Did anyone vote for Trump because they thought he paid a significant amount of income tax?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Did they vote for him because he was a billionaire business tycoon?
Did they vote for him because they hoped he’d be their savior should a manufactured virus hit America?
Did they vote for him because he’s verbally articulate?

As the latest talking points / narrative develops, I’m curious, will anyone vote for him on the aforementioned issues in November?
Nope. I wrote-in Ron Paul. Income tax is theft. It's the mindset that the federal government owns you, owns and controls 100% of your income and that it alone sets the terms for which you may keep a certain percentage. I, for the record, do not consent to this theft and arbitrary redistribution of the fruits of my labor. Abolish the Fed, abolish its collection wing, the IRS, and repeal the 16th Amendment and we can get back to the glory days before 1913 when the income tax rate was 0%. I mean, you don't really think it's a coincidence that we got the Federal Reserve, its collection wing, the IRS, and the 16th Amendment all in the same year 1913, right? The founders never liked the idea of an income tax and wealth redistribution at the barrel of a government gun, which is why the Keynesians who came later went the route of illegally amending the Constitution in 1913 to legalize the theft and the blatant redistribution of wealth and to create the unconstitutional institutions to enforce it.

And if that don't work, remember the Whiskey Rebellion. This time we've got the Hamiltonian pricks outgunned.
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Did they vote for him because he was a billionaire business tycoon?
Did they vote for him because they hoped he’d be their savior should a manufactured virus hit America?
Did they vote for him because he’s verbally articulate?

As the latest talking points / narrative develops, I’m curious, will anyone vote for him on the aforementioned issues in November?


Nope. I wrote-in Ron Paul. Income tax is theft. It's the mindset that the federal government owns you, owns and controls 100% of your income and that it alone sets the terms for which you may keep a certain percentage. I, for the record, do not consent. Abolish the Fed, abolish its collection wing, the IRS, and repeal the 16th Amendment and we can get back to the glory days before 1913 when the income tax rate was 0%. I mean, you don't really think it's a coincidence that we got the Federal Reserve, its collection wing, the IRS, and the 16th Amendment all in the same year 1913, right? The founders never liked the idea of an income tax and wealth redistribution at the barrel of a government gun, which is why the Keynesians who came later went the route of illegally amending the Constitution in 1913 to legalize the theft and the blatant redistribution of wealth and to create the institutions to enforce it.

Always an excellent choice to vote for someone not running.
Always an excellent choice to vote for someone not running.

Hey, man, he got 1 electoral vote, so nyeh.

Besides, it's not about getting elected, it's about changing the course of history, duh. And, wouldn't you know it, we have a very good guide in the Constitution.

You guys are arguing about the wrong stuff, pffft.

Basically, what you guys are arguing is ''Hey, how come he don't have to wear the collar, too?"
Did they vote for him because he was a billionaire business tycoon?
Did they vote for him because they hoped he’d be their savior should a manufactured virus hit America?
Did they vote for him because he’s verbally articulate?
As the latest talking points / narrative develops, I’m curious, will anyone vote for him on the aforementioned issues in November?

I voted for Trump as the first Washington outsider-non-politician to break the cycle and finally get someone in office who would actually expect EFFICIENCY out of government who was representing the NATION and its people instead of just lining their own pockets getting rich lobbying and working for whatever foreign interest can bribe them.
If the Times report is true, and that’s a big IF, Donnie looks bad.
People believed Trump was a self-made billionaire successful businessman. He was never ever any of those things. He has been a fraud, a fake, a liar, and con-man his whole life.
How does anyone stand the stench of Trump's hypocrisy?


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