Did Biden call Romney "President Romney"?

It wasn't Sarah Palins fault - McCain ran probably the most milquetoast presidential campaign in the general election ever.

Hopefully - Romney took notes.
It's a plot. Obama needed to get Biden out of the VP slot, so Biden gave him a graceful way to do it....Now Hillary will be on the ticket as VP and that ensures 12 more years of Dem presidency.

It's a plot. Obama needed to get Biden out of the VP slot, so Biden gave him a graceful way to do it....Now Hillary will be on the ticket as VP and that ensures 12 more years of Dem presidency.


Only problem is Hillary probably hates Obama.
It's a plot. Obama needed to get Biden out of the VP slot, so Biden gave him a graceful way to do it....Now Hillary will be on the ticket as VP and that ensures 12 more years of Dem presidency.


Only problem is Hillary probably hates Obama.
Not that I agree, but why would that matter?

If she hates him, why then would she help him get re-elected?
Is this the only occasion Conservatives take Biden seriously? The rest of the time, if we listened to the wit and wisdom of the modern American Conservative, Joe Biden is a walking punchline.

But here is one of his many gaffes when the Conservative poster sits up and takes notice. Are you recognizing Biden as a prescient observer of the political scene, or are you ready to start making jokes about him again?
Not that I agree, but why would that matter?

If she hates him, why then would she help him get re-elected?

You don't think the prospect of being the first female VP and a shoe-in for 2016 would be enough to convince her...?


If she became VP, then that's a great accomplishment, but she probably want's to be president......No way America would elect her president, after all the damage Obama and her would do if they were in office together. Not a chance in hell!!!!!!
If she hates him, why then would she help him get re-elected?

You don't think the prospect of being the first female VP and a shoe-in for 2016 would be enough to convince her...?
Don't you think obama needs to worry about 2012 before we get to the shoe in for 2016?

The.. suggestion.. is.. that.. Obama.. has.. a.. better.. chance.. of.. winning.. IF he were to drop brain damage Joe and take Hillary as his running mate.
You don't think the prospect of being the first female VP and a shoe-in for 2016 would be enough to convince her...?
Don't you think obama needs to worry about 2012 before we get to the shoe in for 2016?

The.. suggestion.. is.. that.. Obama.. has.. a.. better.. chance.. of.. winning.. IF he were to drop brain damage Joe and take Hillary as his running mate.

With the economy as it is a snowball would have a better chance in hell than obama being re-elected.

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