Desperate hillary


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
NEW: State Department Tells Court it Should Reject Hillary Clinton’s Desperate Appeal to Avoid Test

Still on conspiracy theories after, what..6..7 investigations? Hey..why don't you ask Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy how that worked out for him.....oh..wait..nevermind.
NEW: State Department Tells Court it Should Reject Hillary Clinton’s Desperate Appeal to Avoid Test

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Hillary Clinton Can't Duck Out of Benghazi Testimony by Citing Official Privilege, State Dept. Says

"In a devastating move, the State Department has joined with Judicial Watch in claiming that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cannot dodge a court-ordered deposition in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack." This FOIA request uncovered Clinton's insecure private home-brew server in 2015.

On March 2, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted Judicial Watch's request to depose Clinton and her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, in the search for more Benghazi documents. Specifically, Judicial Watch was given the green light to probe Clinton on whether or not she used a private email server to evade FOIA. On March 13, lawyers for Clinton and Mills filed a writ of mandamus, claiming that the former secretary of State could refuse the deposition due to her previous government office. State, represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers, filed a brief arguing against the mandamus claim on Monday.

"Pursuant to this Court’s Order of March 20, 2020, the Department of State respectfully submits this response to the petition for a writ of mandamus. The government did not seek and thus does not support the extraordinary relief of mandamus due to the unique circumstances of this case," the brief states.

The DOJ brief does not defend the deposition orders, but it does insist that mandamus is not applicable in this case."

In essence, the U. S. State Department officially stated that Hillary Clinton's claim of being exempt from giving testimony due to having served in office as Secretary of State is not valid and that the claim should be dismissed / rejected. You can bet that the Clinton's host of lawyers will file another motion consisting of a different argument for her not testifying / being deposed under oath.

Despite all of the spinning and denial by Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes, Hillary Clinton and her close associates/team broke numerous laws - the FBI, to include the Director of the FBI, publicly stated this.

All personal servers must be authorized, encrypted, secured, and the set-up inspected and approved before use - none of this was the case with Hillary's server.

Unclassified / For Official Use Only / Classified information must legally be separated and kept on 2 separate servers - her server contained both Unclass and Class information.

Once her time as Secretary of State was up and she left office, she was 'read out of' higher-than TOP SECRET programs (Special Compartmentalized programs) that included a signed document making it clear she was never to possess any information regarding these programs or speak of them again....yet files / information about several of these programs were found on her personal server.

Huma Abedin was found to have downloaded EVER Hillary e-mail (classified and unclassified e-mail and file) onto her personal home laptop, which was not authorized / encrypted - the same home laptop that rested on her husband's naked junk as he sexted under-aged girls.

The FBI publicly exposed that they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to delete (Obstruction), documents that also revealed criminal violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act each, as none of the documents had been turned over to the State Department for archival mandated by law.

Then FBI Director James Comey publicly declared Hillary Clinton had indeed broken laws but based HIS decision not to recommend indictment (which was not his job) based on the defense that ignorance of the law, in Hillary's case, was an acceptable defense for not prosecuting.)

** President Obama attempted to lie to the country by telling the media he did not find out about Hillary's illegal server until the news reported it....yet investigations revealed Obama had been e-mailing Hillary's private server for months while using an alias.

The State Department distanced themselves during the early non-investigation of Hillary (exposed by the US IG) by confirming all of the official subpoenaed documents found by the FBI on her server had NOT been turned over to the State Department for archival.

Now the State Depart6ment, dragged back into her scandal again, has told a federal judge that her having served previously as Secretary of State is not justification enough to exempt her from finally having to be deposed under oath (something the FBI admitted they never did).

As stated, don't expect Hillary and her army of lawyers to roll-over, accept this, and comply.

Hillary Clinton Can't Duck Out of Benghazi Testimony by Citing Official Privilege, State Dept. Says

"In a devastating move, the State Department has joined with Judicial Watch in claiming that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cannot dodge a court-ordered deposition in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack." This FOIA request uncovered Clinton's insecure private home-brew server in 2015.

On March 2, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted Judicial Watch's request to depose Clinton and her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, in the search for more Benghazi documents. Specifically, Judicial Watch was given the green light to probe Clinton on whether or not she used a private email server to evade FOIA. On March 13, lawyers for Clinton and Mills filed a writ of mandamus, claiming that the former secretary of State could refuse the deposition due to her previous government office. State, represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers, filed a brief arguing against the mandamus claim on Monday.

"Pursuant to this Court’s Order of March 20, 2020, the Department of State respectfully submits this response to the petition for a writ of mandamus. The government did not seek and thus does not support the extraordinary relief of mandamus due to the unique circumstances of this case," the brief states.

The DOJ brief does not defend the deposition orders, but it does insist that mandamus is not applicable in this case."

In essence, the U. S. State Department officially stated that Hillary Clinton's claim of being exempt from giving testimony due to having served in office as Secretary of State is not valid and that the claim should be dismissed / rejected. You can bet that the Clinton's host of lawyers will file another motion consisting of a different argument for her not testifying / being deposed under oath.

Despite all of the spinning and denial by Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes, Hillary Clinton and her close associates/team broke numerous laws - the FBI, to include the Director of the FBI, publicly stated this.

All personal servers must be authorized, encrypted, secured, and the set-up inspected and approved before use - none of this was the case with Hillary's server.

Unclassified / For Official Use Only / Classified information must legally be separated and kept on 2 separate servers - her server contained both Unclass and Class information.

Once her time as Secretary of State was up and she left office, she was 'read out of' higher-than TOP SECRET programs (Special Compartmentalized programs) that included a signed document making it clear she was never to possess any information regarding these programs or speak of them again....yet files / information about several of these programs were found on her personal server.

Huma Abedin was found to have downloaded EVER Hillary e-mail (classified and unclassified e-mail and file) onto her personal home laptop, which was not authorized / encrypted - the same home laptop that rested on her husband's naked junk as he sexted under-aged girls.

The FBI publicly exposed that they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to delete (Obstruction), documents that also revealed criminal violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act each, as none of the documents had been turned over to the State Department for archival mandated by law.

Then FBI Director James Comey publicly declared Hillary Clinton had indeed broken laws but based HIS decision not to recommend indictment (which was not his job) based on the defense that ignorance of the law, in Hillary's case, was an acceptable defense for not prosecuting.)

** President Obama attempted to lie to the country by telling the media he did not find out about Hillary's illegal server until the news reported it....yet investigations revealed Obama had been e-mailing Hillary's private server for months while using an alias.

The State Department distanced themselves during the early non-investigation of Hillary (exposed by the US IG) by confirming all of the official subpoenaed documents found by the FBI on her server had NOT been turned over to the State Department for archival.

Now the State Depart6ment, dragged back into her scandal again, has told a federal judge that her having served previously as Secretary of State is not justification enough to exempt her from finally having to be deposed under oath (something the FBI admitted they never did).

As stated, don't expect Hillary and her army of lawyers to roll-over, accept this, and comply.
Hillary cannot even claim ignorance of the law as she had to sign papers before starting saying she both understood and agreed to it under threat of prosecution.
Still on conspiracy theories after, what..6..7 investigations? Hey..why don't you ask Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy how that worked out for him.....oh..wait..nevermind.

Gowdy got then FBI Director Comey to admit that just about everything Hillary said before Congress was a lie - straight out of the transcripts:

Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true?

That's not true.

Secretary Clinton said "I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material." That is true?

There was classified information emailed.

Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true?

She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.

Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned.

Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

There's no doubt that the work related emails were removed electronically from the email system.

Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?


Hillary is a proven, lying, f*ing criminal, just as James Comey has been proven to be, but on that day he threw her under the bus. Hillary was NOT under oath before Congress when she lied her ass of, but Comey was and he knew his ass would fry if he lied under oath.
Hillary cannot even claim ignorance of the law as she had to sign papers before starting saying she both understood and agreed to it under threat of prosecution.
Agreed. Her signature is on every initial security briefing document and every re-occurring security clearance security document, as well as on TS-SCI indoctrination and 'read-out' documents. She knew she was breaking laws to maintain her own personal stash of classified but didn't give a damn. Despite Comey knowing ignorance is not an acceptible defense for someone breaking the law, he cited it as a perfectly acceptable defense for Hillary not being indicted.
Billions have been spent over the decades to destroy Hillary for everything from jaywalking to high treason and nothing. Her political career is dead, no one gives a shit anymore and still these assholes are beating the same dead horse while Hillary laughs in your stupid conspiracy theory believing faces.
Billions have been spent over the decades to destroy Hillary for everything from jaywalking to high treason and nothing. Her political career is dead, no one gives a shit anymore and still these assholes are beating the same dead horse while Hillary laughs in your stupid conspiracy theory believing faces.
The law does not state that crimes / indictment should not be pursued once a politician's career is over......

'Equal Justice' means just that.

Had any no-named civilian committed the crimes Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, etc... committed they would be in prison by now...but you believe these self-appointed elitist rulers should be treated differently, that they should be allowed to get away with their crimes if they are no longer positions of power? REALLY?
Hillary cannot even claim ignorance of the law as she had to sign papers before starting saying she both understood and agreed to it under threat of prosecution.
Agreed. Her signature is on every initial security briefing document and every re-occurring security clearance security document, as well as on TS-SCI indoctrination and 'read-out' documents. She knew she was breaking laws to maintain her own personal stash of classified but didn't give a damn. Despite Comey knowing ignorance is not an acceptible defense for someone breaking the law, he cited it as a perfectly acceptable defense for Hillary not being indicted.
More than that, it was HILLARY'S job to see to it that others followed the law, her job was to safeguard the security of American Intel, and the fact that she kept all that info on a private server in a closet and rushed to erase 30,000 documents and wipe the drive proves she not only knew she was breaking the law but was doing something illegal with it.

And it was Lynch not Comey who had authority to say whether something was prosecutable or not.
Judicial Watch has been suing the Clinton’s for over two decades now, but *this time* they are going to down. lol. One would think after a generation some of you would realize you’re being lead around by your noses from this organization, but apparently not. I’m sure the next lawsuit they file will do trick, so don’t forget to donate.
NEW: State Department Tells Court it Should Reject Hillary Clinton’s Desperate Appeal to Avoid Test

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She'll never be president now!!
Judicial Watch has been suing the Clinton’s for over two decades now, but *this time* they are going to down. lol. One would think after a generation some of you would realize you’re being lead around by your noses from this organization, but apparently not. I’m sure the next lawsuit they file will do trick, so don’t forget to donate.
Judicial Watch has made hundreds of millions from this.....if Hillary actually goes to jail -- who else will make them as much money??
Judicial Watch has been suing the Clinton’s for over two decades now, but *this time* they are going to down. lol. One would think after a generation some of you would realize you’re being lead around by your noses from this organization, but apparently not. I’m sure the next lawsuit they file will do trick, so don’t forget to donate.

Judicial Watch has been a watch dog that has drug a LOT of facts / truth buried in numerous politicians' and agencies' basements / filing cabinets for decades.

It's why the FOIA exists as a law. The FBI proved Hillary had violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act THOUSANDS of times EACH by refusing to turn over those official documents for archival. Comey admitted she had done so when asked about it under oath by Trey Gowdy.

Anyone actually think President Trump would be treated the exact same way Hillary was if it was discovered he had his own personal server, broke / violated numerous laws thousands of times attempting to avoid transparency, etc....?

Bwuhahahahaha.....HELL NO! TDS-suffering Democrats and snowflakes would be calling for his march in handcuffs down the street to the WH to be Impeached then arrested on the steps of the WH.

Way to go, Judicial Watch....shining the light on criminal cockroaches for decades.
Billions have been spent over the decades to destroy Hillary for everything from jaywalking to high treason and nothing. Her political career is dead, no one gives a shit anymore and still these assholes are beating the same dead horse while Hillary laughs in your stupid conspiracy theory believing faces.

We will rest when she hangs from a rope which she deserves.

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