DNC / Liberals Move to STEAL The Election: Va Gov Pardons 60K Felons - Enough to Ensure Win

So why shouldn't ex-felons be allowed to vote? Their sentences are over, so why should they not be allowed to vote for the rest of their lives?

If Felons should be allowed to vote then why can't they be allowed to own a gun?! As you said, they did their time.

Liberals believe that Felons should be able to be allowed to vote for THEM. Hell, they even run them as candidates. Much like illegals, blacks, and terrorist refugees, though, the only sue Liberals have for them is their vote.

Hey, dumbass, whether or not those with records can vote, and the conditions thereof are under jurisdiction of the individual states.
I don't care who ex-felons vote for. However, the fact that very few ex-felons will ever vote for the Repug Party speaks volumes about the ineptness of the Repug Party.
It is obvious they prefer their own kind...and for that reason I don't mind that Felons may not vote Republican...or run as their candidate, as Hillary did for the DNC.

Oh well...since the Repug Party has been completely hijacked by racists who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, you don't have much room to talk.

Ex-felons make up a very small percentage of the Democratic vote, unlike the racists who vote Repug. The only reason Donald Trump is the Repug nominee is because most Repugs are racists.

I think you have fallen for MSM propaganda. They have you hating the wrong candidate when the truth is just the reverse. Why not READ the leaks instead of watch propaganda?

"13. Latinos are "needy". Latino outreach is "taco bowl engagement"
According to Hillary and her campaign, whites are “deplorables”, blacks are “super predators” who "need to be brought to heel", and Latinos are “needy” and the "taco bowl engagement". Such a uniter!"

The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks
Oh well...since the Repug Party has been completely hijacked by racists who believe Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, ....
Umm, you have 'conveniently' CHOSEN to forget that it has already been proven, from Hillary and Podesta's own e-mails, that the RACISTS who pushed the Obama 'Birther' issue around was none other than HILLARY in 2008....

Now that Wikileaks has exposed the DNC and Hillary, by exposing their own personal e-mails, as a bunch of RACISTS, SEXISTS, ANTI-CATHOLIC, HOMOPHOBIV ANTI-SEMITES, you might as well finally embrace it.

Even if that were true (and it's not, of course), it doesn't mean that Trump has to spread this racist birther bullshit for over 5 years. He built his political career on this racist horseshit and now he is going to pay the price for it tomorrow when he gets crushed by Hillary.

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