Despite Mueller handing 45 a gift of no collusion and 45's crony watering it down, there is a catch

I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

How many rapists and killers go free until they are caught. A lot.
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

It won’t last. The worlds going to come crashing down. They already have multiple felonies against Trump. Is soon as he leaves office he’s going to be hit with indictments.

2025 is a long way off ! Don't cry yourself to sleep every night waiting !
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

How many rapists and killers go free until they are caught. A lot.
I didn't realize the Mueller investigation was about Rapists and Killers. Apparently he didn't know either. I'm sure he would have found some private citizens guilty of it.
It was fine for Trump to boast that he was found innocent on collusion but again, he went to far. "I have been totally exonerated..." No he was not He just was not found guilty.. Barr even used the same word "it does not exonerate him."

He could be happy all night but he had to give the liberals a bone. As soon as he said it, I just shook my head.

As far as I know both Barr and Rosenstein (doing their jobs) concluded that "“the evidence is not sufficient” to charge Trump with obstruction of justice but Barr did include Mueller's (doing his job) quote dithering on the topic in his report.

OJ was Exonerated. Exonerated "to be absolved from blame" Not guilty "to be exonerated". Don't try to twist words. Dems love to twist words. The problem is you believe your own lies.
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.
All the top Intelligence and Security executives under both Obama & Trump agree with this:

was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy.

Wrong....but keep up with those fantasies. There are russian boogeymen in your yard looking in your windows.
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

Mods, please move this to the satire section.

The Mueller report was completed by professionals not comedians.
Indeed it was. Will trumpanzees now apologize for all the rude things they said about Mueller over the last two years?

If you were being investigated by this bunch of liberal Hate mongers and hand picked leftist lawyers, when you had done nothing wrong you would probably say some things about them too. There never was any there, there! and now we all know it. Only the Left won't accept the results! Anything that doesn't turn out their way has to be illegal. They keep swinging for the fences and striking out! Pitiful really.
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.


Who is that?

IMO, Obama was a Manchurian candidate. :meow:
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.
All the top Intelligence and Security executives under both Obama & Trump agree with this:

was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy.

Wrong....but keep up with those fantasies. There are russian boogeymen in your yard looking in your windows.

They Look like Hillary and Obama, Comey is the Look out man!
Not ONE Trump cult far....addressed the O/P...

No wonder Trump stated that he loves the poorly educated.......LMAO

Both Barr and Rosenstein went over the report.
And guess what?
Based on Mueller's report, decided NOT TO pursue Obstruction.
Get it Toady?
That’s not Barr’s decision to make namecaller.

From someone who shows such a smug and ignorant answer, you have a lot of unwarranted self-confidence.

Making that decision belongs to Congress. See Bill Clinton, see Richard Nixon.
But it is Rosensteins \decision.
Not ONE Trump cult far....addressed the O/P...

No wonder Trump stated that he loves the poorly educated.......LMAO
The Trump conservatives hated Mueller (a Republican) before today.
Now they love him.

It’s not how well you do your job, it’s about the outcome (favorable or not).
Or, it’s about who you know and whether you kiss the boss’s ASS. Just ask Trump’s kids!
So republicans were able to change their minds
And were democrats able to change theirs?
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.


Who is that?

IMO, Obama was a Manchurian candidate. :meow:

Birther Nation: Alive and Well
It appears 45 and his team of unAmerican degenerates are having their victory party against America and the civilized part of humanity. This atrocity thinking Mueller let Americans down at siding with a Russian puppet, claiming there is no evidence of a collusion or conspiracy against democracy perpetrated by 45 and his fellow goons? Well despite 45's hand picked crony Barr conspiring against society at obstructing its ability to see the entire un tempered with report, could backfire on him in a way I don't think Barr would find it worth destroying his career Over. This as a result of accommodating a demonstrated felonious criminal against the law and humanity. Yet it appears this latest conspiracy to obstruct justice within the 45 circle of sedition will not have much of a affect on how justice will continue to evolve against this monstrous 45 and crony created scandal against society. Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics


I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.

How many rapists and killers go free until they are caught. A lot.

Some never get caught. Bill and Hillary are touring the world.

B. Clinton got caught for obstruction (lying about said blow job) and a blow job, Hillary apparently did nothing wrong, no one including her got indicted after 6 years!!

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