DHS sending pregnant asylum seekers back to Mexico


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
Amen and thank you Jesus. I mean thank you Trump. They can get medical care in Mexico or go back where you came from.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico

One of my ideas, even for American gals near the border, is if they are on Medicaid, we should be paying for them to get operations and child birth at Tijuana General or Nuevo Laredo Hospital.

Its a lot less expensive to have operations and childbirth done in Mexico than in America.

Such a strategy could help get Medicaid expenditures down, as well as provide income for loyal Mexican citizens who have decided to stay south of the border and make Mexico Great Again.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico

One of my ideas, even for American gals near the border, is if they are on Medicaid, we should be paying for them to get operations and child birth at Tijuana General or Nuevo Laredo Hospital.

Its a lot less expensive to have operations and childbirth done in Mexico than in America.

Such a strategy could help get Medicaid expenditures down, as well as provide income for loyal Mexican citizens who have decided to stay south of the border and make Mexico Great Again.
They don't want to stay in Mexico because they will have to work and work hard for less and get no welfare assistance. Here we give them and give them our hard tax money. Those little jackpot babies collect the rest of their lives.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
They will now try to cross illegally during the night. Most try at the change of shifts.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
Well it is a two for one, and is the most abused law that we have, the illegals have been using this for years. I have not heard of any ICE raids for weeks and suggest that the raids they did were just smoke. I am getting suspicious of the whole thing. The Troops get a ribbon for sitting on the border?

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
Trump has the right idea, now about Gun Control and the Left.


That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
Well it is a two for one, and is the most abused law that we have, the illegals have been using this for years. I have not heard of any ICE raids for weeks and suggest that the raids they did were just smoke. I am getting suspicious of the whole thing. The Troops get a ribbon for sitting on the border?

The raids continue but the media is doing its best to ignore them.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico
Helll yeah!!
"DHS sending pregnant asylum seekers back to Mexico"

The plot thickens. If there is a loop-hole it will be found. You can see this when tons of people start showing up at the border with "the same story". As soon as you plug the hole a new one is found. This is how lawyers make their living.

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico

Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It never said send me all of your deadbeats, chronic welfare recipients and criminals.
Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It never said send me all of your deadbeats, chronic welfare recipients and criminals.
Yes, it did.
Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It never said send me all of your deadbeats, chronic welfare recipients and criminals.
Yes, it did.

Maybe in your feeble mind but not in the way I read English. Tell ya what, if you feel so damn sorry for them, shut your mouth, open your wallet and you take them on. Otherwise STFU because you've got not one dammed thing to say.
Oh hell yeah! Get em otta here before they squat down and shoot out yet another life long welfare recipient and or future gang member. And score a twofer in the process.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It never said send me all of your deadbeats, chronic welfare recipients and criminals.
Yes, it did.

Maybe in your feeble mind but not in the way I read English. Tell ya what, if you feel so damn sorry for them, shut your mouth, open your wallet and you take them on. Otherwise STFU because you've got not one dammed thing to say.
Don't call my mind feeble, asshole. Your English sucks. Of the 3 you post only "criminal" can be determined before someone settles in the U.S. The other three make no sense by sheer definition alone. And by the way, I have lots to say and every right to say it. The quote I posted is not my concoction. It is pure, unadulterated quote.
We can and should help "some" people.
But we cannot take in everyone. Even trying to do a small portion of everyone would mean the end of the country and the end of the resources for everyone.

Birther Laws are destroying America. It needs to end now.

Where's that "common sense" now the Left likes to throw out there all the time?

That should put a real crimp in those coming and trying to get in to have their kids in the USA. Means they won’t get an automatic pass because their kids are citizens.

Forcing pregnant women to wait alone in Mexico for their asylum hearings puts them at extreme risk of abuse and extortion. Moreover, it creates significant health risks for mothers and children facing imminent delivery dates when proper medical care is not available,” Merkley said.

Of course Merkley is a bleeding heart Dim Senator from Oregon.

@ Senate Dem seeks answers from DHS on reports of pregnant asylum seekers sent back to Mexico


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