Diamond Member
Let’s be honest, the DNC is quite brilliant in this regard. They always seem to find a way to energize their base just in the nick of time.
Will there be another Democrat Virus formulated by China just in time?
Will there be another George Floyd incident coupled with fabricated fables of racial injustice?
Will there be another BurnLootMurder movement that gets all the Hollywood filth jazzing up the base?
Will there be another reason for states to allow mail-in ballots under the guise of national emergency?
Will there be another Democrat Virus formulated by China just in time?
Will there be another George Floyd incident coupled with fabricated fables of racial injustice?
Will there be another BurnLootMurder movement that gets all the Hollywood filth jazzing up the base?
Will there be another reason for states to allow mail-in ballots under the guise of national emergency?