Did the SCOTUS Roe v Wade decision leak backfire?

Perhaps by 2024 when we get a real American in the White House instead of a louse. But by then, much damage will have been done.

That control of abortion law has been moved from the Fed to your own local state? Gee, your state must really SUCK.
Yup. It is a red state.
Yup. It is a red state.

You mean you're pregnant and can't drive to the next state for a day? If red states suck so bad then why is everyone moving to them? I live in a blue state, which is to say that like most states it is really a red state but with enough big blue cities full of progressives in it to make it usually tally blue in the popular count. It sucks, too--- wanna trade? :71:
The supposed leaker was worried the decision to overturn years of precedence would divide the country even more. It didn't backfire. Look what it's doing now.
Nonsense. The leak only revealed the decision ahead of time. Leaking it therefore served no purpose. You lie an awful lot okfraud.
The supposed leaker was worried the decision to overturn years of precedence would divide the country even more. It didn't backfire. Look what it's doing now.

What the leaker was after was George Floyd nationwide riots to try and stop the SC from making a decision against them. It didn't work, an utter failure. Some protests, sure, but not burning down businesses and destroying police cars.
It is a really big deal, we don’t need the media to tell us that. Inflation will eventually go. This will last. It’s a big deal.
No. It’s really not. Imagine the horror of the outside possibility that a few babies who would otherwise be disposed of in a little red bag (or sold for pieces) might now get to live.

I can only imagine how tragic that must feel for so many libs.
No. It’s really not. Imagine the horror of the outside possibility that a few babies who would otherwise be disposed of in a little red bag (or sold for pieces) might now get to live.

I can only imagine how tragic that must feel for so many libs.
A few. Hmmm. So what happened to your “millions” that they suddenly got compressed to a “few”?
A few. Hmmm. So what happened to your “millions” that they suddenly got compressed to a “few”?
I am afraid I can’t help you with either math or rhetoric.

If it saves just a few lives of utterly helpless and totally innocent preborn human beings, it’s already an improvement. That said, after Roe and until last year it is generally agreed that almost 65 MILLION of those humans were slaughtered in America.

However, as the decision does not outlaw abortions in our land, it seems likely that women who aren’t allowed to get one in say Oklahoma or Mississippi will be able to go to another state where it’s legal.

So, how your question is of any value is unclear.
I am afraid I can’t help you with either math or rhetoric.

If it saves just a few lives of utterly helpless and totally innocent preborn human beings, it’s already an improvement. That said, after Roe and until last year it is generally agreed that almost 65 MILLION of those humans were slaughtered in America.

However, as the decision does not outlaw abortions in our land, it seems likely that women who aren’t allowed to get one in say Oklahoma or Mississippi will be able to go to another state where it’s legal.

So, how your question is of any value is unclear.
Reality check: how is a poor woman, in a state that banned abortions and crimialized aid to any woman trying to travel across state lines, goibg access abortion when surrounded by similar states? Your statement about it still being kegal is technically correct but functionally dishonest.
the leftist staffers that leaked it. with the intend to get brownshirts to threaten judges to reverse their opinion backfire bigly.

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