dick...durbin, a look down memory lane and how he embraced actual racists and thugs...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a nice breakdown of dick...durbin's history of attacking normal Americans, siding with racists, and apparently lying....

Is Dick Durbin trustworthy or a political hack the media loves?

In 2005, Durbin said the following about our soldiers at GITMO and he later apologized:

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said. "Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

Isn't it worse to compare our soldiers as Nazis than referring to backward corrupt countries as s-holes?

Why didn't Durbin, the media and other Democrats call Obama a racist when hecalled the Muslim country Libya a s-show. Why wasn't there wall to wall coverage?

Under Trump the unemployment rate for Blacks and other minorities has dropped to all-time lows. Does that look racist?

As far as I can tell Senator Durbin never had a problem with or didn't say much when:

  • He sat next to integration foes (which Dems define as racist) Byrd and Thurmond in the Senate for years.

  • He sat next to and respected Ted Kennedy, who left Mary Jo Kopechne to die to protect his political power, and Kennedy and Dodd had waitress sandwiches.

  • Harry Reid stood up and lied about Romney not paying taxes.

  • Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi and continually lied about a video causing the attack in Libya.

  • The Obama Administration continually lied to get the Iran deal done and paid ransom.

  • Planned Parenthood personnel bragged about crushing and crunching babies while saving valuable body parts to sell. When Durbin first ran he said he would overturn Roe v. Wade, so does Durbin have a core set of beliefs or will he do whatever is necessary to move up the Democrat ladder?

  • Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused women and sought to destroy anyone who got in their way for their quest for power.

  • Bill committed perjury.

  • Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Comey, Hillary, Rice and other people around Obama committed perjury with no punishment.

  • Obama compared tea party members to domestic terrorists.

  • Obama and the IRS discriminated against conservative groups seeking nonprofit status.

  • Obama illegally spied on Americans, including political opponents.

  • The Clinton Foundation and friends misappropriated money from Haiti. (Does Durbin or the media actually care about the people from Haiti?)

  • Hillary and the DNC paid for the fake Russian dossier.

  • The U.S sold uranium to Russia while the FBI was investigating Russia for corruption.

  • Obama told Russia he would be flexible after he was reelected.

  • Obama and Democrats (including Durbin) continually lied that people would be able to keep their doctor, their plan, it would lower premiums and lower the deficit when Obamacare passed.
Durbin, somehow, is the only one who remembers what was said in that room

Republicans "can't remember" or simply won't talk about it

None of the Republicans will man up and say.......Trump never said that
People who voted for Hillary will gasp in fake outrage at Trump saying shithole.

However, they don’t mind HIllary being a corrupt traitor.

Priorities, I guess.
Durbin has always been a greedy and corrupt despicable racist demagogue i.e. a typical Democrat Politician
So apparently "Destroy anyone who doesn't suck Trump's dick" is the GOP's new contract with America.
Notice how not a single Republican will stand up for the President and declare......He never said that
This is a nice breakdown of dick...durbin's history of attacking normal Americans, siding with racists, and apparently lying....

Is Dick Durbin trustworthy or a political hack the media loves?

In 2005, Durbin said the following about our soldiers at GITMO and he later apologized:

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said. "Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

Isn't it worse to compare our soldiers as Nazis than referring to backward corrupt countries as s-holes?

Why didn't Durbin, the media and other Democrats call Obama a racist when hecalled the Muslim country Libya a s-show. Why wasn't there wall to wall coverage?

Under Trump the unemployment rate for Blacks and other minorities has dropped to all-time lows. Does that look racist?

As far as I can tell Senator Durbin never had a problem with or didn't say much when:

  • He sat next to integration foes (which Dems define as racist) Byrd and Thurmond in the Senate for years.

  • He sat next to and respected Ted Kennedy, who left Mary Jo Kopechne to die to protect his political power, and Kennedy and Dodd had waitress sandwiches.

  • Harry Reid stood up and lied about Romney not paying taxes.

  • Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi and continually lied about a video causing the attack in Libya.

  • The Obama Administration continually lied to get the Iran deal done and paid ransom.

  • Planned Parenthood personnel bragged about crushing and crunching babies while saving valuable body parts to sell. When Durbin first ran he said he would overturn Roe v. Wade, so does Durbin have a core set of beliefs or will he do whatever is necessary to move up the Democrat ladder?

  • Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused women and sought to destroy anyone who got in their way for their quest for power.

  • Bill committed perjury.

  • Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Comey, Hillary, Rice and other people around Obama committed perjury with no punishment.

  • Obama compared tea party members to domestic terrorists.

  • Obama and the IRS discriminated against conservative groups seeking nonprofit status.

  • Obama illegally spied on Americans, including political opponents.

  • The Clinton Foundation and friends misappropriated money from Haiti. (Does Durbin or the media actually care about the people from Haiti?)

  • Hillary and the DNC paid for the fake Russian dossier.

  • The U.S sold uranium to Russia while the FBI was investigating Russia for corruption.

  • Obama told Russia he would be flexible after he was reelected.

  • Obama and Democrats (including Durbin) continually lied that people would be able to keep their doctor, their plan, it would lower premiums and lower the deficit when Obamacare passed.
God damn you really hate the truth when someone steps to the plate and calls out your racist POS PRESIDENT..
I know you didn’t think of this thread yourself being the vacuous hole you are.., so your RW media must be attacking him for being honest.
That’s a sin worse than death to you tards.
Durbin, somehow, is the only one who remembers what was said in that room

Republicans "can't remember" or simply won't talk about it

None of the Republicans will man up and say.......Trump never said that

It's easier to remember what was said when you are the source. Just sayin...
Durbin, somehow, is the only one who remembers what was said in that room

Republicans "can't remember" or simply won't talk about it

None of the Republicans will man up and say.......Trump never said that

It's easier to remember what was said when you are the source. Just sayin...
So you’re defending the republican cowards for not only not speaking out against T but for saying they “ can’t recall” while the others were mute.
Got it.
You really love your cowardly GOP.
Thank you Senator Durbin for telling the truth and having some courage to speak up.
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Durbin, somehow, is the only one who remembers what was said in that room

Republicans "can't remember" or simply won't talk about it

None of the Republicans will man up and say.......Trump never said that

Grassley did. I think a few others did.

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