Dick's CEO Confronted By Shareholder For Scorched Earth Against 2nd Amd.

So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year

Swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous on a per capita basis. better not go swimming.
If we had more responsible gun owners in this nation we have less gun deaths.

If we had common sense immigration laws that prevented violent third worlders from flooding the country we would too. But then you wouldn't get your progressive shithole you so desperately desire.
No, I'm pointing out that you have no point because your fear and hatred is blinding you to the truth. It is NOT a tool of death. It is so much more than that. It's all about the PERSON that is using it.
And the vast majority of people shouldn't be using them.

Based on how few are used illegally, and or/stupidly, you are wrong.
That depends entirely on your definition of "stupidly".

No, it doesn't. Stupid uses involve illegal acts, and negligent discharges. Whether they end up with someone injured or not. Based on the sheer number of guns in the hands of citizens, and the vanishingly small percentage that get used for illegal, and idotic acts, guns are by far one of the safest tools on the planet.
By your definition.

Nope. That is what is known in legal terms as the "reasonable person" doctrine. Look it up.
You can actually buy just one share and attend an AGM if you want to be a nuisance. I have done it myself in the past. Its a standard agitators tactic.

You don't get to speak if all you have is a single share. What that share will buy you is the ability to sue the company. Yet again you have no idea of what you are speaking.
Is that a US law ? In the UK any shareholder can get up and ask a question.

Highly doubtful. Shareholder meetings are very regulated to keep idiots from wasting the very valuable time of fellow shareholders. Like i said, the single share ploy allows you to sue, but little else. I've been to dozens of shareholder meetings and not once has a gadfly been allowed to speak.
Well what you know could be written in a matchbox with a crayon. Maybe its like that in the US but not over here in the civilised world.
All shareholders have the right to question the board.

No they don't. If they did those meetings would never end because there is an unending supply of dimwits like you who would plague them with your empty headed proclamations.
Have you ever been to one of these meetings ? Get your nurse to take you to one when you are rational.
You don't get to speak if all you have is a single share. What that share will buy you is the ability to sue the company. Yet again you have no idea of what you are speaking.
Is that a US law ? In the UK any shareholder can get up and ask a question.

Highly doubtful. Shareholder meetings are very regulated to keep idiots from wasting the very valuable time of fellow shareholders. Like i said, the single share ploy allows you to sue, but little else. I've been to dozens of shareholder meetings and not once has a gadfly been allowed to speak.
Well what you know could be written in a matchbox with a crayon. Maybe its like that in the US but not over here in the civilised world.
All shareholders have the right to question the board.

No they don't. If they did those meetings would never end because there is an unending supply of dimwits like you who would plague them with your empty headed proclamations.
Have you ever been to one of these meetings ? Get your nurse to take you to one when you are rational.

I guess you don't comprehend English too well either. Try reading what I said before you make a fool of yourself yet again.
So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year

Swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous on a per capita basis. better not go swimming.
If we had more responsible gun owners in this nation we have less gun deaths.

If we have less illegitimacy, we would have fewer gun deaths.
So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year
Swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous on a per capita basis. better not go swimming.
Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety ...
https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/water-safety/waterinjuries-factsheet.htmlApr 28, 2016 ... Water-Related Injuries ... 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day.1 ...
So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year
Swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous on a per capita basis. better not go swimming.
Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety ...
https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/water-safety/waterinjuries-factsheet.htmlApr 28, 2016 ... Water-Related Injuries ... 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day.1 ...

Congrats, now figure out how many pools and hot tubs there are, and give us a death per capita rating. Here's a hint, there are waaaaay more deaths in pools and hot tubs than there are gun deaths. Only jump down the rabbit hole if you're willing to learn something.
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I just received a black powder flintlock rifle that was my Dad’s. It has been with my Brother since my Dad died. My Brother is downsizing and looking to relocate. I took the stuff, and loved the visit with my Brother.

To test the rifle out, I needed black powder, flints, ball, and all the other stuff. The closest retailer that I knew would have everything was Dicks Sporting Goods. I drove right on by and went literally twice as far to go to Bass Pro Shops where I got everything I needed. Will that bankrupt Dick’s? Nope. But I am not alone, and I know it. Dick’s knows it. They are hoping that the outdoorsy types who aren’t interested in hunting or shooting will support them. But I live in Georgia, and mostly outdoors stuff is hunting or fishing.

I wonder how long it will be before we start hearing about how Amazon is what is driving the loss of retail locations like Dick’s.
Your out are will fade an nextime you will stop at dicks.

Possible, but highly unlikely. I tend to hold a grudge. To this day there are relatives I won’t speak to. If they were on fire, I would break out the marshmallows and a stick to roast them with.

An example. I got annoyed with Dominos pizza and haven’t had one since, that was twenty years ago. I voted Democrat until the election of 2016, when in disgust I walked away from them. Will I ever vote Democrat again? Perhaps, but they need to learn and adapt before I do. I’m not a big fan of Republicans, but I am less disgusted with them, than the Democrats.
I just received a black powder flintlock rifle that was my Dad’s. It has been with my Brother since my Dad died. My Brother is downsizing and looking to relocate. I took the stuff, and loved the visit with my Brother.

To test the rifle out, I needed black powder, flints, ball, and all the other stuff. The closest retailer that I knew would have everything was Dicks Sporting Goods. I drove right on by and went literally twice as far to go to Bass Pro Shops where I got everything I needed. Will that bankrupt Dick’s? Nope. But I am not alone, and I know it. Dick’s knows it. They are hoping that the outdoorsy types who aren’t interested in hunting or shooting will support them. But I live in Georgia, and mostly outdoors stuff is hunting or fishing.

I wonder how long it will be before we start hearing about how Amazon is what is driving the loss of retail locations like Dick’s.
Your out are will fade an nextime you will stop at dicks.

Possible, but highly unlikely. I tend to hold a grudge. To this day there are relatives I won’t speak to. If they were on fire, I would break out the marshmallows and a stick to roast them with.

An example. I got annoyed with Dominos pizza and haven’t had one since, that was twenty years ago. I voted Democrat until the election of 2016, when in disgust I walked away from them. Will I ever vote Democrat again? Perhaps, but they need to learn and adapt before I do. I’m not a big fan of Republicans, but I am less disgusted with them, than the Democrats.
Ok, so you make 1. Most people don't hold grudges like you do.
I just received a black powder flintlock rifle that was my Dad’s. It has been with my Brother since my Dad died. My Brother is downsizing and looking to relocate. I took the stuff, and loved the visit with my Brother.

To test the rifle out, I needed black powder, flints, ball, and all the other stuff. The closest retailer that I knew would have everything was Dicks Sporting Goods. I drove right on by and went literally twice as far to go to Bass Pro Shops where I got everything I needed. Will that bankrupt Dick’s? Nope. But I am not alone, and I know it. Dick’s knows it. They are hoping that the outdoorsy types who aren’t interested in hunting or shooting will support them. But I live in Georgia, and mostly outdoors stuff is hunting or fishing.

I wonder how long it will be before we start hearing about how Amazon is what is driving the loss of retail locations like Dick’s.
Your out are will fade an nextime you will stop at dicks.

Possible, but highly unlikely. I tend to hold a grudge. To this day there are relatives I won’t speak to. If they were on fire, I would break out the marshmallows and a stick to roast them with.

An example. I got annoyed with Dominos pizza and haven’t had one since, that was twenty years ago. I voted Democrat until the election of 2016, when in disgust I walked away from them. Will I ever vote Democrat again? Perhaps, but they need to learn and adapt before I do. I’m not a big fan of Republicans, but I am less disgusted with them, than the Democrats.

You're Irish?
Oh noes. One share holder. Oh my.

OP, why is this significant?
You can actually buy just one share and attend an AGM if you want to be a nuisance. I have done it myself in the past. Its a standard agitators tactic.

I can really believe that about you buying shares in a company just to be a nuisance. I don't see you doing much constructive in your life past being little more than an agitator, as it's really easy to want to dick other people off for their successes when you have so few laurels of your own to be happy about. Seems to be a broadly common denominator amongst liberals and Leftists. They are all so busy trying to denounce and tear apart the world because they never grew up to share in any of it.
Oh noes. One share holder. Oh my. OP, why is this significant?
You can actually buy just one share and attend an AGM if you want to be a nuisance. I have done it myself in the past. Its a standard agitators tactic.
You don't get to speak if all you have is a single share. What that share will buy you is the ability to sue the company. Yet again you have no idea of what you are speaking.
Is that a US law ? In the UK any shareholder can get up and ask a question.
Highly doubtful. Shareholder meetings are very regulated to keep idiots from wasting the very valuable time of fellow shareholders. Like i said, the single share ploy allows you to sue, but little else. I've been to dozens of shareholder meetings and not once has a gadfly been allowed to speak.
Well what you know could be written in a matchbox with a crayon. Maybe its like that in the US but not over here in the civilised world.

I imagine you have a lot of experience working with crayons and matchboxes to know from firsthand experience. As to the UK(?) being the "civilized world," I guess that is why everyone including Brits are all trying to get the hell out of there--- --- the only ones trying to get IN to the UK are Syrian refugees and Muslims. Do not worry though, they will civilize it for you again.
A firearm is not a "tool of death". It is a tool to use to provide food, to provide entertainment and recreation, and a tool of self defense

It is,first and foremost, a tool of death. I am not saying it cannot also be used to accomplish those things,and you are missing my point.

No, I'm pointing out that you have no point because your fear and hatred is blinding you to the truth. It is NOT a tool of death. It is so much more than that. It's all about the PERSON that is using it.
And the vast majority of people shouldn't be using them.

That would be your OPINION, but your opinion is not persuasive.
A firearm is not a "tool of death". It is a tool to use to provide food, to provide entertainment and recreation, and a tool of self defense

It is,first and foremost, a tool of death. I am not saying it cannot also be used to accomplish those things,and you are missing my point.

No, I'm pointing out that you have no point because your fear and hatred is blinding you to the truth. It is NOT a tool of death. It is so much more than that. It's all about the PERSON that is using it.
And the vast majority of people shouldn't be using them.

Based on how few are used illegally, and or/stupidly, you are wrong.
That depends entirely on your definition of "stupidly".

Your posting style give insight into the definition of "stupidly"
So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year
Only in the hands of criminals and the mentally-ill. Law abiding gun owners are still NOT responsible for that, neither is the NRA, which is an advocate for safe gun use in families.
Brazilians had their guns taken away by the government and since then, the homicide rate there has climbed to over 60,000 people, last year alone and the public is demanding the government return their guns so that they can defend themselves and the government is considering doing just that.
You see, the problem there, just as here, wasn't with those who legally owned the weapons, it was with the criminals who had them, kept them and continued using them against the good people who lost their rights to their guns.
Now, I know that you Marxists absolutely must have the guns taken away so that you can implement your Marxist ideology over the public so that the public cannot rise up against the planned destruction of our Constitution, but many of us won't be giving up the guns.
So what? I'm sure horse and buggy stock isn't doing so well, either. Times are changing, and people are waking up to what guns really are : death tools.
Guns in the hands of the 90 million private citizens who own them aren't meant to be death tools, but rather, sporting equipment at the range and only death tools in self defense or hunting for venison.
Manage to kill 30,000 people a year

Swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous on a per capita basis. better not go swimming.
If we had more responsible gun owners in this nation we have less gun deaths.
We have MILLIONS of RESPONSIBLE gun owners who are very safe with their firearms.
The deaths by guns are a result of:
Suicides: I had to chuckle when I heard that someone said they were thinking of committing suicide and would only be hurting themselves and said so, online. The police were notified, the suicidal individual located and his guns were taken away, then they left, even though he told them he was depressed and had changed his mind. He had to fight to get them back. The thing was, after he left, he could have just as easily, taken some pills, hung himself with a belt, suffocated himself with a plastic bag, electrocuted himself, et cetera. All they did was take away the item that would have left his suicide a bit messier.
Gangs: These individual use stolen guns. Such individuals have been known to break into peoples homes and then into their safes to get at guns. They will get guns no matter what.
Assorted Criminals: Home invaders, burglars, robbers, car-jackers, drug-cartel members, organized crime, et cetera.
None of those individuals will turn in firearms.....that's why Brazil is faced with the high numbers of homicides, the criminals don't turn them in and use them on those that have.
Nothing true about this statement at all.
You are delusional, then. The attitude toward guns is changing. Sure, gun nuts are doubling down, but I think the (good and right) stigmatization of guns is beginning, in earnest.
The only delusional person in this conversation you yourself. American's understand that gun ownership is not synonymous with killing.

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