Do We See All the Videos?


May 19, 2004
Kentucky, USA
Just a rhetorical question, but are we seeing all the videos made by al-Zarqawi and these other murderers? Of course when the captives make pleas for their lives, the videotaped documentation is rushed off to Al Jazeera for instant propaganda gratification, but is it possible that some videos have captives that look the terrorists in the eye and say something defiant? I'm not judging those who've pleaded for their lives, and no, I don't know if I myself would be defiant in such a situation, but does anyone suppose that we are only seeing what these soon-to-be-inhabitants-of-deepest-hell WANT us to see?
It would be my guess, that the videos we see online, in the news, etc. are pretty much edited. The terrorists would not want the whole world to see if any of their captives are defiant in any way, as this would most likely undermine their whole cause.

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