Do We Live By Principles, Or For The Moment?

The OP and people like her have no principles.

Principles don't change, no matter the situation.
For the OP "principles" are a matter of convenience. To be used to attack but never to stop what you want in the moment.

Let's take today's nes as an example.

The SCOTUS plans on killing ROE
The OP celebrates this because

The decision will allow government to dictate when and whether women can procreate.

This level of interference in a personal decision should violate every known Conservative principle

But, since it's what the OP wants today, PRINCIPLES BE DAMNED.

The only difference between "Abortion is illegal" and "Abortion is mandatory" is one word.
Give the government the power, which is what you and the OP want, and, one day, that word will change.


As long as you "win," PRINNCIPLES BE DAMNED

"This level of interference in a personal decision should violate every known Conservative principle."

More education coming right up: we conservatives believe in inalienable rights, God-given, and government's job is to secure those rights.

Abortion is not a 'right' have no 'right' to slaughter another human being.
Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

Rights belong to each human individually.

Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

  • To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

  • For conservatives, rights precede government. Government’s purpose is to protect those rights.

Don't be shy.....the only way to leave ignorance behind is to ask questions.

I'm here to help the .....less able
The OP and people like her have no principles.

Principles don't change, no matter the situation.
For the OP "principles" are a matter of convenience. To be used to attack but never to stop what you want in the moment.

Let's take today's nes as an example.

The SCOTUS plans on killing ROE
The OP celebrates this because

The decision will allow government to dictate when and whether women can procreate.

This level of interference in a personal decision should violate every known Conservative principle

But, since it's what the OP wants today, PRINCIPLES BE DAMNED.

The only difference between "Abortion is illegal" and "Abortion is mandatory" is one word.
Give the government the power, which is what you and the OP want, and, one day, that word will change.


As long as you "win," PRINNCIPLES BE DAMNED
You are as stupid as the chubby little Welsh poof.

Striking down Roe V Wade allows the states to determine the status of abortion, and state's rights has always been a conservative position. In addition, there is nothing implicit in determining what can be done with a human life AFTER it has been created that dictates whether women can procreate in the first place.
The OP and people like her have no principles.

Principles don't change, no matter the situation.
For the OP "principles" are a matter of convenience. To be used to attack but never to stop what you want in the moment.

Let's take today's nes as an example.

The SCOTUS plans on killing ROE
The OP celebrates this because

The decision will allow government to dictate when and whether women can procreate.

This level of interference in a personal decision should violate every known Conservative principle

But, since it's what the OP wants today, PRINCIPLES BE DAMNED.

The only difference between "Abortion is illegal" and "Abortion is mandatory" is one word.
Give the government the power, which is what you and the OP want, and, one day, that word will change.

As long as you "win," PRINNCIPLES BE DAMNED

It appears I've put a cork in your pie hole.......again.

Now you see the mistake you made in leaving school in the thrid grade, and joining the circus????
Not just lies and hypocrisy, Democrats always add a big dollop of incoherence into their pronouncements.

Just yesterday, their Dunce-in-Chief actually made my point while imagining that he made his.

Biden says it's up to 'voters to elect pro-choice officials ...​ › biden-says-voters-elect-pro-1...

1 day ago — Biden said that he'll need "more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House" to pass a bill codifying Roe v. Wade.

And that is the point.....voters, not unelected Justices, need to make the decision.

“The tendency of elite domination, moreover, is to press America ever more steadily towards the cultural left.

The complaint here is not that old virtues are eroding and new values rising. Morality inevitably evolves….What is objectionable is that, in too many instances, a natural evolution of the moral balance is blocked and a minority morality forced upon us by judicial decrees.”

Robert Bork, “A Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Values,” xi
7. Democrats/Progressives have a very real fear of America going back to the principles upon which America was created, that the people get to decide.

The opposite view is know as the "administrative state."

It certainly reduces your burden when you simply allow others to do your thinking and decision making for you.

During the 19th century, progressivism was born in academia, which posited that there is a sort of individual of a higher level, who would guide the great unwashed.
This is the idea of the ‘administrative state.’

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.
It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

It is the doctrine of the administrative state, one run by unelected experts, bureaucrats, technocrats who know what is best for everyone else. These ‘special’ individuals would never make choices designed for their own aggrandizement.
You buyin’ that?

And it appers that the 'experts' see no problem with the slaughter of the unborn.
I make the rules.

You should be used to taking orders, living in that penal colony of England, and all.
You advocate for free speech but you are afraid to discuss issues. Free speech for you but not for anyone else.

adults on here are laughing at you and your ludicrous sense of self importance.

It is the doctrine of the administrative state, one run by unelected experts, bureaucrats, technocrats who know what is best for everyone else. These ‘special’ individuals would never make choices designed for their own aggrandizement.
You buyin’ that?

And it appers that the 'experts' see no problem with the slaughter of the unborn.
There are experts, and there are dumb-ass ignorant peons, who don't know shit from shinola. Who would you take advice from?
You advocate for free speech but you are afraid to discuss issues. Free speech for you but not for anyone else.

adults on here are laughing at you and your ludicrous sense of self importance.


I'm afraid of nothing.

You make a serious mistake in believing (I almost said 'thinking') that you can change the directioin of what I post.

But, I will allow this: when one is a in a Fascist nation that doesn't allow free speech.....we find this sort of insanity:

Students Taught How to Deliver Babies Through 'Male Genitalia' › europe › 2022/04/29 › ‘birthing person’: midwife students taught how to deliver babies through ‘male genitalia’
5 days ago - A British university has reportedly instructed students studying to become midwives on how to deliver babies from “birthing persons” with a penis. A “skills workbook” produced by Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland has drawn criticism after it was revealed that it had initially ...

In Britain, the government insists men can become pregnant......and you will be punished for any other opinion.

And the above poster is an example of what sort of slave is produced.
I'm afraid of nothing.

You make a serious mistake in believing (I almost said 'thinking') that you can change the directioin of what I post.

But, I will allow this: when one is a in a Fascist nation that doesn't allow free speech.....we find this sort of insanity:

Students Taught How to Deliver Babies Through 'Male Genitalia' › europe › 2022/04/29 › ‘birthing person’: midwife students taught how to deliver babies through ‘male genitalia’
5 days ago - A British university has reportedly instructed students studying to become midwives on how to deliver babies from “birthing persons” with a penis. A “skills workbook” produced by Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland has drawn criticism after it was revealed that it had initially ...

In Britain, the government insists men can become pregnant......and you will be punished for any other opinion.

And the above poster is an example of what sort of slave is produced.
You are already way off course. Now you are deflecting. More cutnpaste nonsense. Because you dont understand the issue you highlighted in your dumbarse OP.

What aspects of the online harm bill damage free speech.

BTW Musk doesnt have a problem with it.
You are already way off course. Now you are deflecting. More cutnpaste nonsense. Because you dont understand the issue you highlighted in your dumbarse OP.

What aspects of the online harm bill damage free speech.

BTW Musk doesnt have a problem with it.

Why do you hate freedom?
Why ae you unwilling to discuss the topic of your OP ?
The republicans are definitely the party of live by the moment.
Like when there was a supreme court vacancy nine months from a presidential election, that was too close to an election.
But when there was a supreme court vacancy four months from a presidential election, that no longer needed to be delayed.
The republicans are definitely the party of live by the moment.
Like when there was a supreme court vacancy nine months from a presidential election, that was too close to an election.
But when there was a supreme court vacancy four months from a presidential election, that no longer needed to be delayed.
The right in the Uk has lurched further right and if they didnt have low standards they woul have no standards.

This girl is a great example of the right sounding off on a subjext that she doesnt undrstand.

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