DnC wants cell phone carriers to fact check your text messages

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
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This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
I'm guessing you dont realize they look at your messages anyway for key words?
So you think this bullshit is ok???
This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.

Now we know why they wanted Trump out so bad. We are making Canada look good. Now we are full communist where anything unapproved by the state is deemed misinformation then they come to take you away in the middle of the night for "correction."


This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

I don't use cell phones at all. But digital 5E switches can be fitted with add-ons to handle dial pulse if they want to.

The real solution is to chuck the Patriot Act, end the rampant state paranoia of boogiemen behind every rock, and offer analog communication again to those wanting it.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
This is just the beginning. These Nazis WILL be using data to control political speech and eventually, they'll use people's words against them, not because the words were actual THREATS but because they have no resistance that will stop their overreach. We already have reports of citizens being shot dead in their living rooms at 5:30 am because hammering on their door caused them to answer it holding a gun. Aren't "Red Flag" laws wonderful?

The Bidet regime has created an APP for good little Democrat Stasi members to report "radicalization" in their families, "friends", neighbors, and the occasional stranger on the internet who has the audacity to piss them off with opposing political opinions.
4am door kicking federal agents... in AMERICA...

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

I don't use cell phones at all. But digital 5E switches can be fitted with add-ons to handle dial pulse if they want to.

The real solution is to chuck the Patriot Act, end the rampant state paranoia of boogiemen behind every rock, and offer analog communication again to those wanting it.
It'll never happen. Just as with new taxes or bureaucracies, they never go away. DC will never give back power or freedom once it has it. I'd MUCH rather face the danger of a terror attack against this country than to face growing Federal powers that are just as dangerous or more dangerous than any terror plot.
We are fast approaching a point where millions of us are going to have to decide where we draw the line. I don't believe that violent Civil War is either necessary or inescapable. There's this MAGICAL POWER we have to tell DC to go eff themselves. It's known as civil disobedience.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

I don't use cell phones at all. But digital 5E switches can be fitted with add-ons to handle dial pulse if they want to.

The real solution is to chuck the Patriot Act, end the rampant state paranoia of boogiemen behind every rock, and offer analog communication again to those wanting it.
Your switch knowledge is advanced and Western Electric went out of business.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

I don't use cell phones at all. But digital 5E switches can be fitted with add-ons to handle dial pulse if they want to.

The real solution is to chuck the Patriot Act, end the rampant state paranoia of boogiemen behind every rock, and offer analog communication again to those wanting it.
Your switch knowledge is advanced and Western Electric went out of business.
They morphed over into Lucent Technologies. I actually have a current meter made by the predecessor of Western Electric.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

Hell the damn phone company is still charging me extra for touch tone. If rotary isn't available wouldn't that be fraud?

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This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
Ban cell phones and bring back rotary dial phones but telephone stepper switches are complicated.

I don't use cell phones at all. But digital 5E switches can be fitted with add-ons to handle dial pulse if they want to.

The real solution is to chuck the Patriot Act, end the rampant state paranoia of boogiemen behind every rock, and offer analog communication again to those wanting it.
Actually, the solution would be to withdraw all support for and participation in, the government at all levels.

Don't pay taxes, don't get permits or licenses (and pay the fees that go with them), don't register anything at all, don't comply with anything at all, and when, in desperation, they come for you or others like you, kill as many as you can and burn their houses and offices down.
If the cops try to pull you over, don't stop, call some friends, and drive them right into an ambush. Then go shoot up city hall and set it on fire.
If the cops try to pull someone else over, ignore the blue lights and don't make way for them, fuck 'em. If they try to retaliate against you for it, see above.

They won't last a week if enough people do this.

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