DeVos to end federal common core


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Get lost, cupcake. Federal common core is kaput and thank God for that
Yes get rid of common core. Its time. Thing is the GOP was involved in its creation. Get rid of a lot of standardized testing also. One test per year is more than snuff. Private companies are making a lot of money in writing them. Time to kick em to the curb.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart
They will replace Common Core with creationism being superior to evolution, global warming is a myth and the wonders of supply side economics
Yes get rid of common core. Its time. Thing is the GOP was involved in its creation. Get rid of a lot of standardized testing also. One test per year is more than snuff. Private companies are making a lot of money in writing them. Time to kick em to the curb.

That is part of where the money is going. The tests have proven to be failure in and of themselves.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....
Collectivism has never made an individual smarter. shit for brains
Time to scale down to one test. Then ensure only teaching to that test. Then look at results. Why we don't do that I don't know. If you want high test scores, teach only to the test. Grind daily for that test. Wasting time on american history, music, etc isn't going to result in all kids going on to college or tech school beyond high school.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart
They will replace Common Core with creationism being superior to evolution, global warming is a myth and the wonders of supply side economics
We all know Al Gore is your God, do you really have to drink his piss and call it Kool-Aid?
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....
Your fasxist tyranny is almost over....we will soon control your schools....
I'm still mystified as to why the objection to the common core. All it does, in fairly complex educational gobblydegook, is list what educational objectives are taught at each grade level. It does not tell teachers what content to teach or how to teach it. It simply says by the end of Grade 2, for instance, students will be able to do this, this and this in English language arts and math. It emphasizes higher level thinking skills and introducing students to those habits of questioning and "thinking outside the box" even before they are old enough master complex thought themselves.
It would have been helpful to kids whose parents move across state lines so the states were consistent in grade level competencies, and a kid who had successfully passed Grade 7 in Georgia, for instance, would be ready for Grade 8 in Minnesota if they moved there.
It does not tell states or local governments what texts to use or what methods to use. It is approved or not at the state level. It is not a federal dictate.
What am I missing that is so objectionable?
I'm still mystified as to why the objection to the common core. All it does, in fairly complex educational gobblydegook, is list what educational objectives are taught at each grade level. It does not tell teachers what content to teach or how to teach it. It simply says by the end of Grade 2, for instance, students will be able to do this, this and this in English language arts and math. It emphasizes higher level thinking skills and introducing students to those habits of questioning and "thinking outside the box" even before they are old enough master complex thought themselves.
It would have been helpful to kids whose parents move across state lines so the states were consistent in grade level competencies, and a kid who had successfully passed Grade 7 in Georgia, for instance, would be ready for Grade 8 in Minnesota if they moved there.
It does not tell states or local governments what texts to use or what methods to use. It is approved or not at the state level. It is not a federal dictate.
What am I missing that is so objectionable?

It's a disaster

Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Get lost, cupcake. Federal common core is kaput and thank God for that

Leftists are anti-education, no doubt about it Sassy! Once vouchers are introduced, that mighty teachers union, is going to fold like a house of cards-) Also, can you IMAGINE how many conservative parents are going to enjoy sending their kids to private schools, while helping collapse the biggest leftist union known to America, lol. My daughter is chomping at the bit for this, and I wholeheartedly agree.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™

DeVos said, ā€œIt wonā€™t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potentialā€ in each child, and continued:

It wonā€™t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isnā€™t bigger government. The answer is local control. Itā€™s listening to parents and itā€™s giving more choices. And if Iā€™m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his ā€œmost important decisions,ā€ and that DeVos was one of the ā€œtop education reformers in our nation, someoneā€¦who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,ā€ he said.

Trump added his administrationā€™s ā€œreform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.ā€

He continued that all children should be ā€œable to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.ā€

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ā€˜Finally Put an End to Federal Common Coreā€™ - Breitbart
I'll believe it when it actually happens. I wish it was gone. I hate that shit.

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