Do Democrats hate America more than they love President Obama?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
This is a tough question to think about because they really, really, really love Obama, but they really, really, really hate America too. This is so hard to answer.

This is a stupid thread you say? Don't blame me ... blame rdean. :cuckoo:
Well lets look at the reality shall we? Liberals and Democrats insisted 6 trillion in 8 years was a horrible deficit number under Bush, under Obama 5 trillion in 4 years is a GOOD number. They decried Bush starting 2 wars, they cheered when Obama maintained those 2 wars and started 2 more. They claimed a peaceful movement designed to elected people to Congress was a bunch of Nazis, terrorists and criminals, all with no evidence, BUT they support a movement that supports communism,violence,the seizing of public property, riots and unrest.

They will tell any lie, any untruth any mistruth that helps their position. Do they hate America? Nah they just don't care for her laws and Government except if it is run by Democrats.
This is a tough question to think about because they really, really, really love Obama, but they really, really, really hate America too. This is so hard to answer.

This is a stupid thread you say? Don't blame me ... blame rdean. :cuckoo:
What's really ironic, is.....this question would (typically) be asked by those same folks who complain about Obama's lack of.....

Curious. We have elections to determine who will be President.

If conservatives don't want Obama..they don't have to vote for him. Simple as that.

They keep saying they are in the majority. Well, election time..we can prove it.
This is a tough question to think about because they really, really, really love Obama, but they really, really, really hate America too. This is so hard to answer.

This is a stupid thread you say? Don't blame me ... blame rdean. :cuckoo:

No!!!! But some actions do bring pause.
Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

Are Democrats unAmerican traitorous sub-humans?

It's conservatives that constantly bring up civil war. Constantly.

And yet the Tea Party is a peaceful movement designed and successful at following the law and electing members of Congress while OWS is a violent group that illegally seizes and lives on public property. Riots, attacks cops, destroys private property and threatens people.

Remind us again which is right wing and which is left wing?
Curious. We have elections to determine who will be President.

If conservatives don't want Obama..they don't have to vote for him. Simple as that.

They keep saying they are in the majority. Well, election time..we can prove it.

AND YET, the left created and supports the OWS that does not call for elections, using illegal tactics, violence and criminal behavior to try and force illegal activity by the Government.
This is a tough question to think about because they really, really, really love Obama, but they really, really, really hate America too. This is so hard to answer.

This is a stupid thread you say? Don't blame me ... blame rdean. :cuckoo:

The problem with your question is that it implies there's a trade-off between loving America and hating Obama.

There isn't.
With some of the Lefty Wingnuts i think it's about even. And for others their hate for America is even stronger. Wingnuts always express hate much more than they express love. This is just fact. And it goes for Wingnuts in both parties.

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