Dire Warning On Coming Food Shortage

UN: "The problem of eliminating world hunger cannot be solved by 2030"
An insatiable capitalist parasite has stuck to the human genius, capable of great achievements in the name of the common good, and is sucking all the juices out of it
You will have suicided as your avatar shows you want to.

Anyone uninvited coming near my compound will have died of brisance from high explosive bombs dropped from my drones far beyond their guns range.
Compound. lol

The radiation will make you wish you were at ground zero moonbat.
UN: "The problem of eliminating world hunger cannot be solved by 2030"
An insatiable capitalist parasite has stuck to the human genius, capable of great achievements in the name of the common good, and is sucking all the juices out of it
The UN is a joke. Shortages of fertillizer and pesticides is the main problem here now. They went though the roof. Covid lockdowns and depending on others for what we did for ourselves before. That needs to return.

We pay farmers NOT TO FARM. and have VAST LAND to grow food on here in America. If the globalist threw money at it like weapons the world would have plenty of food.
1. Have dry beans and rice in your pantry…

2. Have chicken broth and bullion in your pantry…

3. Plant herbs and pepper’s…

4. Own a shotgun with bird and buck shot as your ammo.

5. Invest in Fishing poles, line, hooks and also have those pieces of wood they sell at Lowe’s that are small and cut them and make them into fishing poles also…

6. Plant Potatoes…

7. Own a BBQ and own two or three because they work for heating in the woods…

8. Invest into Butane and Propane burners and the fuel for it.

9. Buy a hundred of those outdoors solar lamps because they become instant light source at night…

10. Buy booze, smokes, medical supplies and even sewing kits because all those things will matter…

Do not buy toilet paper!!!

Final Note:

Stop looking at me like I am insane and asking wtf because you know this is correct but let remember Biden will save us all and I will wake with Ana de Armas….

Fine, I am insane…
Have Go To Handgun ( 9mm or 40cal ) and a backup ( Ankle or hidden ) Micro compact in 22 LR or .380 and a Riot configured Shotgun ( 12 Gage Remington Or other ) and a CQB Carbine AR or AKM and a reach out with optics Battle Rifle ( .308 FAL / HK / or AR10 ) and a bunch of other Firearms & ammo to barter

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