Detroit Lions Got Jobbed

The Lions should never have made it a one call game. I get tired of excuses for losing, especially the refs. If you are the best team, refs don't change the outcome, you are a champion, overcome adversity.

That said, Green Bay should win next weekend.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.
I give the win to Dallas in the Ice bowl. Aaron Rodgers health is iffy and Romo's offense is better with Dez Byrant, Terrence Willams and Demarco Murray.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

So true. I often realize how fast we go from so excited to calm after a big win or loss. We were all jumping around watching the MSU bowl game. They win last minute, we were all excited, then it was like "now what?".

Now what? Look forward to next year.

P.S. I won $20 when the Lions lost. I wish I wouldn't have won. But how much would I actually pay for a Lions playoff win? I'd pay $40 to go see a home game so maybe I would pay $60 to guarantee a Lions win. But no more than that.

I wonder how much those refs, Christie and the Mob had on that game.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

So true. I often realize how fast we go from so excited to calm after a big win or loss. We were all jumping around watching the MSU bowl game. They win last minute, we were all excited, then it was like "now what?".

Now what? Look forward to next year.

P.S. I won $20 when the Lions lost. I wish I wouldn't have won. But how much would I actually pay for a Lions playoff win? I'd pay $40 to go see a home game so maybe I would pay $60 to guarantee a Lions win. But no more than that.

I wonder how much those refs, Christie and the Mob had on that game.
I really could give a shit who won, I am not a fan of either really. I just like poking at Lion fans butthurting over the refs.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

yeah but football might as well not exist if the refs are going to make such asinine bullshit calls and cave into the hometown crowd.

That was the worst non call in NFL history.Its right up there with the bullshit tuck rule non call in the raiders/patriots game as the worst non call in playoff history.that was a game changer.

I am so sick of the refs being afraid of getting out of the stadium alive for making a call that favors the home team. had that raiders game been in oakland,no way would the refs have not made the right call and call it a fumble.same here,had that game been in detriot,no way on hell do they pick up that flag and say it wasnt pass interference. i guantee you,one ref said to the other-dude if you dont pick up the flag,we'll never get out of here alive.

so they got scared and reversed the call the chickenshit refs.
I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

So true. I often realize how fast we go from so excited to calm after a big win or loss. We were all jumping around watching the MSU bowl game. They win last minute, we were all excited, then it was like "now what?".

Now what? Look forward to next year.

P.S. I won $20 when the Lions lost. I wish I wouldn't have won. But how much would I actually pay for a Lions playoff win? I'd pay $40 to go see a home game so maybe I would pay $60 to guarantee a Lions win. But no more than that.

I wonder how much those refs, Christie and the Mob had on that game.
I really could give a shit who won, I am not a fan of either really. I just like poking at Lion fans butthurting over the refs.

I myself arent a Lions fan.

I admit I hate the cowgirls and could accept this loss had they won fairly but just like the raiders/pats game,the cowgirls were given this game to them cause the refs were a bunch of chickenshits who were afraid they would not get out of dallas alive if they made the correct call on pass interference so they picked the flag up like the cowards they are.

those refs should all be fired after this game but they wont be.worst non call since the bullshit tuck rule in the pats/raiders game. just like in that case,the refs were afraid they would not get out alive if they made the right call.asshole cowards. man i sure hope green bay wins.
I also am officially a packers fans this weekend after that bullshit non pass interference call by the hometown refs giving them that game.

the cowboys are americas team and the refs wanted them to advance to the playoffs.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

yeah but football might as well not exist if the refs are going to make such asinine bullshit calls and cave into the hometown crowd.

That was the worst non call in NFL history.Its right up there with the bullshit tuck rule non call in the raiders/patriots game as the worst non call in playoff history.that was a game changer.

I am so sick of the refs being afraid of getting out of the stadium alive for making a call that favors the home team. had that raiders game been in oakland,no way would the refs have not made the right call and call it a fumble.same here,had that game been in detriot,no way on hell do they pick up that flag and say it wasnt pass interference. i guantee you,one ref said to the other-dude if you dont pick up the flag,we'll never get out of here alive.

so they got scared and reversed the call the chickenshit refs.

The did the research and it turns out most of the time the refs make "safe" calls. Not accurate calls but "safe" calls.

Perhaps the guy didn't want that flag to cost Dallas the game so he picked it up. The Lions should have been able to challenge that. Show the refs what EVERYONE is going to see on Sportscenter and ask them if they are SURE they want to pick up that flag?
I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

yeah but football might as well not exist if the refs are going to make such asinine bullshit calls and cave into the hometown crowd.

That was the worst non call in NFL history.Its right up there with the bullshit tuck rule non call in the raiders/patriots game as the worst non call in playoff history.that was a game changer.

I am so sick of the refs being afraid of getting out of the stadium alive for making a call that favors the home team. had that raiders game been in oakland,no way would the refs have not made the right call and call it a fumble.same here,had that game been in detriot,no way on hell do they pick up that flag and say it wasnt pass interference. i guantee you,one ref said to the other-dude if you dont pick up the flag,we'll never get out of here alive.

so they got scared and reversed the call the chickenshit refs.

The did the research and it turns out most of the time the refs make "safe" calls. Not accurate calls but "safe" calls.

Perhaps the guy didn't want that flag to cost Dallas the game so he picked it up. The Lions should have been able to challenge that. Show the refs what EVERYONE is going to see on Sportscenter and ask them if they are SURE they want to pick up that flag?
they might have been afraid of losing a timeout is my guess why they didnt challenge it.Im sure they are well aware how refs are afraid of hometown crowds.they probably remembered that bullshit tuck rule call in the pats/raiders game in boston when they refused to make the correct call that brady fumbled the ball i am guessing.

i mean its so obvious they were afraid to make the right call they initially called correct.
1/11/2015 - Gameday: Packers vs Cowboys at LAMBEAU FIELD

34 - 17, Green Bay Packers.
Last edited:
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

^^^^^^ Serious need of a moral compass! Right is right and wrong is cheating. If that's how you play then screw ya. Sure it's a game. So what? Go to Vegas and play like that and you get your legs broken. I don't even care who wins yesterday but cheating, lying and stealing just totally rubs me the wrong way. The NFL rep with the broadcast team was flabbergasted by what happened.

If winning by cheating is OK with you then of course you are a POS. If YOU need to win so badly that you lose your sense of fair play then ...well Buddy I feel sorry for you.
I've never before seen a flag picked up like that. Blatant pass interference. And they picked up the flag? :wtf:Changed the game entirely. the Lions were driving, they would have won that game. and what the hell is fat boy Chris Christie doing in Dallas all the time?

I said the same thing and my dad said that's not Chris Christie. LOL. Sure looks like him.

Yes, the Lions got hosed. The NFL wants Dallas in the Playoffs. They want Romo to be a star. This was a fix just like the NBA had with that Donnahey guy in 2005. FIX!

I thought I'd seen every possible way for the Same Old Lions to blow a game but this one was out of their control.

Luckily I had a $20 bet against the Lions. I soooo wanted to lose the bet!!! But I didn't so the Lions loss is my gain. They weren't going to beat Seattle or GB anyways next week.

Better luck next year boys. We better keep A Dominant Sue. lol
So the NFL knew Romo would throw a pinpoint pass with two minutes to go? They had more confidence then I did.

I am so sick of people who worship Romo. He sucks. He got so lucky yesterday. With a little luck from the refs of course.

The sad thing is, the Lions did enough to beat the Cowboys yesterday. Trust me, if the Lions sucked we'd be the first to admit it. In fact we're starting to talk about all the missed opportunities instead of just the bad calls. It'll take a few days to get over the bad calls but us Detroit fans are the first to say SAME OLD LIONS. But this wasn't the same old Lions. This was a new way of losing. The league cheating us. It's not just in Detroit. All over the country people are calling FOUL and wondering if this is like the NBA in 2005. Something doesn't smell right. Anyways, no way Romo wins the next game and to be honest, Detroit wouldn't have won either. But I/we so wanted 1 playoff win. Unfortunately Dallas is America's team. Did they once cut to the Lions owner Ford? Nope. They kept showing Christie and Jerry. Oh, and if that isn't more evidence of a fix. Christie is from Jersey. The Sopranos? Those refs cheated. I can't believe they were so obvious. Had they just not thrown the flag we wouldn't be having this conversation. But they threw it and picked it up.
^^^^serious need of a tissue. Dude its just football.

^^^^^^ Serious need of a moral compass! Right is right and wrong is cheating. If that's how you play then screw ya. Sure it's a game. So what? Go to Vegas and play like that and you get your legs broken. I don't even care who wins yesterday but cheating, lying and stealing just totally rubs me the wrong way. The NFL rep with the broadcast team was flabbergasted by what happened.

If winning by cheating is OK with you then of course you are a POS. If YOU need to win so badly that you lose your sense of fair play then ...well Buddy I feel sorry for you.
Has the Leage said anything about this call? I haven't been able to find anything.

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