DNA testing allows the defense to cloud the facts


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Theyalways scream contaminated -when their clients are guilty-as-sin ie OJ trial and thisKnox girl in Italy
Why do you think that is a problem? If DNA is as useful as some prosecutors insist shouldn't we make sure that it is done properly? What is to prevent a technician from lying about DNA claiming it indicates that someone is guilty when he isn't?
I was going to explain how both sides benefit from, and can abuse DNA evidence, but I figure the OP has no desire or capacity for anything resembling an intelligent discussion of the subject.
Why do you think that is a problem? If DNA is as useful as some prosecutors insist shouldn't we make sure that it is done properly? What is to prevent a technician from lying about DNA claiming it indicates that someone is guilty when he isn't?

Most law and order types define "clouding the issue" as anything that prevents a conviction, regardless of its validity. "Technicalities" are high up on the list of things which L&O's find objectionable.
Why do you think that is a problem? If DNA is as useful as some prosecutors insist shouldn't we make sure that it is done properly? What is to prevent a technician from lying about DNA claiming it indicates that someone is guilty when he isn't?

Most law and order types define "clouding the issue" as anything that prevents a conviction, regardless of its validity. "Technicalities" are high up on the list of things which L&O's find objectionable.

I think the first thing they should find objectionable is a government than can arrest, and convict, people who disagree with them. I guess that makes me a communist or something.
I was going to explain how both sides benefit from, and can abuse DNA evidence, but I figure the OP has no desire or capacity for anything resembling an intelligent discussion of the subject.

What does OP mean -probably not a compliment

Heard the ref used in other posts

(at least I know what 420 friendly means)

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