

Apr 3, 2011
yes obama and biden are both disasters!
americans seem to be catching on, i saw this sign on the back of a tailgate on a pickup that read: obama 2012 are you flipping kidding me america? what a looser administration, the three stooges were even more organizied. if we survive these clowns they wil go down as being the worst couple in the white house history.

their motto: do the opposite of what would be good for the country, common sense, what is that? is that what joe and i and hollyweird should have? will the folks who voted for these clowns please take the next flight with dennis rodman to north korea, they are waiting for you all.

how important is america to obama? well isnt it very obvious folks, its right behind hollyweird, then golf, then vacation. oh yah! im suppose to be the leader of the u.s.? really! you could have fooled me!

respect you say: guess what? its not handed out like the gov. credit card, you have to earn it, so get busy! his agenda besides enabling minorities is blaming the republican party for his mess and the news is helping him. those slime balls.

thank god for rand paul, marko rubio, paul ryan and ted cruz. keep up the pressure on these greedy politicans who will die in their seats and be carried out of office. feinstein, pelosi and reid, if they got paid for what they accomplished, they would owe the gov.

folks have you had enough of these looney liberals? lets dump all these bums including the republican imposters. vote all the hot air out. thank you!
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