Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?

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Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Batshit crazy are numbnuts like you who want to pay more taxes
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

At 3AM on Election Eve, the Vote Fairy appeared in the Swing States and dropped million of Votes for CCP Biden into the systems
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Kraken Krazy is not a bug with these folks, it's a feature
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Fuck Joe Biden.

Fuck you.

And who gives a fuck what you think ?
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Kraken Krazy is not a bug with these folks, it's a feature

Glad to see the COVID boogeyman hasn't found you yet.
Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Funny thing is that this response is absolutely mute compared to the destructive chaos promised by the Dims/Libs/Progs had the annoying orange won by a large enough margin that fraud couldn’t overwhelm.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Batshit crazy are numbnuts like you who want to pay more taxes
I want our super wealthy to pay more taxes.

Batshit crazy is slashing their taxes and then expecting the deficit to go down
Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Funny thing is that this response is absolutely mute compared to the destructive chaos promised by the Dims/Libs/Progs had the annoying orange won by a large enough margin that fraud couldn’t overwhelm.

I understand that Conservative USMB posters are Batshit Crazy as you have just demonstrated.

But you would expect our top Republicans to show some level of sanity.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Well I'm not a Rep but I don't see Biden as having won this very fraudulent election. Hell evidence is coming to light and not just on this board.

If Biden were Trump you and every other lefty loon on this board would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Biden isn't President elect till all this is over.
Did dems care they looked crazy for screaming RUSSIA for 4 years?
The answer to both questions is "of course not"

We had specific evidence of Russian interference in our election, Trump staff meeting with Russian agents and Trump demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

There is no credible evidence of vote switching or secret ballots.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

This is equivalent to a Retard calling a group of Rocket scientists a bunch of retards
Did dems care they looked crazy for screaming RUSSIA for 4 years?
The answer to both questions is "of course not"

We had specific evidence of Russian interference in our election, Trump staff meeting with Russian agents and Trump demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

There is no credible evidence of vote switching or secret ballots.

You are so full of shit. Mueller's report cleared Trump. Find something else to rant about. Russia was a hoax perpetrated by you Dem idiots.

Oh an more evidence is coming to light every day on this fraudulent election.
If Biden were Trump you and every other lefty loon on this board would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Hillary WAS Trump in 2016 and the margins in swing states were much closer.
Hillary conceded the election on election night and Dems grudgingly called Trump President Elect and allowed him access to briefings and transition resources.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Batshit crazy are numbnuts like you who want to pay more taxes
I want our super wealthy to pay more taxes.

Batshit crazy is slashing their taxes and then expecting the deficit to go down

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the super rich. Do you ever tell the truth about anything?

yes, they did not cut taxes for those who pay zero, its hard to pay less than nothing.

you fools have been batshit crazy ever since Trump beat crooked Hillary in 2016. One hoax after another for 4 fricken years. Now its our turn, the difference is that we have evidence and you never did.
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