DeSantis Signs Law To End Squatters' Scam


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Thank You, Governor and future President, Ron DeSantis.

Thank you for looking out for the People that make this Country work, the People that pay taxes, the people that get up every morning and go to work, pay their taxes, support their familes and follow the rules.

I wish all polticians would follow suit. But we know many won't. Especially the dems.

The law has real teeth too though I would have preferred there be no misdemeanor for some leftist to plea down to.

  • A first-degree misdemeanor for making a false statement in writing to obtain real property or for knowingly and willfully presenting a falsified document conveying property rights
  • A second-degree felony for any person who unlawfully occupies or trespasses in a residential dwelling and who intentionally causes $1,000 or more in damages; and
  • A first-degree felony for knowingly advertising the sale or rent of a residential property without legal authority or ownership.

DeSantis is FANTASTIC.


Go Ron!

Looking out for his constituents!
America. Don't let democrats gaslight you.

Democrats are the ones who came up with these laws to attack American home owners.

Democrats = WEF
Beat you to it. Oh well, Great Minds and all that.

In other nooze, DeSantis just accepted the surrender of the Wokesters and pedos at DEIsney.

The media will lie and claim that DEIsney won. It is a lie. A complete and total lie. A FUCKING lie. But, that's all the disgusting filth has ever done anyway.

The Tampa Free Press describes this settlement more accurately.

Remember, before the Reedy Creek Improvement District was dissolved, the corrupt Disney pawns controlling it quickly passed "rules" declaring that Disney owned the area forever and ever and no act of the state could ever, ever disturb this perpetual ownership.

Disney now admits that those new "rules" were bullshit.

Florida's Voice @FLVoiceNews
#BREAKING: DeSantis defeats Disney in court again, lawsuits to be dropped under settlement
The last-minute, far-reaching agreements that gave Disney broad power over their previous self-governing district are declared "null and void" under the agreement

Disney has withdrawn its lawsuits against the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District and acknowledges that the development agreement made at the last minute is invalid and unenforceable. ...
"As usual, the media were wrong," said Florida Governor DeSantis' Communications Director Bryan Griffin Wednesday.
"Today's settlement also includes acknowledgement from Disney that the last-minute Development Agreement is "null and void... hav[ing] no legal effect or enforceability" and stipulates the same to other similar restrictive covenants and comprehensive plan amendments made prior to CFTOD," said Griffin.

In exchange, the current government of the region agrees that it won't continue suing Disney for its corrupt skulduggery.

AP thinks this is a win for Disney.

Bob Iger is spinning his allies in the media, because the proxy vote which may seal his fate is being held on April 3. He needs his allies and shills to continue painting him as the ultimate winner, even after he takes legal loss upon financial disaster.

P.S. dimocraps are scum
And we must ask ourselves why do squatters have rights over homeowners? Anyway a 90-pound woman in a wheelchair will eat the shit out of several 200-pound men in shape in a TV show or movie. When the collapse occurs, it is just if the police state males protect the women that counts.
Because (D)'s
Americans need to wake up to the fact that democrats have brought these laws in the first place as an intentional attack on Americans.

If a Russian was squatting in Ukraine, would democrats pass laws to protect the Russian? No they wouldn't.

These laws are an intentional attack

Democrats = WEF

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