Do the GOP candidates, particularly Trump, have the cross over appeal they need

According to Rush, Trump's biggest support comes from what used to be known as "Reagan democrats". As a matter of fact Trump seems to be more popular among "crossovers" than establishment republicans. Who would cross over to vote for Hillary, illegal aliens?
Florida and Ohio will go dem if the R's nominate kasich. They'll hand the crown to queen hilary.
How stupid can you be? Without Kasich and Rubio, the Dems win those states, because the states won't vote for Trump.
Who is telling you lives that you believe so you write, "Trump seems to be more popular among "crossovers" than establishment republicans."
I love all the predictions and facts that have been thrown around about Trump...all of which have been wrong.

Now its moved on to cross over appeal :lol: :lol:

The fuck outta here with cross over appeal
Most of the dems I talk to like Trump a hell of a lot more than they like Hillary.

But my friends are mostly blue collar working stiffs...the high brow liberal elites probably love Hillary.

And it would appear that they also live in Missouri.View attachment 59069

Crossover appeal means that the candidate can be viable in at least a few states that Obama won in 2012. None of them have shown that so far.

I've got friends all over the country. I lease my trucks to UPS for Christmas I just got back from a month of a half of that. Those guys (and gals) are all union and Trump was the big talk in the politics department. And he was garnering a lot of support among them.

Conversely...I wore a "Bush 2004" hat to a union jobsite once...and they ran me off the property...literally.

Now, just so you don't get the wrong idea...I'm a pro-union Republican. My grandfather was a Pennsylvania coal miner. Without the union, I likely wouldn't be here today.

Coincidentally, Drudge is running this headline today from Politico.

SEIU chief says Trump can win

The head of the Service Employees International Union is worried about what Donald Trump is stirring up in her 2.1 million members, because she thinks he can win.

In an interview with David Axelrod out Thursday, Mary Kay Henry said her organization is going into “hyperdrive” to stand up against Trump because she sees him as a real threat.

Read more: SEIU chief says Trump can win
Ask JoeB131 ... he's hearing the same thing in Chicago.

In 2012, Romney won 40% of union household votes (and 48% of non-union household votes). It isn't as if Trump is clearly getting support from erstwhile Democrats.

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
Nearly four years ago, the point was made that, "
WASHINGTON (AP) — The top two contenders for the Republican presidential nomination are accusing each other of benefiting from the support of crossover Democratic voters in states that allow anyone to participate in a party primary. // And both are correct. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have each worked to woo independent voters and conservative Democrats during campaign appearances. While it may be anathema to their hard-core GOP supporters, it's an acknowledgement of the kind of crossover appeal that any GOP nominee will need in November if he's to defeat President Barack Obama.
SPIN METER: GOP candidates hype crossover appeal

We know that Donald is not nearly as popular as was Mitt with the cross overs, and Mitt got his head handed to him. In fact, Donald has the least cross over appeal than his GOP rivals. Trump has the least cross-over appeal | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Toro has already shown this and nothing disputes it.


Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million and independents are the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Independents will not vote for a far right candidate. This country has always been center, always has been, always will be.

TRUMP & his supporters have already managed to chase off 17% of the population (Hispanics) right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Historically, since Reagan the GOP nominee needs to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% within this group.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

In 2012 the Evangelical base of the Republican party chased off the largest voting block (Women) by double digits. By making the platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which was always answered by an old white Republican male. They lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points. This is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. It had nothing to do with Romney not being conservative enough--as right wing talk show hosts have continually blathered.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

These numbers are indicating a Hillary Clinton landslide victory in November. It's highly likely that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house also. Right now any GOP nominee this is going to roll over onto, like it did with Mitt Romney in 2012. Romney's fate was sealed long before he became the nominee of the party.

What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans in the west and entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to get elected. Without their support they lose.
Let’s Elect Hillary Now

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

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Yup, the fuck the far right knows about cross over appeal.
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.
Are you trying to say that mitt was a far right pol, right after I told you that he was moderate milktoast?

he carried the middle, conservatives voted for him b/c he wasn't obama, those that voted, that is.
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.
Are you trying to say that mitt was a far right pol, right after I told you that he was moderate milktoast? he carried the middle, conservatives voted for him b/c he wasn't obama, those that voted, that is.
No, he did not carry the middle, or he would have been elected. Are you trying to say he did not attract the conservatives, because he sure did.
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.

The "Far Right" plus conservative Democrats can, as Reagan showed.

Reagan couldn't win the nomination in today's GOP. His record on guns, immigration, spending, and abortion would automatically disqualify him.

The World is a far different place. REagans' positions would be different.

In the 80s Reagan demonstrated that a conservative Republican could appeal to the Conservative Democrats and win.

Trumps Trade and Immigration policies are a natural to sell in the Rust Belt and Swing southern states.

Lol. I don't mean rhetoric. I mean his record as governor of California.

Swing Southern states? In order to win the presidency, the GOP nominee needs a virtual sweep of swing states

View attachment 59071
272 electoral votes

Trump has disqualified himself from winning Nevada and New Mexico (and probably Florida as well), so he's out.

Trump is disgusting. He is disqualified here in Florida.

Florida Mayor Bans Donald Trump From St. Petersburg
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.
Are you trying to say that mitt was a far right pol, right after I told you that he was moderate milktoast? he carried the middle, conservatives voted for him b/c he wasn't obama, those that voted, that is.
No, he did not carry the middle, or he would have been elected. Are you trying to say he did not attract the conservatives, because he sure did.
moderate milk toast mitt is from the middle

even the implication that he's a con is absurd
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.

The "Far Right" plus conservative Democrats can, as Reagan showed.

Reagan couldn't win the nomination in today's GOP. His record on guns, immigration, spending, and abortion would automatically disqualify him.

The World is a far different place. REagans' positions would be different.

In the 80s Reagan demonstrated that a conservative Republican could appeal to the Conservative Democrats and win.

Trumps Trade and Immigration policies are a natural to sell in the Rust Belt and Swing southern states.

Lol. I don't mean rhetoric. I mean his record as governor of California.

Swing Southern states? In order to win the presidency, the GOP nominee needs a virtual sweep of swing states

View attachment 59071
272 electoral votes

Trump has disqualified himself from winning Nevada and New Mexico (and probably Florida as well), so he's out.

Trump is disgusting. He is disqualified here in Florida.

Florida Mayor Bans Donald Trump From St. Petersburg
you can't ban people in America and claim you are an American

only pussified douchebags would do such a thing
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.

The "Far Right" plus conservative Democrats can, as Reagan showed.
Along with the center. Trump does not have the center.

Last I looked he was polling at 47% against Hillary. That's a big chunk of the center in there.

And he has a long time yet to grow it,

And Hillary has a long time to shrink hers.
Mitt was moderate milktoast

as vanilla as a rep can be

and he lost

so the whole grabbing the middle is bullshit.

so how's about we look at the most upright pol that sticks to his beliefs and doesn't tell me what I want to hear for my vote?

that would be refreshing.
Can't win without the center as MR found out. The far right by itself cannot carry an election.

The "Far Right" plus conservative Democrats can, as Reagan showed.
Along with the center. Trump does not have the center.

Last I looked he was polling at 47% against Hillary. That's a big chunk of the center in there. And he has a long time yet to grow it, And Hillary has a long time to shrink hers.
Thank you for agreeing that Trump needs the center to win. They each will win or lose the election right there if they are the general election candidates.

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