The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Disclaimer: I did not steal, hack, or fraudulently obtain, and was not provided by any authorized or unauthorized person the below classified photo of Paul Manafort at The Ecuador Embassy, and therefore I am not libel for posting it on the USMB.

Not shocked that Mueller, already with a history of bungling and prosecutorial misconduct, and Weismann nearly losing his law license over the same would plant a strange and completely unable to be corroborated story that Manafort secretly met with Assange at The Ecuador Embassy three times, so that they could provide more cover for even more Jack Booted Nazi Thug Tactics in their Gestapo Campaign to go after anything "Trump"

It's not like Mueller has an Axe to grind with Trump after The President threw him out of the White House for begging him for The FBI Job after his friend Comey got fired. Talk about being bitch slapped? I think Trump used both hands and smacked Rosenstein and Mueller simultaneously.

I have a feeling after the taxpayers are done flushing over 40 million dollars down the drain on a witch hunt, that this isn't going to end well for Mueller and Weismann.

We should all have a "COME ON MAN!!" ....moment over this desperate stunt.

SO...WAIT... Mueller is trying to tell us that the most Surveilled and Videotaped Embassy and building in the ENTIRE GLOBE has not even one picture of Manafort sneaking in to The Ecuador Embassy? And this is why he pulled Manafort's Plea deal?

Was Manfort in disguise? Maybe this is him.....


Did Someone Plant a Story Tying Paul Manafort to Julian Assange?

Luke Harding and Dan Collyns, the reporters behind the Guardian story, do not name their sources, although they claim to have multiple, and they write that they have seen an internal document from Ecuador’s intelligence service listing “Paul Manaford [sic]” as a visitor to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Manafort, for his part, has called the Guardian’s report “totally false and deliberately libelous.” And White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “Certainly I remain confident in the White House’s assertion that the president was involved in no wrongdoing, was not involved in any collusion.”

While the immediate reaction to the story was a collective “Wow!”, it is fair to take a step back and remain wary. Rather than being the bombshell smoking gun that directly connects the Trump campaign to WikiLeaks, perhaps the report is something else entirely: a disinformation campaign. Is it possible someone planted this story as a means to discredit the journalists?

Me: Naw it's much more insidious than that. It is Mueller The DeFacto Illegitimate head of The FBI planting news stories to justify future actions, just like The FBI planted stories about THE RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA purchased by Clinton and Obama to use as justification to Goose Step their way in to a FISA COURT, give their Nazi Salute to the FISA Judge and be granted an Unconstitutional Wire Tapping Warrant on a rival presidential candidate so they could Cheat their way, lie their way, buy their way and SPY THEIR WAY to THE WHITE HOUSE!

No wonder they call him Obama Bin Spying.

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Assange-Manafort fabricated story is a plot to extradite WikiLeaks founder – Max Blumenthal

The author of the report, Luke Harding, based his claim on "sources" and a document "written by Ecuador's Senain intelligence agency and seen by the Guardian," which the newspaper didn't publish.

Investigative journalist Max Blumenthal asks why they didn't provide actual "evidence from the visitor logs of the Ecuadorian Embassy which are closely watched."

"Why not show CCTV? London is the most heavily surveilled places on Earth. Why not show that? Why rely on a single Ecuadorian source who appears to be an Ecuadorian intelligence source with the MI6 on the other hand of the line and the US on the other?" he said in a comment to RT.

He believes that it is a fabrication of a story to lay the case for the arrest and extradition of Julian Assange "by tying him to a figure who is hatching out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, by tying him to the Russiagate scandal in the US."

Blumenthal noted that this story was being met with more skepticism than usual – "even in official circles in Washington"– and that "it might have failed."

However, he added, "once the allegation is made, the damage is done."
It's so easy to nail this one "fake news" and very believable that this story was planted.

"The diplomat, who now lives in the UK, pointed out that one has to jump through legal hoops to get to Assange, which is impossible to do without leaving a trace in the embassy’s log or other documents.

“It is impossible for any visitor to enter the embassy without going through very strict protocols and leaving a clear record: obtaining written approval from the ambassador, registering with security personnel, and leaving a copy of ID,” Narváez stressed.

It’s inconceivable that someone could have sneaked into the embassy unnoticed considering it is “the most surveilled on Earth,” he pointed out, noting that “not only are there cameras positioned on neighboring buildings recording every visitor, but inside the building every movement is recorded with CCTV cameras, 24/7.”

‘Fake story’: Ecuadorean diplomat blasts Guardian’s Assange-Manafort meeting report
It's so easy to nail this one "fake news" and very believable that this story was planted.

"The diplomat, who now lives in the UK, pointed out that one has to jump through legal hoops to get to Assange, which is impossible to do without leaving a trace in the embassy’s log or other documents.

“It is impossible for any visitor to enter the embassy without going through very strict protocols and leaving a clear record: obtaining written approval from the ambassador, registering with security personnel, and leaving a copy of ID,” Narváez stressed.

It’s inconceivable that someone could have sneaked into the embassy unnoticed considering it is “the most surveilled on Earth,” he pointed out, noting that “not only are there cameras positioned on neighboring buildings recording every visitor, but inside the building every movement is recorded with CCTV cameras, 24/7.”

‘Fake story’: Ecuadorean diplomat blasts Guardian’s Assange-Manafort meeting report

So in other words, not only is the illegitimate Mueller a disreputable and untrustworthy creep, he's a liar, a bully, and a law breaker who abuses his authority, and breaks the law, and just flat out plants propaganda as cover for his next unethical move.
It's so easy to nail this one "fake news" and very believable that this story was planted.

"The diplomat, who now lives in the UK, pointed out that one has to jump through legal hoops to get to Assange, which is impossible to do without leaving a trace in the embassy’s log or other documents.

“It is impossible for any visitor to enter the embassy without going through very strict protocols and leaving a clear record: obtaining written approval from the ambassador, registering with security personnel, and leaving a copy of ID,” Narváez stressed.

It’s inconceivable that someone could have sneaked into the embassy unnoticed considering it is “the most surveilled on Earth,” he pointed out, noting that “not only are there cameras positioned on neighboring buildings recording every visitor, but inside the building every movement is recorded with CCTV cameras, 24/7.”

‘Fake story’: Ecuadorean diplomat blasts Guardian’s Assange-Manafort meeting report

So in other words, not only is the illegitimate Mueller a disreputable and untrustworthy creep, he's a liar, a bully, and a law breaker who abuses his authority, and breaks the law, and just flat out plants propaganda as cover for his next unethical move.

So in other imagine that Mueller planted the story with no evidence. And then condemn Mueller based on your imagination.

How is that different than all your *other* batshit Mueller conspiracies?

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