / means to defend this nation:

(And no, because I know some triggered snowflake will claim so, I do not / never have supported or conducted 'Code Red's. Like 'Harold' says at the end of the movie, I have always fought to protect those who could not protect themselves)
That's a great looking hat! Russia and USA should be partners, it would benefit the people of both countries. Russia - "the threat" has been only benefiting the pockets of crooked Establishment, NATO generals, globalists and weapons makers.

From American taxpayers' pockets directly to their crooked pockets.
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Not hearing any responses from the EU, anyone from the EU have an opinion if they want to send their troops to the Ukraine? I don't think that there are many NATO countries whose troops would rattle Putin...WTF is up with Sweden and Ireland? Too good for NATO?

The rest of the world needs to police itself.

I can only keep an eye on one hemisphere at a time. If you people elect me as your Emperor I will bring every soldier and every last bullet and bolt back home and if other countries want our security, it will cost them $1M an hour as a starting price.


I agree. Let the rest of the world look after itself.

If they want our help then it will cost them.

As for the Ukraine?? I couldn't care less. If Russia wants it. Let em have it.

If Hitler wants Europe, let him have it.
Just curious how tough everyone wants to be with Putin. Do we want to challenge Russia or not?
Are you asking if Americans really want to keep our promise to allies of helping them defend their nations or would they rather turn their back on allies when they are threatened because standing beside allies as promised when it counts is just too hard?

Are you seriously asking if people actually want to stand up to Putin or back down and cower to him, abandon allies to avoid facing Putin / Russia?


I'm not convinced our "allies" are all that reliable either. When push comes to shove they're usually the asshole on the ground behind us that we end up falling over.
10th post
Remember how Trump and all the pseuedocons said Putin invaded Crimea because he knew Obama was weak?

Look at all of them now. Folding like the real pussies they are. Caving to Putin like obsequious cowards.
The rest of the world needs to police itself.

I can only keep an eye on one hemisphere at a time. If you people elect me as your Emperor I will bring every soldier and every last bullet and bolt back home and if other countries want our security, it will cost them $1M an hour as a starting price.


I agree. Let the rest of the world look after itself.

If they want our help then it will cost them.

As for the Ukraine?? I couldn't care less. If Russia wants it. Let em have it.

If Hitler wants Europe, let him have it.
..., says a white person fascist hater.
All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.
All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.

Nothing regarding the Ukraine/Russia happened yet except for ship restricted travel, so your critique' is premature. By giving/selling the Ukes advanced weaponry Trump already did more than Obama to contain Putin. If/when the shooting starts, with Russia already out of money due to the low price of oil, Putin doesn't want to waste what little money he has on a war in Ukraine.
Just curious how tough everyone wants to be with Putin. Do we want to challenge Russia or not?
So you consider the US keeping a promise to help defend an ally's sovereign border from an unwarranted invasion / attack 'challenging' Putin / Russia?!

I am sorry for continuing to ask these questions, but they are truly mind-numbing to be.....'perspective' is truly an eye-opening thing.

1. Hitler wrote that at the beginning of WWII he moved his troops into the 'buffer zone' established at the end of WWI in violation of that end-of-war agreement. Hitler stated in his writings that his military was NOT ready to go to war, not ready for conflict, that he was 'testing the waters', and if France had made ANY gesture of opposition to his troops being there he would have pulled them back. Hitler added that when no move was made against him - an act of appeasement - he said he KNEW right then and there that he could take all of Europe because they were un-willing to fight, willing to sacrifice others' freedom to keep their own.

2. Vladimir Putin, not long after he became Leader of Russia, stated in an interview - when asked what was his biggest regret about Russia - his biggest regret was seeing the USSR allow these small nations break away from the USSR and become independent. He went on to say that he intended to 'remedy that and return the USSR to its former glory'. You can bet Putin has not forgotten that.

IMO, the Ukraine situation is the continuation of Putin's Crimea gambit, which, again IMO, was Putin's 'Hitler Test'. Putin sought to find out if anyone - especially the US / Obama - would actually step up to help their new ally and risk going to war with Russia. Just like with his Syrian 'Red Line', Barry backed down from the challenge without making so much as a token gesture of opposition to Putin's military annexing of Crimea.
So you're saying Trump should stand up to Putin?

I agree.
Will he?

I doubt he can. Putin owns him
15th post
All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.

Nothing regarding the Ukraine/Russia happened yet except for ship restricted travel, so your critique' is premature. By giving/selling the Ukes advanced weaponry Trump already did more than Obama to contain Putin. If/when the shooting starts, with Russia already out of money due to the low price of oil, Putin doesn't want to waste what little money he has on a war in Ukraine.

The hell he doesn't.

Closing those straits cuts off 40% of Ukraine's exports and imports.

That's an act of war and it's not "little green men" this time
All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.

Nothing regarding the Ukraine/Russia happened yet except for ship restricted travel, so your critique' is premature. By giving/selling the Ukes advanced weaponry Trump already did more than Obama to contain Putin. If/when the shooting starts, with Russia already out of money due to the low price of oil, Putin doesn't want to waste what little money he has on a war in Ukraine.

Do you really think those few things we sold to the Ukraine makes them a match for the Russian military?

If you do I have a nice bridge for sell
All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.

Nothing regarding the Ukraine/Russia happened yet except for ship restricted travel, so your critique' is premature. By giving/selling the Ukes advanced weaponry Trump already did more than Obama to contain Putin. If/when the shooting starts, with Russia already out of money due to the low price of oil, Putin doesn't want to waste what little money he has on a war in Ukraine.

Do you really think those few things we sold to the Ukraine makes them a match for the Russian military?

If you do I have a nice bridge for sell

The same thing was said about the Afghans. If the Ukrainians decide to fight, the Russians will have to commit a significant number of troops to the effort with little certainty of victory.

All the tough talk by Trump and his little sucklings on this forum was just so much pig shit.

Just as we knew it was.

Nothing regarding the Ukraine/Russia happened yet except for ship restricted travel, so your critique' is premature. By giving/selling the Ukes advanced weaponry Trump already did more than Obama to contain Putin. If/when the shooting starts, with Russia already out of money due to the low price of oil, Putin doesn't want to waste what little money he has on a war in Ukraine.

Do you really think those few things we sold to the Ukraine makes them a match for the Russian military?

If you do I have a nice bridge for sell

The same thing was said about the Afghans. If the Ukrainians decide to fight, the Russians will have to commit a significant number of troops to the effort with little certainty of victory.


The Ukraine is not Afghanistan. The people are different and more importantly the terrain is different.

We are finding out the same thing about Afghanistan as Russia did, but we are too stupid to cut our losses and leave

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