Detroit is DEAD and Al Qaeda is ALIVE

“Well, they’re talking about bailing out Detroit and almost everybody in America except for the Democrats in power, and those in Detroit are against it. I’m sorry. Bail out Detroit,” Glenn asked. “Haven’t we already done the bailout for Detroit? We bailed out GM. And where is GM in the top five employers?”

“Back in 1955, though, they were number one, the biggest employer in America,” Pat interjected.

Scary Stats: How are the top U.S. employers of 1955 doing today? ? Glenn Beck
He saved Detroit the auto industry, dingbat. Detroit and AlQaeda won't be fixed until the Pub Great World recession is over- and Pubs are doing great at blocking that. Thanks for turning 100 AQ criminals into a huge jihadist movement, GOP.
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He saved Detroit the auto industry, dingbat. Detroit and AlQaeda won't be fixed until the Pub Great World recession is over- and Pubs are doing great at blocking that. Thanks for turning 100 AQ criminals into a huge jihadist movement, GOP.

Holy toledo even for you this post is fucked up :lol:

I swear you could find a way to mangle a simple phrase like "do you want fries with that?"
AQ has more employees than the whole city of Detroit, and that's just in Yemen!
Well, Rott, you finally said something I can be in total accordance with. :lol:

Detroit is dead, Al Qaeda is alive.

It's a good line, thrown right back in Biden's face. Outstanding.
He saved Detroit the auto industry, dingbat. Detroit and AlQaeda won't be fixed until the Pub Great World recession is over- and Pubs are doing great at blocking that. Thanks for turning 100 AQ criminals into a huge jihadist movement, GOP.

The facts say otherwise buffoon. The Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit and they created the great world recession which is about to collapse the U.S. now.

Watching you have a hissy over the facts is comical.
So much for Obama's bumper stickers! Obama always claims victory in defeat. But the sad reality is, GM is on desperate life support despite the unconstitutional infusion of billions in tax payer dollars, Detroit is dead, and Al Qaeda is causing the Obama Administration to run away like cowards:

U.S. Closes 22 Embassies

GM on Life Support

Detroit is Dead
I think Obama may stumbled on a way to defeat Al-Qaeda for good give them a bailout.
He saved Detroit the auto industry, dingbat. Detroit and AlQaeda won't be fixed until the Pub Great World recession is over- and Pubs are doing great at blocking that. Thanks for turning 100 AQ criminals into a huge jihadist movement, GOP.

You know, your crap propaganda gets old......freaking commie.

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