Discrimination Against Whites...Why Democrats Are Going to Lose in 2018


May 23, 2014
This crock of shit talk about “white privilege” does not resonate with hard working white families that bust their ass everyday, pay taxes...serve their country in uniform...and raise their children right. The “race card” has grown old. The conduct of Harris and Booker on Judiciary Committee has been disgraceful. Everything in this world now has the race card put on it. Even Bill Cosby lawyer said his conviction was “racist.” The attacks on a Judge Kavanaugh would not be allowed if he and his family were black. Double standard at school, workplace, college,and our culture. It’s bullshit.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
This crock of shit talk about “white privilege” does not resonate with hard working white families that bust their ass everyday, pay taxes...serve their country in uniform...and raise their children right. The “race card” has grown old. The conduct of Harris and Booker on Judiciary Committee has been disgraceful. Everything in this world now has the race card put on it. Even Bill Cosby lawyer said his conviction was “racist.” The attacks on a Judge Kavanaugh would not be allowed if he and his family were black. Double standard at school, workplace, college,and our culture. It’s bullshit.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
Democrats are not losing
I actually think they are. You can’t call a white womans husband and children privileged assholes that deserve to be ridiculed and have opportunities taken from them and expect those women to vote for you. You can’t tell middle class families that finally have jobs and a better outlook economically you want your tax cuts back. You can’t tell a woman her male child is a rapist if any woman ever just says so and he doesn’t deserve due process.

I don’t think these messages are resonating.
Democrats are not losing
I actually think they are. You can’t call a white womans husband and children privileged assholes that deserve to be ridiculed and have opportunities taken from them and expect those women to vote for you. You can’t tell middle class families that finally have jobs and a better outlook economically you want your tax cuts back. You can’t tell a woman her male child is a rapist if any woman ever just says so and he doesn’t deserve due process.

I don’t think these messages are resonating.
Me two times up...
It's tough all over after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. The GOP loves distracting us from that with garbage character assassination and propaganda.
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Democrats are not losing
I actually think they are. You can’t call a white womans husband and children privileged assholes that deserve to be ridiculed and have opportunities taken from them and expect those women to vote for you. You can’t tell middle class families that finally have jobs and a better outlook economically you want your tax cuts back. You can’t tell a woman her male child is a rapist if any woman ever just says so and he doesn’t deserve due process.

I don’t think these messages are resonating.
Me two times up...
It's tough all over after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. The GOP loves distracting us from that with garbage character assassination and propaganda.
Are you seriously talking about a party doing character assassination after this last week with Kavanaugh? You can’t possibly be this fucking out of touch.
Democrats are not losing
I actually think they are. You can’t call a white womans husband and children privileged assholes that deserve to be ridiculed and have opportunities taken from them and expect those women to vote for you. You can’t tell middle class families that finally have jobs and a better outlook economically you want your tax cuts back. You can’t tell a woman her male child is a rapist if any woman ever just says so and he doesn’t deserve due process.

I don’t think these messages are resonating.
Believe it or not, the left really does believe that because of the way they treat white men like Brett Kavanaugh the left has a lock on the white women's vote.
As a white married male who is retired i have yet to witness one iota of discrimination against people of my race. That being said I am going to vote strictly 3rd party from here on out with the hopes someday a third party that really stands for the working middle class emerged because neither the lying dems not the corporate ruling class gop parties really want them to move up the scale.
Democrats are not losing
I actually think they are. You can’t call a white womans husband and children privileged assholes that deserve to be ridiculed and have opportunities taken from them and expect those women to vote for you. You can’t tell middle class families that finally have jobs and a better outlook economically you want your tax cuts back. You can’t tell a woman her male child is a rapist if any woman ever just says so and he doesn’t deserve due process.

I don’t think these messages are resonating.
Me two times up...
It's tough all over after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. The GOP loves distracting us from that with garbage character assassination and propaganda.
Are you seriously talking about a party doing character assassination after this last week with Kavanaugh? You can’t possibly be this fucking out of touch.

Franco is serious. He is that out of touch. He listens to msnbc 24/7. I've never seen someone who can lockstep as good as he can.
This crock of shit talk about “white privilege” does not resonate with hard working white families that bust their ass everyday, pay taxes...serve their country in uniform...and raise their children right. The “race card” has grown old. The conduct of Harris and Booker on Judiciary Committee has been disgraceful. Everything in this world now has the race card put on it. Even Bill Cosby lawyer said his conviction was “racist.” The attacks on a Judge Kavanaugh would not be allowed if he and his family were black. Double standard at school, workplace, college,and our culture. It’s bullshit.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

Finally! One of you republicans admit that Clarence Thomas is white.

The instances of reverse discrimination I saw are:
On "The View" they referred to the Senators as old white men.
On campuses there is a term called "white privilege"
Colleges consider race for admissions, Asians are discriminated against
When Trump was elected Van Jones made a "whitelash" comment Van Jones discusses 'whitelash' comments - CNN Video
I thought the goal was a "colorblind" society?

The Left wants to keep playing the race card. Voters may notice what their race is and vote accordingly. Van Jones tried to clean up his "whitelash" comment in the above link. As a Trump voter I did not have a single thought about race when deciding who could provide a better direction for the country. In 2018 the women are trying to make inroads into politics, if they win fine, if they lose, then I hope they don't whine about it. In 2020 it could be a circus with all of the various factions vying for votes. Black voters may like the new direction of the country, more jobs, more factories moving back, etc. We'll see if the unions can keep their people from voting for Trump, I doubt it, they like all the work Trump shook loose.
This crock of shit talk about “white privilege” does not resonate with hard working white families that bust their ass everyday, pay taxes...serve their country in uniform...and raise their children right. The “race card” has grown old. The conduct of Harris and Booker on Judiciary Committee has been disgraceful. Everything in this world now has the race card put on it. Even Bill Cosby lawyer said his conviction was “racist.” The attacks on a Judge Kavanaugh would not be allowed if he and his family were black. Double standard at school, workplace, college,and our culture. It’s bullshit.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
White people are so oppressed in America.
This crock of shit talk about “white privilege” does not resonate with hard working white families that bust their ass everyday, pay taxes...serve their country in uniform...and raise their children right. The “race card” has grown old. The conduct of Harris and Booker on Judiciary Committee has been disgraceful. Everything in this world now has the race card put on it. Even Bill Cosby lawyer said his conviction was “racist.” The attacks on a Judge Kavanaugh would not be allowed if he and his family were black. Double standard at school, workplace, college,and our culture. It’s bullshit.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
White people are so oppressed in America.

You are ignorant....

Any minority can get better deals

on college and business loans than

a White person…….
Democrats are not losing

Maybe not on planet “Ain’t got a Clue”

But on planet Earth the left is in Deep Deep SHIT

The left will lose the Mid-Terms…….

This doesn't appear to be the case. but we'll find out.

The momentum has clearly shifted to the Right..

Americans as a whole are good decent people….

We see the SCUM BAG tricks of the left for what they are….
The instances of reverse discrimination I saw are:
On "The View" they referred to the Senators as old white men.
On campuses there is a term called "white privilege"
Colleges consider race for admissions, Asians are discriminated against
When Trump was elected Van Jones made a "whitelash" comment Van Jones discusses 'whitelash' comments - CNN Video
I thought the goal was a "colorblind" society?

The Left wants to keep playing the race card. Voters may notice what their race is and vote accordingly. Van Jones tried to clean up his "whitelash" comment in the above link. As a Trump voter I did not have a single thought about race when deciding who could provide a better direction for the country. In 2018 the women are trying to make inroads into politics, if they win fine, if they lose, then I hope they don't whine about it. In 2020 it could be a circus with all of the various factions vying for votes. Black voters may like the new direction of the country, more jobs, more factories moving back, etc. We'll see if the unions can keep their people from voting for Trump, I doubt it, they like all the work Trump shook loose.

There is no reverse discrimination. If you are over 70 male and white, you are an old white man. Asians are not discriminated against on college campuses. You are being discriminated against when you are 5 percent of the population and 20 percent of a college student body. This is a white racist ploy Asians do not like that you just used. White privilege exists. Trump is president because he played the race card and whites who voted for him played it too. Including you. Whites invented the race card.

In 1970 Ebony published an article by Lerone Bennett titled “The Road Not Taken”. It is taken from a book Bennett wrote called, “The Shaping of Black America”. This is a very interesting article that details how America made decisions and choices that created the racism or racial hierarchy that exists still today in our country.

As we have been taught, America began as a British colony. One can question the validity of this claim since the Spanish had settled here also but that is not the point I am attempting to make. What is however, pertains to the fact that when the first colonists got here blacks and whites generally did not live as part of a racially defined society.

“A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.”

Lerone Bennett

Colonial America did not begin as a racist society based on the superiority of whiteness. There was a choice made in the mid 1600’s that created the race card. Whites invented this card, specifically wealthy elites to maintain power and control.

The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money.”

Lerone Bennett, “The Road Not Taken”.

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