Diversity is a Weakness, Not a Strength

The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

Are you actually admitting that black men are all thugs?
Oh okay 8 vs 1 (Me) after calling them the N word, and I'm the coward?

Too funny for words.

Well you just seem like a racist joke and you deserve what happens to you honestly....if I was present i'll be the 9th puncher and i'm not black.

I've seen my fellow Poles called dumb Polaks, and myself too.

We don't overreact, because we're not like you awful beasts.
Look Polak. You dont overreact with Black guys because we would knock you out. Now back to the diversity thing. How is the white race going to survive by inbreeding?

Haha, so why didn't 8 of them knock me out:?
Who says they didnt?

Now back to the diversity thing. How is the white race going to survive by inbreeding?

Whites have existed for thousands of years, how are they going extinct?

We're going extinct from mixing, not from not mixing.

You know this, you're just evil, and want a World without White people.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...

FDR's new deal and TR's anti-trust is why we were ever as powerful as we were. We no longer give a shit about investing in our infrastructure, we now think education is bad and sure as fuck don't want to lead in science.

We have become the negro that you judge as we don't act like the global power...China certainly doesn't.
That's because the education system has been dumbed down to float the idea that all races we're equal. They're not. And as such the resulting par for the course has the bar set for the lowest common denominator. It doesn't help that these veritable retards are pouring into our nation by the thousands either. You want better science and infrastructure? Quit importing low IQ people, and expecting high IQ results...
. Well education solves the low IQ problem, and the assimilation problem after that, but it all comes at a long abusive drawn out process. Many Americans who are abused by it all, well they never have the time to recover from it, and end up dying first. No one cares about how many American lives are destroyed, but only that their bottom lines from cheap labor is fed, and their mansions out in the sticks and/or their walled in communities aren't disturbed, and their kids are educated to the highest standards while everyone else can just suck eggs.

If true, then people with Down Syndrome should be fine after education.
Just unrealistic.
Segregation wastes talent. A belief that the White Americans are inherently superior betrays a fear of the other and the talents they contribute. Groups and political movements that advocate a superior race or racial segregation have two things in common. They have always wound up in the dustbin of history by either utter military defeat as the Nazis were in the 20th century or defeated politically and culturally as the Klan was.

The other thing racists have in common is their reliance on the fearful, the undereducated and the non-cosmopolitan. These are the easiest people to lead by fear, intimidation and division. But such people are a distinctive minority in our ever interconnected modern society.

Considering there's many dozens of genetic variables influencing intelligence.
In order for extreme genius to be expressed, it would make most sense to enforce a class system, so those genes are more likely to all go to one place the extreme genius.

This maybe why East Asians are actually smarter on average, they seem to achieve less, probably largely because Europe long had a stronger class system, which supported the genius genes upwards all into one place.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

In many parts of Europe Whites are generally harder.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

In many parts of Europe Whites are generally harder.

The poles suck at sports, best athletes are blacks. Where is your super genes?
in other words, it's an accurate representation

What a fool like that doesn't understand is that rights in the context he's referring to are rights that governments are supposed to secure.

He wants our government to protect his right to refuse to hire a black person, or a gay person, otherwise best qualified for a job,
simply because he's bigoted against blacks and gays, or in some other sense doesn't want them around.

And he thinks that's what our Constitution was meant for.
Which is precisely what the government should do. When it guarantees the freedom of association; it was written with the intent of allowing people to freely congregate at will. What was never written nor intended by the phrase “freedom of association”, was the forcing against ones will, the association with those, one would rather avoid. That’s where the “freedom” part comes into play. Both parties must be acting of their own free will. Why do you hate freedom?

Since laws against discrimination are repeatedly held up as CONSTITUTIONAL, you don't know what you're talking about.
Court decisions are always up for revisiting. Nor are they always correct. If they were your beloved “civil rights” movements court decisions would have been thrown out at the filing stage.

Why would a rightwing extremist like you be any credible judge of what the Constitution means?

What makes you any better a judge?
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...

FDR's new deal and TR's anti-trust is why we were ever as powerful as we were. We no longer give a shit about investing in our infrastructure, we now think education is bad and sure as fuck don't want to lead in science.

We have become the negro that you judge as we don't act like the global power...China certainly doesn't.
That's because the education system has been dumbed down to float the idea that all races we're equal. They're not. And as such the resulting par for the course has the bar set for the lowest common denominator. It doesn't help that these veritable retards are pouring into our nation by the thousands either. You want better science and infrastructure? Quit importing low IQ people, and expecting high IQ results...
What a fool like that doesn't understand is that rights in the context he's referring to are rights that governments are supposed to secure.

He wants our government to protect his right to refuse to hire a black person, or a gay person, otherwise best qualified for a job,
simply because he's bigoted against blacks and gays, or in some other sense doesn't want them around.

And he thinks that's what our Constitution was meant for.
Which is precisely what the government should do. When it guarantees the freedom of association; it was written with the intent of allowing people to freely congregate at will. What was never written nor intended by the phrase “freedom of association”, was the forcing against ones will, the association with those, one would rather avoid. That’s where the “freedom” part comes into play. Both parties must be acting of their own free will. Why do you hate freedom?

Since laws against discrimination are repeatedly held up as CONSTITUTIONAL, you don't know what you're talking about.
Court decisions are always up for revisiting. Nor are they always correct. If they were your beloved “civil rights” movements court decisions would have been thrown out at the filing stage.

Why would a rightwing extremist like you be any credible judge of what the Constitution means?

What makes you any better a judge?

Because I'm not blinded by a radical partisan agenda.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.

"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.

On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.

All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.

This is seldom true.

For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.

In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.

Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.

And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...

FDR's new deal and TR's anti-trust is why we were ever as powerful as we were. We no longer give a shit about investing in our infrastructure, we now think education is bad and sure as fuck don't want to lead in science.

We have become the negro that you judge as we don't act like the global power...China certainly doesn't.
That's because the education system has been dumbed down to float the idea that all races we're equal. They're not. And as such the resulting par for the course has the bar set for the lowest common denominator. It doesn't help that these veritable retards are pouring into our nation by the thousands either. You want better science and infrastructure? Quit importing low IQ people, and expecting high IQ results...
Which is precisely what the government should do. When it guarantees the freedom of association; it was written with the intent of allowing people to freely congregate at will. What was never written nor intended by the phrase “freedom of association”, was the forcing against ones will, the association with those, one would rather avoid. That’s where the “freedom” part comes into play. Both parties must be acting of their own free will. Why do you hate freedom?

Since laws against discrimination are repeatedly held up as CONSTITUTIONAL, you don't know what you're talking about.
Court decisions are always up for revisiting. Nor are they always correct. If they were your beloved “civil rights” movements court decisions would have been thrown out at the filing stage.

Why would a rightwing extremist like you be any credible judge of what the Constitution means?

What makes you any better a judge?

Because I'm not blinded by a radical partisan agenda.

Meh, not really. You are instead blinded by your own radical partisan agenda. Your type will never be happy with anything really. If y'all had it al your way then you would be unhappy about something else a week later. At least be honest about it.
And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

Are you actually admitting that black men are all thugs?
Nope. I am admitting you and your ilk are cowards that are brave online but timid in person.
This is why white racists lack any credibility and make me laugh when they claim they are intelligent. By every measure diversity is imperative in reaching the best result. The more data brought to bear the better the solution.

Notice where the Arab and sub-Saharan African conuntries lie in the I.Q spectrum:


The problem with this way of thinking is even in the white race you see certain whites thinking they are better than other whites based on where in Europe their family came from. Western Europeans think they are genetically better than Eastern Europeans. My family is German and English mix and the Germans and English tend to think they are genetically superior to all the other whites from Europe. My father was German and he had a friend from Italy who his parents thought was inferior because he was Italian and the Germans think they have better genes than the Italians.

It all seems like a bunch of nonsense to me.
And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...

FDR's new deal and TR's anti-trust is why we were ever as powerful as we were. We no longer give a shit about investing in our infrastructure, we now think education is bad and sure as fuck don't want to lead in science.

We have become the negro that you judge as we don't act like the global power...China certainly doesn't.
That's because the education system has been dumbed down to float the idea that all races we're equal. They're not. And as such the resulting par for the course has the bar set for the lowest common denominator. It doesn't help that these veritable retards are pouring into our nation by the thousands either. You want better science and infrastructure? Quit importing low IQ people, and expecting high IQ results...
. Well education solves the low IQ problem, and the assimilation problem after that, but it all comes at a long abusive drawn out process. Many Americans who are abused by it all, well they never have the time to recover from it, and end up dying first. No one cares about how many American lives are destroyed, but only that their bottom lines from cheap labor is fed, and their mansions out in the sticks and/or their walled in communities aren't disturbed, and their kids are educated to the highest standards while everyone else can just suck eggs.

If true, then people with Down Syndrome should be fine after education.
Just unrealistic.
. Wow, really ?? You went there didn't you ? Yes you did... You are unrealistic in your analogies that's for sure.
This is why white racists lack any credibility and make me laugh when they claim they are intelligent. By every measure diversity is imperative in reaching the best result. The more data brought to bear the better the solution.

Notice where the Arab and sub-Saharan African conuntries lie in the I.Q spectrum:


The problem with this way of thinking is even in the white race you see certain whites thinking they are better than other whites based on where in Europe their family came from. Western Europeans think they are genetically better than Eastern Europeans. My family is German and English mix and the Germans and English tend to think they are genetically superior to all the other whites from Europe. My father was German and he had a friend from Italy who his parents thought was inferior because he was Italian and the Germans think they have better genes than the Italians.

It all seems like a bunch of nonsense to me.

I'm not talking about genes. I only posted the I.Q. map because Aclesias claimed blacks were smarter than whites. I'm talking about culture. Some cultures are definitely better than others.
And yet here we are. Very diverse and the most powerful nation in the world.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

Are you actually admitting that black men are all thugs?

ill bet you cry about being accused of being a racist.

And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

Are you actually admitting that black men are all thugs?
Nope. I am admitting you and your ilk are cowards that are brave online but timid in person.
It looks to me like you're saying that white people have good reason to be afraid of black people.
And here we are... A nation recognized globally as a nation in decline. Easily traceable, back to the immigration act of 65...
You ignore history. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the low point on our national barometer And race, immigration and segregation had nothing at all to do with it.

Just because you are too simple minded not to look at actual causes doesn't mean the rest of us are as gullible, thank God.
Check your calendar... This ain't the 30's...
You better keep that in mind when you go outside in the real world and encounter a Black man. Dont let the internet lull you into developing a bad habit that might get you hurt.

Are you actually admitting that black men are all thugs?

ill bet you cry about being accused of being a racist.


I knew one of you douche bags would take issue with that word. I use it whenever someone says something incriminating to indicate they know it's incriminating. It doesn't mean I believe what was said is the truth.

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