Do Black Lives Really Matter To Democrats?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
We hear Democrats giving support to BLM however, they also support abortion and Blacks have higher rates of abortion. Seems black lives really don't matter much to them.
They want Chaos and destruction for their POWER.

Why the hell would people vote for someone who represents an area that has POOP MAPS...........Boogles the mind.
Wrong. But of course the racist white right will keep up with their gaslighting.
Wrong. But of course the racist white right will keep up with their gaslighting.
Aweee.......poor thing. Did the Burn Loot and Murder Party end for you.

Most of them being white IDIOTS who need to put down the pipe and check into rehab. But that is another thread on Drug induced Stupidity and Idiots.
We hear Democrats giving support to BLM however, they also support abortion and Blacks have higher rates of abortion. Seems black lives really don't matter much to them.

Black lives matter. To democrats until they disagree. Larry Elder and Tim Scott were treated awful by the so-called tolerant left.
We hear Democrats giving support to BLM however, they also support abortion and Blacks have higher rates of abortion. Seems black lives really don't matter much to them.
Black votes matter to democrats. Lives not so much.

Democrats keep their blacks on the Democratic Plantation but call all whites racists. In reality it is the democtrats who are the racists and always have been. Recently the blacks have started to wise up and are escaping the Democratic Plantation.



Wrong. But of course the racist white right will keep up with their gaslighting.

I have never met a racist right-wing conservative, and I live in one of the most diverse states. Every racist is in the democratic party. You are proof you cut down Larry Elder and Candice Owens. In threads, You don't like free-thinking blacks. I take it you voted for Hala Ayala over Winsome Sears? But you claim to be all about your people? So the pro-black power IM2 voted against his people being in a high position? What was she not your type of black? Do enjoy them banning racist critical race theory on day one! What did Janelle King say? Oh, that's, right the race card is dead!

When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

He and the other black right wing flavor of the month Candice Owens were on a show spewing internalized racism afflicted cray cray about how descendants of slave owners would deserve reparations for their lost property.

In another thread some dumb ass had the nerve to say Elder was an intellectual.

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When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Written by
Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times
April 17, 2019

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

Lincoln appointed a board of commissioners to oversee the process of compensation, headed by the North Carolina abolitionist and New York Times reporter Daniel Reaves Goodloe. The board reviewed more than 1,000 slaveholders’ petitions to claim more than 3,000 enslaved people, close to the entirety of the dwindling population. Most of the petitioners received the full amount allowed. The largest individual payout was $18,000 for 69 slaves.


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