Culture can be viewed as a phenomena relating to each country or a region individually. A lot of theories talk about culture being predetermined and we all have a certain elements of our own culture implemented on some unconscious level. But the thing is that different cultures are more and more being viewed through a needs of global society that tends to marginalize small or in any way different or set back cultures usually referred to as uncivilized. Some of those cultures are placed in the hart of Europe, some in Africa, others in Middle East, but the fact is that our intolerance to different cultures is growing each day we choose to be concentrated on what is set as a cultural model by the mighty western societies. Difference is what makes this world so colorful, and finding similarities between the people of different nationality, religion and culture is a way to make connections to the rest of the world. In addition to this, I found an exciting reading called The Age of Nepotism that talks about different cultures and the ways to connect with others. You should check it out, as well as the site :