Do We Really Need Guns?

It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.
I am in my 60s and have never needed a gun, and none of my friends have either. When I lived in New York City I was out on the streets all night long, including going to after hours clubs in Harlem and the South Bronx. Never did I feel the need to be armed.
I am in my 50s and also have never "needed" a gun. It's not about need it's about want. It's really that simple
My whole family are good shots at target shooting, and it is fun. I do not think that people should be carrying guns for protection.

What would you have them carry instead? Tazers? Knives? Baseball Bats? Or should they just stay out of the bad neighborhoods where you might need protection? I know maybe they should hire bodyguards, then they would solve two problems at once, they have protection and it would cut down on the unemployment problem.
One does not need to carry any protection. Harlem and the South Bronx were considered bad neighborhoods.

Yes unfortunately one does need to carry protection. It's not only "bad" neighborhoods that innocent victims are robbed and/or killed.

There are countless examples of how guns have saved lives and if you had your way those same lives that were saved would be six feet under today.

Guns Save Lives - Stories of Self Defense
Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. :link: They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Yes, our FF knew that the Fed would become corrupt and need to be thrown our. Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. The meat is full of things that are bad for you. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. how can you be this dumb? So what for?! Explain me, please.

It never stop being funny that people as ignorant as you can learn to turn on a computer.
Guns provide people with a false sense of safety. And, actually, Nothing good comes from them. Its true that guns do not kill people, but rather people do, however, place that gun in a person's hand that is not fully mentally there, and we have trouble.
Yes, it is good that one does not need to carry a gun for protection.

Until the moment when you do....and if you don't have are raped, beaten, stabbed, robbed or happens everyday around the world.....
Guns provide people with a false sense of safety. And, actually, Nothing good comes from them. Its true that guns do not kill people, but rather people do, however, place that gun in a person's hand that is not fully mentally there, and we have trouble. are actually a pro gun person right? You are putting out these soft ball statements so pro gun people can knock them out of the park....right? since all of these statements you make have no bearing in fact or reality.....
There is a difference in buying a gun and carrying it in public.

Yes...because you can't carry your house around with you...if you are attacked outside your home, it is sort of easier to have the gun on your hip rather than carrying the house around so you can run inside and get it if you are attacked on the street....
Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. :link: They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Yes, our FF knew that the Fed would become corrupt and need to be thrown our. Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. The meat is full of things that are bad for you. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. how can you be this dumb? So what for?! Explain me, please.

It never stop being funny that people as ignorant as you can learn to turn on a computer.
It amazes me folks like that are able to get up and dress themselves in the mornings
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Yes, we need guns and lots of them. Now run away.
Guns provide people with a false sense of safety. And, actually, Nothing good comes from them. Its true that guns do not kill people, but rather people do, however, place that gun in a person's hand that is not fully mentally there, and we have trouble.
Lots of good have come from my guns. I was able to use them to teach my sons to enjoying shooting and hunting. I have killed many a game animal that my family have enjoyed eating with those guns. I have spend many a day with good friends on my range shooting. I have been able to protect my livestock from predators with those same guns. I could go on and on but I have had lots of good come from my guns. As I see it your statement was false
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Why, precisely, does this issue "worry you a lot"? What is it about the property owned by other human beings that has your panties all ruffled? In fact, what is it that makes you think that what other people do and own is any business of yours at all?

See, I might be willing to address your concerns, except that the way you pose them indicates to me that you've done not the slightest scrap of research on this topic. You've just gone with "Gosh, this is the way the world looks from out of my field of vision, so that must be the way it is, and I'm all worried now that people aren't living their lives in accordance with my perception of reality. Oh, hey, can someone else do the work to answer my questions that I'm too lazy and shallow to do myself?"

You have a computer hooked up to the Internet. Instead of reading headlines and Facebook memes and then asking other people to spoonfeed knowledge to you, go look your questions up. The answers are plentifully available. Then come back and attempt to post something that sounds like you have clue one about the subject.
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.
So, let Me see if I can gather a respectable summation of the highlights of your arguements.

You don't want people to have guns because they scare you. They scare you because the gun may kill the gun owners. Guns aren't necessary because the local Safeway has everything anyone could ever want. And the "Oh really" argument about defending oneself from government is given with a straight face in light of your very last point of, "It was okay in olden times because it helped protect them from the strongest government in the world.

So, what is it you need explained to you?

I like the "food production" comment. Reminds Me of this....

View attachment 34317 View attachment 34317

Would it be rude of Me to ask how old you are?

I'd like to know which store I have to shop at to get venison. Pretty sure I've never seen that in the butcher section of my local Kroger's.
I hope you came to the forum with an umbrella big enough for the shitstorm you're about to create if people decide to respond
Why would anyone respond to such a rehash of stupid talking points?

Because if you let that shit go by even a few times, it takes on a pernicious life of its own. The only hope of keeping it squashed is to stomp on it each and every time it rears its ugly head.
good thread if it continues !!

Oh it will. We can take that to the bank.

In a perfect world it wouldn't, because there just wouldn't be the interest. I don't think we're nearly there yet.

Yes, that perfect world of rainbows, of cars running on pixie sneezes and bad people repelled by unicorn farts.

Well, since Pogo's still around, I can definitely say we're nowhere near a perfect world.
I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I totally agree with you, and congratulations on having the cojones to raise this issue.

Countries with less guns are almost always safer than the US, and that is simply a cold, hard truth that few gun rights fanatics are willing to admit.

I totally support peoples' right to own a gun for hunting or target shooting, but all of countries should have safety-based gun laws aimed at protecting life first and foremost. No one needs an assault rifle at home.

And it doesn't seem to have been noted here, but the key word in the thread premise is "need". Once we figure that out we might go somewhere.

We? Who's "we", jackwagon? Last time I checked, you weren't contributing anything to my existence, so I fail to see where you figure you suddenly joined the steering committee for my life. You don't get a vote on what I do and don't need.

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