Do "Farm Subsidies" prove the GOP base are dupes?

republicans get millions in farm subsidies

joni ernst family farm subsidies

To Republicans on the USMB, school lunches for disadvantaged children, help with student loans, helping the poor, health care for the poor and so on is considered "wasteful spending". But millions in farm subsidies for wealthy Republicans is a "good thing". Because they are providers.

Working two minimum wage jobs with no benefits isn't considered "providing". Getting a million in free government money for no other reason than because they can is considered worthy by the GOP.

Are the GOP base "dupes" for wanting to help people who don't need it? And refusing to help people whose only crime is being poor?
these aren't the only subsidies they are for. oil? weapons? nation states? any others?

All those you mentioned and many more all return something useful to the Country and the Public as a whole.

The only subsidized group/activity that returns SHIT is scumbag dimocraps.

All they do is breed more dependent leeches.

At least Farmers feed us, Oil Companies deliver gas and heating oil, Weapons and Munitions defend us, Nation States Trade with us.....

What do dimocraps give us in return? In return for the subsidies we give them that are more and bigger than ALL the rest of the subsidies combined.
you are making excuses for your hippocracy. there are no excuse for it. stop.

What are you..... 12?

It's 'hypocrisy' and I could spell it by the time I was 10.

Get an education
spelling isn't important to me. besides it make you guys think more on the subject when you think your smart for seeing a spelling error. lol. keeps you on your tows.
Every Country on Earth subsidizes its Farmers. At least, the intelligent ones do.

Here's a news flash for you STUPID fucking dimocrap scumbags.....

We can live and do very well without our iPhones, iPads, and Colleges. Might actually be better off without them. debatable

We can live without cars, without washers and dryers and blue jeans and expensive shampoo and coffee and underwire bras and virtually everything else that you've come to expect from a modern civilization (brought to you by Conservatives; you are NOT welcome)

But one thing we can NOT do without is Farmers.

That is why every Country on Earth subsidizes Farms and Farmers

You dims are seriously too stupid to live. Honest to God, you really are
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?

  1. extreme scarcity of food.
    "drought could result in famine throughout the region"
    synonyms: food shortages, scarcity of food; More
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?

  1. extreme scarcity of food.
    "drought could result in famine throughout the region"
    synonyms: food shortages, scarcity of food; More
Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?

  1. extreme scarcity of food.
    "drought could result in famine throughout the region"
    synonyms: food shortages, scarcity of food; More
Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.
there is no reasoning with this type of liars and deniers. The want the money and to hell with us taxpayers they are stealing it from.
there is no reasoning with this type of liars and deniers. The want the money and to hell with us taxpayers they are stealing it from.

Now you're trying to tell us you pay taxes?

Every Country on Earth subsidizes its Farmers. At least, the intelligent ones do.

Here's a news flash for you STUPID fucking dimocrap scumbags.....

We can live and do very well without our iPhones, iPads, and Colleges. Might actually be better off without them. debatable

We can live without cars, without washers and dryers and blue jeans and expensive shampoo and coffee and underwire bras and virtually everything else that you've come to expect from a modern civilization (brought to you by Conservatives; you are NOT welcome)

But one thing we can NOT do without is Farmers.

That is why every Country on Earth subsidizes Farms and Farmers

You dims are seriously too stupid to live. Honest to God, you really are
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?

Instead of getting rid of farm subsidies why not allocate to the ones who need it to stay afloat, and the big Gov. and Gov. backed farms, get less or none?
And no they won't keep farming if there is a need. They will sell and retire in the subdivision they just created. Food is going to get expensive and scarce, and Monsanto will come up with a genetically engineered food substitute for your culinary needs.
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Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.

'Rough'? Seriously..... Rough?


There have been estimates (greatly exaggerated, IMO) of as many as 7 Million Americans dying of starvation during the Great Depression.

Even if that figure is 10 times higher than reality, it is FAR too many Americans to have starve to death.

My Parents lived through the Great Depression and it was more than a little 'Rough'.

And before you try to regurgitate the lunacy you learned at MLK High School, you need to understand something...... Agriculture and Crop Failures were a BIG reason for the Great Depression. 1 US History Power Point.pdf

dimocraps are just stupid. ALL of you. Dumb as a box of fucking rocks

This was in America in the 30's.

Know what caused it? Any clue how to prevent it?




Of course not. You're dimocraps which automatically proves you're stupid
Instead of getting rid of farm subsidies why not allocate to the ones who need it to stay afloat, and the big Gov. and Gov. backed farms, get less or none?
And no they won't keep farming if there is a need. They will sell and retire in the subdivision they just created. Food is going to get expensive and scarce, and Monsanto will come up with a genetically engineered food substitute.

"Means Tested" subsidies....?

Gee, aren't you the clever one :)

I think that is already being done. But I agree with you that much of the Corporate owned Agribusiness Multi Nationals don't need, and should not be, subsidized.

And guess what? A lot of those Agribusinesses are Foreign owned.

We should make certain that ONLY American Owned Farms are subsidized.
Every Country on Earth subsidizes its Farmers. At least, the intelligent ones do.

Here's a news flash for you STUPID fucking dimocrap scumbags.....

We can live and do very well without our iPhones, iPads, and Colleges. Might actually be better off without them. debatable

We can live without cars, without washers and dryers and blue jeans and expensive shampoo and coffee and underwire bras and virtually everything else that you've come to expect from a modern civilization (brought to you by Conservatives; you are NOT welcome)

But one thing we can NOT do without is Farmers.

That is why every Country on Earth subsidizes Farms and Farmers

You dims are seriously too stupid to live. Honest to God, you really are
News flash. It doesn't require subsidies in order to have farmers. Farmers have been around for many thousands of years. Where there's a demand, someone will fill that demand. Someone will always farm in order to provide food. It's been that way from the beginning of man. How long have subsidies been around? What did we do for food from farmers before subsidies?

Instead of getting rid of farm subsidies why not allocate to the ones who need it to stay afloat, and the big Gov. and Gov. backed farms, get less or none?
And no they won't keep farming if there is a need. They will sell and retire in the subdivision they just created. Food is going to get expensive and scarce, and Monsanto will come up with a genetically engineered food substitute for your culinary needs.
Someone will always farm, always. Most huge farms stay in families through many generations.
Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.

'Rough'? Seriously..... Rough?


There have been estimates (greatly exaggerated, IMO) of as many as 7 Million Americans dying of starvation during the Great Depression.

Even if that figure is 10 times higher than reality, it is FAR too many Americans to have starve to death.

My Parents lived through the Great Depression and it was more than a little 'Rough'.

And before you try to regurgitate the lunacy you learned at MLK High School, you need to understand something...... Agriculture and Crop Failures were a BIG reason for the Great Depression. 1 US History Power Point.pdf

dimocraps are just stupid. ALL of you. Dumb as a box of fucking rocks

This was in America in the 30's.

Know what caused it? Any clue how to prevent it?




Of course not. You're dimocraps which automatically proves you're stupid
Yes, times were hard. Food was rationed. And, the dust bowl days were extremely harsh and devastating. The great depression was a nightmare for everyone. No money, no jobs, and very little food. But, the topic is farm subsidies. We've come a long way from the Great Depression and dust bowl days.

Times change, economics change, and circumstances and situations change. It's difficult to justify giving subsidies to very wealthy farmers, even in years of bumper crops and high prices.
Someone will always farm, always. Most huge farms stay in families through many generations.

uh..... hokay.

off topic--

Just noticed your Crimson Tide logo.

I'm an Ohio State fan. :)

And we did it with our THIRD STRING Quarterback.

Big Ten RULES.

And an OBTW......

Know who would have played for the National Title this year had it not been for the new system?

Alabama and Free Shoes U.

Alabama was an almost unanimous #1 and FSU was an undefeated reigning Champion.

Tell me that wouldn't have happened......

But because of the new system that doesn't rely on MORONS in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media for rankings, we have a REAL NCAA Football Champion for the first time EVER....

THE Ohio State Buckeyes.

And it was no fluke. Our guys kicked the shit out of the Crimson Tide and those pretenders from the Left Coast.

Have a nice day :)
Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.

'Rough'? Seriously..... Rough?


There have been estimates (greatly exaggerated, IMO) of as many as 7 Million Americans dying of starvation during the Great Depression.

Even if that figure is 10 times higher than reality, it is FAR too many Americans to have starve to death.

My Parents lived through the Great Depression and it was more than a little 'Rough'.

And before you try to regurgitate the lunacy you learned at MLK High School, you need to understand something...... Agriculture and Crop Failures were a BIG reason for the Great Depression. 1 US History Power Point.pdf

dimocraps are just stupid. ALL of you. Dumb as a box of fucking rocks

This was in America in the 30's.

Know what caused it? Any clue how to prevent it?




Of course not. You're dimocraps which automatically proves you're stupid
Yes, times were hard. Food was rationed. And, the dust bowl days were extremely harsh and devastating. The great depression was a nightmare for everyone. No money, no jobs, and very little food. But, the topic is farm subsidies. We've come a long way from the Great Depression and dust bowl days.

Times change, economics change, and circumstances and situations change. It's difficult to justify giving subsidies to very wealthy farmers, even in years of bumper crops and high prices.

dewd, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I do NOT like FDR. He was an idiot for the most part.

But his Farm programs were -- Okay. Kinda. Sorta.

They've all been repealed and re-written however.

The Dust Bowl.

You cut off what you call 'Rich' Farmers and guess what they're gonna do?

If they're not being subsidized to let their land lay fallow, they're gonna plant it.

Unless you want to march in there with the dimocrap Gestapo or Stasi and stop them -- They're gonna plant it.

Know what happens when too much land is planted? Know what happens when too much land is planted too often?

You people just don't think things through. You really don't.

Here's a rule to go by, and I'm serious as dogs copulating......

If it comes from the left, from the dimocrap party, from Academia or from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, it's almost certainly a lie.

Assume EVERYTHING from those scum is a lie. Because, it usually is.

Check into it. Look into it. Verify it.

If you do, you will find that almost everything that comes from those people is a pile of shit.

Then you won't make yourself look silly and you won't get called stupid by people like me.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

Dogs bark, ducks quack, babies cry

dimocraps lie.

And then they get decent (and some not so decent) people to spread the word
Not sure if this has been commented on but 67 percent of all farmers and ranchers do not collect government subsidy payments in United States, according to USDA. Recipients in the top 10% averaged $36,290 in annual payments between 1995 and 2006. The bottom 80 percent of the recipients saw only $731 on average per year.

EWG Farm Subsidy Database
Someone will always farm, always. Most huge farms stay in families through many generations.

uh..... hokay.

off topic--

Just noticed your Crimson Tide logo.

I'm an Ohio State fan. :)

And we did it with our THIRD STRING Quarterback.

Big Ten RULES.

And an OBTW......

Know who would have played for the National Title this year had it not been for the new system?

Alabama and Free Shoes U.

Alabama was an almost unanimous #1 and FSU was an undefeated reigning Champion.

Tell me that wouldn't have happened......

But because of the new system that doesn't rely on MORONS in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media for rankings, we have a REAL NCAA Football Champion for the first time EVER....

THE Ohio State Buckeyes.

And it was no fluke. Our guys kicked the shit out of the Crimson Tide and those pretenders from the Left Coast.

Have a nice day :)
Yep. You beats us by a touchdown. Great game. Congrats on a well deserved win. Congrats on your national championship season. You had a very well coached team, and great players. I'm proud for you and the state of Ohio. I hope we meet again next year. Best of luck to you.
Keep in mind that everything FDR did prolonged the Depression

As soon as FDR took us off the gold standard, our economy began recovering. The same thing happened with every country that went off the gold standard. As soon as they quit it, their economies began climbing out of the hole.
Sure, times were rough during some periods of drought. We've also had flooding, freezes, hurricanes, and tornados. Yes, mother nature isn't always good to farmers, I agree. But, that still doesn't explain the astronomical amount of subsidies handed out year after year regardless of weather. Even in bumper crop years, farmers still receive subsidies. Weather doesn't justify the enormous sums handed to rich farmers, year after year, after year.

'Rough'? Seriously..... Rough?


There have been estimates (greatly exaggerated, IMO) of as many as 7 Million Americans dying of starvation during the Great Depression.

Even if that figure is 10 times higher than reality, it is FAR too many Americans to have starve to death.

My Parents lived through the Great Depression and it was more than a little 'Rough'.

And before you try to regurgitate the lunacy you learned at MLK High School, you need to understand something...... Agriculture and Crop Failures were a BIG reason for the Great Depression. 1 US History Power Point.pdf

dimocraps are just stupid. ALL of you. Dumb as a box of fucking rocks

This was in America in the 30's.

Know what caused it? Any clue how to prevent it?




Of course not. You're dimocraps which automatically proves you're stupid
Yes, times were hard. Food was rationed. And, the dust bowl days were extremely harsh and devastating. The great depression was a nightmare for everyone. No money, no jobs, and very little food. But, the topic is farm subsidies. We've come a long way from the Great Depression and dust bowl days.

Times change, economics change, and circumstances and situations change. It's difficult to justify giving subsidies to very wealthy farmers, even in years of bumper crops and high prices.

dewd, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I do NOT like FDR. He was an idiot for the most part.

But his Farm programs were -- Okay. Kinda. Sorta.

They've all been repealed and re-written however.

The Dust Bowl.

You cut off what you call 'Rich' Farmers and guess what they're gonna do?

If they're not being subsidized to let their land lay fallow, they're gonna plant it.

Unless you want to march in there with the dimocrap Gestapo or Stasi and stop them -- They're gonna plant it.

Know what happens when too much land is planted? Know what happens when too much land is planted too often?

You people just don't think things through. You really don't.

Here's a rule to go by, and I'm serious as dogs copulating......

If it comes from the left, from the dimocrap party, from Academia or from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, it's almost certainly a lie.

Assume EVERYTHING from those scum is a lie. Because, it usually is.

Check into it. Look into it. Verify it.

If you do, you will find that almost everything that comes from those people is a pile of shit.

Then you won't make yourself look silly and you won't get called stupid by people like me.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

Dogs bark, ducks quack, babies cry

dimocraps lie.

And then they get decent (and some not so decent) people to spread the word
I don't listen to any of them. I discovered a long time ago that there are over 6 Billion people on this Earth, and an equal number of opinions and views regardless of the topic or subject. I form my own opinions and views, and never accept anything that doesn't seem right, or appears not to be fact and truth. I read between the lines, and pay more attention to what's not said, as opposed to what is said. But, thanks for the heads up anyway. Much appreciated.

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