Do Democrats / Snowflakes Understand How Much Damage They Have Already Done To Foreign Affairs?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What country's leaders and representatives are going to want to ever talk to this or any other President ... Ambassador or politician ... after the Democrats have exposed this private conversation between a US President and the Ukraine PM into the public, releasing the transcripts to the entire world?

As far as the other nations' / world leaders know, from now on anytime some TDS-suffering, Trump-hating Democrat and/or politically biased politician wants to conduct a political hit their conversation and comments - word for word dialogue - will be released to the world. Add in the fact that Schiff and Democrats leaked a lot of things that were not officially released, and you have the Democrats dealing a very serious blow to our foreign relations / foreign policy.

F* the nation - as long as they personally and their party benefits, that's all that matters!
What country's leaders and representatives are going to want to ever talk to this or any other President ... Ambassador or politician ... after the Democrats have exposed this private conversation between a US President and the Ukraine PM into the public, releasing the transcripts to the entire world?

As far as the other nations' / world leaders know, from now on anytime some TDS-suffering, Trump-hating Democrat and/or politically biased politician wants to conduct a political hit their conversation and comments - word for word dialogue - will be released to the world. Add in the fact that Schiff and Democrats leaked a lot of things that were not officially released, and you have the Democrats dealing a very serious blow to our foreign relations / foreign policy.

F* the nation - as long as they personally and their party benefits, that's all that matters!
If you think this is just about Democrats you aren't paying attention. This is about Globalism, The UN, Agenda 21 Agenda 2030, and implementation of Global Socialism.

There is a reason you are seeing Intelligence Operatives and Operations in The US, Great Britain, and Israel to over turn 3 Elections that Oppose Globalism SIMULTANEOUSLY. There is a reason THE CIA, and OBAMA ADMINISTRATION opposed an ANTI-CORRUPTION Government in THE UKRAINE and tried to interfere in UKRAINE's ELECTION and staged COUPS in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

Take a look at these Sham hearings. Every single person is a member of The Intelligence Community. The same people who started COUP 1.0 with The Dirty Dossier, the same people that opposed Brexit, and the same people that interfered with Israel's Elections as well as our own, and the same people that are trying to oust President Trump, stop Johnson from being elected, stop Brexit, and get rid of Netanyahu. The Same people that tried to stop the Burisma Investigation.
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What country's leaders and representatives are going to want to ever talk to this or any other President ... Ambassador or politician ... after the Democrats have exposed this private conversation between a US President and the Ukraine PM into the public, releasing the transcripts to the entire world?

As far as the other nations' / world leaders know, from now on anytime some TDS-suffering, Trump-hating Democrat and/or politically biased politician wants to conduct a political hit their conversation and comments - word for word dialogue - will be released to the world. Add in the fact that Schiff and Democrats leaked a lot of things that were not officially released, and you have the Democrats dealing a very serious blow to our foreign relations / foreign policy.

F* the nation - as long as they personally and their party benefits, that's all that matters!

Yes they understand everything/ it is their following sheep they know who are weak and will obey , believe, listen to and watch them as they parrot everything their masters tell them.

The stupidity is so low it goes right over their heads when we say you " parrot" the headlines.
What country's leaders and representatives are going to want to ever talk to this or any other President ... Ambassador or politician ... after the Democrats have exposed this private conversation between a US President and the Ukraine PM into the public, releasing the transcripts to the entire world?

As far as the other nations' / world leaders know, from now on anytime some TDS-suffering, Trump-hating Democrat and/or politically biased politician wants to conduct a political hit their conversation and comments - word for word dialogue - will be released to the world. Add in the fact that Schiff and Democrats leaked a lot of things that were not officially released, and you have the Democrats dealing a very serious blow to our foreign relations / foreign policy.

F* the nation - as long as they personally and their party benefits, that's all that matters!
If you think this is just about Democrats you aren't paying attention. This is about Globalism, The UN, Agenda 21 Agenda 2030, and implementation of Global Socialism.

There is a reason you are seeing Intelligence Operatives and Operations in The US, Great Britain, and Israel to over turn 3 Elections that Oppose Globalism SIMULTANEOUSLY. There is a reason THE CIA, and OBAMA ADMINISTRATION opposed an ANTI-CORRUPTION Government in THE UKRAINE and tried to interfere in UKRAINE's ELECTION and staged COUPS in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

Take a look at these Sham hearings. Every single person is a member of The Intelligence Community. The same people who started COUP 1.0 with The Dirty Dossier, the same people that opposed Brexit, and the same people that interfered with Israel's Elections as well as our own, and the same people that are trying to oust President Trump, stop Johnson from being elected, stop Brexit, and get rid of Netanyahu. The Same people that tried to stop the Burisma Investigation.

u need 20 stars for that one LOL.
Do Democrats / Snowflakes Understand How Much Damage They Have Already Done To Foreign Affairs?

What country's leaders and representatives are going to want to ever talk to this or any other President ... Ambassador or politician ... after the Democrats have exposed this private conversation between a US President and the Ukraine PM into the public, releasing the transcripts to the entire world?

As far as the other nations' / world leaders know, from now on anytime some TDS-suffering, Trump-hating Democrat and/or politically biased politician wants to conduct a political hit their conversation and comments - word for word dialogue - will be released to the world. Add in the fact that Schiff and Democrats leaked a lot of things that were not officially released, and you have the Democrats dealing a very serious blow to our foreign relations / foreign policy.

F* the nation - as long as they personally and their party benefits, that's all that matters!

Member that time the "Democrats/Snowflakes" refused to go honour WWI soldiers because it was raining and the Democratic/Snowflake hair might get wet?

Member that other time when the Democrats/Snowflakes walked in front of the Queen? And then said that the UK and England were the same thing?

Member that other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes called up Australia and threw a hissyfit?

Member that other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes sucked up to Vlad the Imputiner trying to take him off the hook for election tampering, and then tried to get out of it by claiming "would" means "wouldn't"?

Member that other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes alluded to "look what happened in Sweden last night", and Sweden was like, wtf??

Member that other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes chided Canada, which did not then exist, for burning down the White House?

Member that other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes called entire swaths of the world "shithole countries"?

Member that other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes publicly invited Russia to hack our databases?

Member that other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes tried to tell the UN they had got more done than anybody ever and the whole room laughed at them?

Member that other other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes sucked up to a North Korean dick-tator and saluted his general?

Member that other other other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes referred to two Asian countries they had never heard of as "Button" and "Nipple"?

Member that other other other other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes said they'd build a wall and Mexico would pay for it?

Member that other other other other other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes declared they'd ban travel from certain countries based on religion?

Member that other other other other other other other other other other other other other time when Democrats/Snowflakes knew nothing about Russia having already invaded Ukraine, just as they knew nothing about David Dookie?

I don't either.
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