Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts


Mueller is still dragging on this Trump Russia hoax?
Sounds like a whole lot of nothing again.

Does it? In my experience, Presidents don't threaten to initiate a Constitutional crisis over "nothing".
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
They only own Congress.

They do? Weird... how much money did they give to the majority party?
They contribute to both parties as they are all billionaires and can afford to do so.

They do? Fascinating. You sure? How much? Equally?
Look it up's on a thing called the Internet.

Unlike you, I am not too lazy to look it up. So I did. It appears you pulled it out of your ass.
Sounds like a whole lot of nothing again.

Does it? In my experience, Presidents don't threaten to initiate a Constitutional crisis over "nothing".
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
No actually I am as I understand it only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause according to special counsel regulations. So if Trump can't Mueller there is no constitutional crisis take your own advice in regards to paying attention.
I doubt there's anything to this.

I know some of the players involved, and I would be utterly shocked if this was anything more than a commercial transaction.

Simply put, Trump was a pariah on Wall Street because they considered him a liar and a cheat (surprise, surprise) for his prior dealings, so nobody would lend to him. DB was trying to get a foothold in the American market, so they lent to those who had bad credit. They charged through the nose for their capital, so there was a price, but Trump wasn't the only person with bad credit to whom they lent. He also paid them back.

I talked to his former banker before the election. He told me that Trump wasn't "as crazy as he seems," and that he was a very hard-working guy. He also said he had no friends in the true meaning of the word, which you've heard others echo in the press. He maintained a relationship with Trump at least until recently.

You are missing big chunk of the story about HOW he paid DB back when they came knocking. (Russian money laundry)
Why did Kushner bother to take a loan when all he had to do was sell another 20% of our uranium?
You are truly know that is not true..know it..and yet you continue---zero respect for a deliberate liar.

Look sock girl, if you had a fucking shred of decency you would have to run dozens of sock account so please stuff a fucking sock in it
Whatever the fuck that means...ignorant, inbred liar. You are that lowest of creature..a deliberate liar who sells the shreds of his honor just to make a political point on a Msg. board. Pathetic toilet scum.

Sock boy lecturing about honor breaks the irony meter.
Gotta admit..not really sure what a sock is..I'm guessing a dummy account? Anyway..any admin can vouch for my IP..not that it we have established that you will lie at the drop of a hat..any remarks from you..can only amuse.
This nothing burger is getting juicer and tastier everyday.
Yeah, it tastes like freshly scorched Democrat pork loin, lol expert on the taste of Democratic loins, are you? Who'd have thunk it!
I am only saying what I have heard of from other Dems...tastes like chicken they say,
Lol..weak..very weak. is OK..if you wish to remain in the your choice.
And it was all a lie. No subpoena, no request, nothing. It was a total lie.

Just breaking.
So how is it then I wonder the bank is cooperating? LOL

Because they did receive a subpoena, and Trump's lawyer did what all of Trump's lawyers always do: he lied.
Cause you handed to them right? LOL

No, because banks don't hand over information about clients without a subpoena. In fact, it would be illegal to do so. Pay attention!
Some international banks are international and not american and some people lie
This nothing burger is getting juicer and tastier everyday.
Yeah, it tastes like freshly scorched Democrat pork loin, lol expert on the taste of Democratic loins, are you? Who'd have thunk it!
I am only saying what I have heard of from other Dems...tastes like chicken they say,
Lol..weak..very weak. is OK..if you wish to remain in the your choice.
There’s nothing private
Trump is guilty of Obstruction of collusion! Putin! Deutsche Bank! Something!!

Will you think it a joke when both the President and Vice President are impeached? I will think it is hilarious!

The WH lawyers lied about there not being a subpoena to Deutsche Bank....again. And you Trumpettes just gobbled it up like candy. May I ask you:


The deranged fucktards are out in force...

yes, you are. but luckily the normal people get to show you for the losers you are.
FACT.. Duetchse Bank has not been served with anything and they deny that they have received anything. Mueller states he has not served anything as it would be outside the scope of his investigation. Whom to believe... The unnamed source or those who know? YOU LOSE..!

They have not denied anything. They and Mueller made NO COMMENT. The story has been substantiated by multiple sources. Quality news agencies don't print something like that without multiple sources. YOU NEED TO LEARN!

Sounds like a whole lot of nothing again.

Does it? In my experience, Presidents don't threaten to initiate a Constitutional crisis over "nothing".
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
No actually I am as I understand it only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause according to special counsel regulations. So if Trump can't Mueller there is no constitutional crisis take your own advice in regards to paying attention.
Of course, the President can sack Mueller in a number of ways. Even attempting it would be the beginning of the end of his Presidency, though.
And it was all a lie. No subpoena, no request, nothing. It was a total lie.

Just breaking.
So how is it then I wonder the bank is cooperating? LOL

Because they did receive a subpoena, and Trump's lawyer did what all of Trump's lawyers always do: he lied.
Cause you handed to them right? LOL

No, because banks don't hand over information about clients without a subpoena. In fact, it would be illegal to do so. Pay attention!
Some international banks are international and not american and some people lie

Like Deutsch Bank, which just incurred huge fine for laundering Russian money.
Sounds like a whole lot of nothing again.

Does it? In my experience, Presidents don't threaten to initiate a Constitutional crisis over "nothing".
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
No actually I am as I understand it only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause according to special counsel regulations. So if Trump can't Mueller there is no constitutional crisis take your own advice in regards to paying attention.
Of course, the President can sack Mueller in a number of ways. Even attempting it would be the beginning of the end of his Presidency, though.
None of which have been attempted so there is no constitutional crisis and what someone hypothetical could do does not constitute one.
Does it? In my experience, Presidents don't threaten to initiate a Constitutional crisis over "nothing".
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
No actually I am as I understand it only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause according to special counsel regulations. So if Trump can't Mueller there is no constitutional crisis take your own advice in regards to paying attention.
Of course, the President can sack Mueller in a number of ways. Even attempting it would be the beginning of the end of his Presidency, though.
None of which have been attempted so there is no constitutional crisis and what someone hypothetical could do does not constitute one.

I didnt say there was a constitutional crisis. I am saying that Trump threatened to initiate one, should Mueller look into his family's finances.

Don't look now...but that is exactly what Mueller is doing.
I have not heard anything about a Constitutional crisis much like I have not seen or heard this investigation come up with anything on Russian interference during the election or Russian collusion which is supposed to be what it was empowered to do.

Then you are not paying attention. Trump specifically drew a red line at Mueller looking into his family finances, and his firing of Mueller would intiate a constitutional crisis. Pay attention!
No actually I am as I understand it only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause according to special counsel regulations. So if Trump can't Mueller there is no constitutional crisis take your own advice in regards to paying attention.
Of course, the President can sack Mueller in a number of ways. Even attempting it would be the beginning of the end of his Presidency, though.
None of which have been attempted so there is no constitutional crisis and what someone hypothetical could do does not constitute one.

I didnt say there was a constitutional crisis. I am saying that Trump threatened to initiate one, should Mueller look into his family's finances.

Don't look now...but that is exactly what Mueller is doing.
And yet nothing has happened which goes back to my orginal point of this being a whole lot of nothing. In fact this seems to be going the way all these special prosecutor investigatons dating back to Clinton go when you can't find what you were orginally empowered to look for look into anything and everything to try and justify the time and money being used on it.

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