Do Republicans even understand what Mrs. Clinton's supposed "crime" is all about?

I work at a company that gives you a computer to work on. If you try to log in to your email off site, they ask you why.

They will allow you to hook up to your home computer, but they want access to it so they can check out who you've been talking to.

There are classes several times a year on honest business. What could get you in trouble, what is a bribe, illegal business practices.

If you ask for a laptop, you get the third degree.

Now here is this older woman who is suddenly somehow an expert in technology that she could bypass all kinds of state department regulations. Set up a server. How did she get to be an expert on technology?

Short answer? She probably isn't. Why isn't the state department all over this? Who is their IT guy? So she was presented with rules and regulations so she came up with all kinds of ways to get around those rules and regulations? How likely is that? Most Republicans on the USMB don't even know how to use Google. I suspect Hillary is about at that level.

In all these meetings and reports and screaming Republicans, I haven't heard anyone explain how she ignored IT guidelines. In fact, where are the IT guidelines. Don't tell me there aren't any.
Not sure why you equate Hillary to most republicans on the USMB. A latent sense of humor perhaps! That aside. It seems to me that you are ignoring Clinton's record of lying and cheating as the reason it is easy to believe that she knowingly left confidential info about national security vulnerable to hacking.

This is a women who didn't bother to check the correct English to Russian translation of reset. It was only the first impression she was giving the Russians when she started her gig as Sec o State. That's just one example that is part of a pattern.

Guidelines? She don't need no stinking guidelines!
Denying Republican conspiracy lies over 30 years is not lying.
Rderp run from the thread?
Your kind says, oh but it's different. Condi and Powell didn't use a private server.

The very nature of public email is over a private server.

Exclusive: Big data breaches found at major email services - expert

Hundreds of millions of hacked user names and passwords for email accounts and other websites are being traded in Russia's criminal underworld, a security expert told Reuters.


In fact, she was probably smart not to use the government server:

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

The issue is relevant because one criticism of the Clinton private email use is that it was likely less secure than emailing within the State Department's system. But the hack shows that State's system has major security issues. The State system, investigators believe, was compromised in the past year, likely after Clinton left the State Department.


But still, after everything Republicans have done to the country, they will never investigate each other, no matter how much damage they caused. Not matter how many Americans they killed. They protect each other. Party before country.
The worst part about the GOP's "party over country" plan is how the Republican Party hurts their own base.
I work at a company that gives you a computer to work on. If you try to log in to your email off site, they ask you why.

They will allow you to hook up to your home computer, but they want access to it so they can check out who you've been talking to.

There are classes several times a year on honest business. What could get you in trouble, what is a bribe, illegal business practices.

If you ask for a laptop, you get the third degree.

Now here is this older woman who is suddenly somehow an expert in technology that she could bypass all kinds of state department regulations. Set up a server. How did she get to be an expert on technology?

Short answer? She probably isn't. Why isn't the state department all over this? Who is their IT guy? So she was presented with rules and regulations so she came up with all kinds of ways to get around those rules and regulations? How likely is that? Most Republicans on the USMB don't even know how to use Google. I suspect Hillary is about at that level.

In all these meetings and reports and screaming Republicans, I haven't heard anyone explain how she ignored IT guidelines. In fact, where are the IT guidelines. Don't tell me there aren't any.

She hired an IT guy to do it for her dipstick. The guy has been granted immunity to testify against her. Here's what the State Dept. IG had to say.
Hillary asked to use a private server and it was approved

Any problem is with the state department which had approved it in the past

Wrong again sparky. My bold

And while other senior officials had used personal email accounts for official business, including Colin Powell when he was secretary, the rules made clear by the time she became the nation’s top diplomat that using a private server for official business was neither allowed nor encouraged because of “significant security risks.

Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private server was known by some officials beyond her closest aides, but no one in the State Department told her directly to use the department’s official email. When two officials in the record-keeping division raised concerns in 2010, their superior “instructed the staff never to speak of the secretary’s personal email system again,” the report said.
They've been after her now for how many years?

And nothing!

Which means either there is nothing or they're not very good at whatever it is they're trying to accomplish.

May I once again remind you. Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 different crimes. Draft indictements were drawn up but not served because she is too big to jail. Now courts won't allow the release of those draft indictments. Hardly nothing.

Four dead at Benghazi, hardly nothing.

Waco burned, hardly nothing.

Ransacking Foster's office after he was killed, hardly nothing.

Hiding the Rose Law firm billing records until after the stay of execution, hardly nothing.

Travelgate, hardly nothing.

Now you will say, she never was indicted for any of those acts. I would then have to say Al Capone was only guilty of tax evasion.
They've been after her now for how many years?

And nothing!

Which means either there is nothing or they're not very good at whatever it is they're trying to accomplish.

May I once again remind you. Whitewater produced 15 convictions on 40 different crimes. Draft indictements were drawn up but not served because she is too big to jail. Now courts won't allow the release of those draft indictments. Hardly nothing.

Four dead at Benghazi, hardly nothing.

Waco burned, hardly nothing.

Ransacking Foster's office after he was killed, hardly nothing.

Hiding the Rose Law firm billing records until after the stay of execution, hardly nothing.

Travelgate, hardly nothing.

Now you will say, she never was indicted for any of those acts. I would then have to say Al Capone was only guilty of tax evasion.
You're defending a child molester? Do you understand how sick that is?
Hillary asked to use a private server and it was approved

Any problem is with the state department which had approved it in the past

Wrong again sparky. My bold

And while other senior officials had used personal email accounts for official business, including Colin Powell when he was secretary, the rules made clear by the time she became the nation’s top diplomat that using a private server for official business was neither allowed nor encouraged because of “significant security risks.

Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private server was known by some officials beyond her closest aides, but no one in the State Department told her directly to use the department’s official email. When two officials in the record-keeping division raised concerns in 2010, their superior “instructed the staff never to speak of the secretary’s personal email system again,” the report said.
Anyone who uses private email is using a private server. Did that really have to be explained? Really?
Rderp run from the thread?
Your kind says, oh but it's different. Condi and Powell didn't use a private server.

The very nature of public email is over a private server.

Exclusive: Big data breaches found at major email services - expert

Hundreds of millions of hacked user names and passwords for email accounts and other websites are being traded in Russia's criminal underworld, a security expert told Reuters.


In fact, she was probably smart not to use the government server:

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

The issue is relevant because one criticism of the Clinton private email use is that it was likely less secure than emailing within the State Department's system. But the hack shows that State's system has major security issues. The State system, investigators believe, was compromised in the past year, likely after Clinton left the State Department.


But still, after everything Republicans have done to the country, they will never investigate each other, no matter how much damage they caused. Not matter how many Americans they killed. They protect each other. Party before country.

Rdean, here is how it is different. The rules were changed between those two and Clinton being SoS. Now reread that. the RULES were changed. The laws were not.

Your conflating the issues, perhaps on purpose. Neither Rice nor Powell are accused of violating State Department rules, because frankly the rules didn't' exist then, perhaps they should have , but they did not.

Now , to the matter of the law, IF either Powell, or Rice sent classified material via unsecured email,, then they violated the LAW, no different than Clinton and should be prosecuted for such.

But stop lying and saying that in regards to State Department rules Clinton didn't do anything the other two didn't also do, because that is flat out incorrect.

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