Detroit, After Decades of Liberal Leadership, Too Dangerous To Enter


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Last Tuesday I spoke to the Murrieta Calvary Christian School Independent Study Program group, and after the speech, I was asked to talk with the high school parents regarding teaching the Constitution to their kids. Of the questions, the one that gained the most interest was when a mom asked about the number of Executive Orders. "Isn't there supposed to be a limit?"

She had bought into the premise that the President can issue Executive Orders for any reason, including modifying law, or creating law.

The use of Executive Orders goes all the way back to George Washington. The Thanksgiving Proclamation was an Executive Order. The President is allowed to use Executive Orders, and he can issue as many as he pleases.

The Executive Order is not in the Constitution, so the parameters regarding the use of the executive tool must be thought about carefully. Historically, we know that Executive Orders have traditionally been used to issue proclamations, change rules within the Executive Branch, and affect law. Proclamations are not legally binding, and are merely things proclaimed by the President. Citizens are not legally required to follow Proclamations. When President Washington issued the Thanksgiving Proclamation, America citizens were not required under penalty to celebrate Thanksgiving. The National Day of Prayer, also created through a proclamation, holds no authority of law requiring you to pray on that day.

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Detroit Police; Enter Detroit at your own risk

by Jonn Lilyea

Fox News reports that the Detroit police greeted fans at the Tigers game with handbills that warned them to stay out of Detroit;

As they poured into Comerica Park, fans were given the fliers reading: “Attention: Enter Detroit at Your Own Risk.” It warned that Detroit is America’s most violent city and that the city’s police force is grossly understaffed.

“We’re not discouraging people from coming, I love the city, I want them to realize we don’t have enough man hours,” police union president Joe Duncan told the station. “I don’t think the city is going
to get same officer 8 hours a day as you do for 12 hours a day.”
Detroit Police; Enter Detroit at your own risk

by Jonn Lilyea

Fox News reports that the Detroit police greeted fans at the Tigers game with handbills that warned them to stay out of Detroit;

As they poured into Comerica Park, fans were given the fliers reading: “Attention: Enter Detroit at Your Own Risk.” It warned that Detroit is America’s most violent city and that the city’s police force is grossly understaffed.

“We’re not discouraging people from coming, I love the city, I want them to realize we don’t have enough man hours,” police union president Joe Duncan told the station. “I don’t think the city is going
to get same officer 8 hours a day as you do for 12 hours a day.”

In the first place, those fliers were handed out by off-duty members of the Police union, the Detroit Police Officer's Association, which is involved in a contract dispute with the city over pay and hours.

And, why is there a dispute? Well...let's see, shall we?

Detroit has been plagued by a falling population and the outsourcing of its industrial base for decades, which naturally has resulted in a radical fall off of tax revenue. There hasn't been much the city government could do to combat that. In any case, the city was for all intents and purposes...bankrupt.

Enter the state. Michigan is the only state which has a law which allows the state to literally take over city governments if they're non-functional or about to go belly up. The state threatened to do that to Detroit, but they came to a mutual agreement not to at this time PROVIDED that the city institute some serious budget cutting. The agreement is called the Financial Stability Agreement, signed last April. It's more commonly called the Consent Agreement.

Anyhow, among the things the state mandated the city do was cut police pay by 10% and require them to work 12 hour shifts. Hence the labor problems. Moreover, that state law (Public Act 4) has been temporarily suspended pending a vote by the people of Michigan in the upcoming election. The DPOA's position is that the wage cuts and long hours can't be enforced at this time because of the pending referendum. A Wayne County Circuit Judge ruled against their position last month. In the meantime, the state Employment Relations Commission ordered the city to freeze the cops pay and working conditions until they decide whether or not arbitration is required. That's still pending.

So..what you have here is a union action designed to put public pressure on the city and the state government, whose threat to take over the city precipitated the whole thing and whose Employment Relations Commission has aggravated.

Now...let's take a look at the state government, shall we?

The Governor is a Republican. The LT.Governor is a Republican. The Senate is comprised of 26 Republican's and 12 Democrats, while the House is made up of 64 Republican's and 46 Democrats.

In other words, it is the REPUBLICAN state government which created this crisis in the first place! have the gall to blame "liberals."
So based on history one would not have to comply with an executive order. Perhaps in should be challenged all the way to the supreme court and see what happens
I remember watching Robo Cop years ago....
I bet it's 10x worse then the movie.
If only our resident Libs here can splain to the rest of us how this might have happened....
I can't wait for their response.
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Last Tuesday I spoke to the Murrieta Calvary Christian School Independent Study Program group, and after the speech, I was asked to talk with the high school parents regarding teaching the Constitution to their kids. Of the questions, the one that gained the most interest was when a mom asked about the number of Executive Orders. "Isn't there supposed to be a limit?"

She had bought into the premise that the President can issue Executive Orders for any reason, including modifying law, or creating law.

The use of Executive Orders goes all the way back to George Washington. The Thanksgiving Proclamation was an Executive Order. The President is allowed to use Executive Orders, and he can issue as many as he pleases.

The Executive Order is not in the Constitution, so the parameters regarding the use of the executive tool must be thought about carefully. Historically, we know that Executive Orders have traditionally been used to issue proclamations, change rules within the Executive Branch, and affect law. Proclamations are not legally binding, and are merely things proclaimed by the President. Citizens are not legally required to follow Proclamations. When President Washington issued the Thanksgiving Proclamation, America citizens were not required under penalty to celebrate Thanksgiving. The National Day of Prayer, also created through a proclamation, holds no authority of law requiring you to pray on that day.

More great stuff at Political Pistachio


Why is this the first post in a thread about Detroit?

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